Util |
AdsBuilder | Populates a data object from configuration settings. |
AdsHeaderHandler | Handles how HTTP and SOAP headers are set for ads API requests. |
AdsServiceDescriptor | Provides metadata about an ads API service. |
AdsServices | Entry point for accessing an ads API's services. |
AdsSession | A session for using an ads API. |
AdsUtilityRegistryInterface | Stores and registers usage of ads utilities. |
GuzzleHttpClientFactory | Generates a Guzzle HTTP client. |
GuzzleLogMessageFormatterProvider | Provides a Guzzle log message formatter. |
SoapLogMessageFormatterProvider | Provides a SOAP log message formatter. |
AdsGuzzleHttpClientFactory | Creates a Guzzle HTTP client for making non-SOAP HTTP calls, e.g., report download for AdWords and Dfp by pushing the logging middleware to the handler stacks of all generated clients. |
AdsGuzzleProxyHttpHandler | Creates a Guzzle HTTP handler that passes proxy information when invoked. |
AdsHeaderFormatter | Provides methods related to formatting HTTP and SOAP headers for ads APIs. |
AdsLoggerFactory | Creates loggers configured for this library. |
AdsSoapClient | Prepares and logs SOAP requests and responses for ads APIs. |
AdsSoapClientFactory | Creates SOAP clients that interface with ads APIs. These SOAP clients extend `AdsSoapClient`. For example, the Ad Manager `LineItemService` or the AdWords `CampaignService`. |
AdsUtility | Utilities whose usage can be logged. |
AdsUtilityRegistry | Stores and registers usage of ads utilities. |
Configuration | Holds and helps retrieve configuration data loaded from an *.ini file. |
ConfigurationLoader | Loads settings from *.ini files into configuration objects. |
ConnectionSettings | Settings for making SOAP and non-SOAP connections to the API servers. |
ConnectionSettingsBuilder | Builds connection settings. |
GuzzleLogMessageFormatter | Stores and formats logging information about a single Guzzle API call. |
GuzzleLogMessageHandler | Defines how logging is done for HTTP calls made to non-SOAP ads API endpoints. |
LibraryMetadataProvider | Provides information about this library, such as its version and name. |
OAuth2TokenBuilder | Builds OAuth2 access token fetchers. |
SoapLogMessageFormatter | Stores and formats logging information about a single ads SOAP API call. |
SoapSettings | Settings for how requests should be made to the ads SOAP APIs. These settings are passed to the native PHP SOAP client. |
SoapSettingsBuilder | Builds SOAP settings. |