



AdsBuilder Populates a data object from configuration settings.
AdsHeaderHandler Handles how HTTP and SOAP headers are set for ads API requests.
AdsServiceDescriptor Provides metadata about an ads API service.
AdsServices Entry point for accessing an ads API's services.
AdsSession A session for using an ads API.
AdsUtilityRegistryInterface Stores and registers usage of ads utilities.
GuzzleHttpClientFactory Generates a Guzzle HTTP client.
GuzzleLogMessageFormatterProvider Provides a Guzzle log message formatter.
SoapLogMessageFormatterProvider Provides a SOAP log message formatter.


AdsGuzzleHttpClientFactory Creates a Guzzle HTTP client for making non-SOAP HTTP calls, e.g., report download for AdWords and Dfp by pushing the logging middleware to the handler stacks of all generated clients.
AdsGuzzleProxyHttpHandler Creates a Guzzle HTTP handler that passes proxy information when invoked.
AdsHeaderFormatter Provides methods related to formatting HTTP and SOAP headers for ads APIs.
AdsLoggerFactory Creates loggers configured for this library.
AdsSoapClient Prepares and logs SOAP requests and responses for ads APIs.
AdsSoapClientFactory Creates SOAP clients that interface with ads APIs. These SOAP clients extend `AdsSoapClient`. For example, the Ad Manager `LineItemService` or the AdWords `CampaignService`.
AdsUtility Utilities whose usage can be logged.
AdsUtilityRegistry Stores and registers usage of ads utilities.
Configuration Holds and helps retrieve configuration data loaded from an *.ini file.
ConfigurationLoader Loads settings from *.ini files into configuration objects.
ConnectionSettings Settings for making SOAP and non-SOAP connections to the API servers.
ConnectionSettingsBuilder Builds connection settings.
GuzzleLogMessageFormatter Stores and formats logging information about a single Guzzle API call.
GuzzleLogMessageHandler Defines how logging is done for HTTP calls made to non-SOAP ads API endpoints.
LibraryMetadataProvider Provides information about this library, such as its version and name.
OAuth2TokenBuilder Builds OAuth2 access token fetchers.
SoapLogMessageFormatter Stores and formats logging information about a single ads SOAP API call.
SoapSettings Settings for how requests should be made to the ads SOAP APIs. These settings are passed to the native PHP SOAP client.
SoapSettingsBuilder Builds SOAP settings.