Google | |
Api | |
Ads | |
AdManager | |
Examples | |
CSharp | |
OAuth | |
ConsoleExample | This code example shows how to run an Ad Manager API command line application while incorporating the OAuth2 installed application flow into your application. If your application uses a single Google login to make calls to all your accounts, you shouldn't use this code example. Instead, you should run Common\Util\OAuth2TokenGenerator.cs to generate a refresh token and set that in user.Config.OAuth2RefreshToken field, or set OAuth2RefreshToken key in your App.config / Web.config |
Default | Code-behind class for Default.aspx. |
OAuthLogin | Login and callback page for handling OAuth2 authentication. |
v202402 | |
CreateActivityGroups | This code example creates new activity groups. To determine which activity groups exist, run GetAllActivityGroups.cs. |
GetActiveActivityGroups | This example gets all active activity groups. |
GetAllActivityGroups | This example gets all activity groups. |
UpdateActivityGroups | This code example updates activity groups by adding a company. To determine which activity groups exist, run GetAllActivityGroups.cs. |
CreateActivities | This code example creates new activities. To determine which activities exist, run GetAllActivities.cs. |
GetActiveActivities | This example gets all active activities. |
GetAllActivities | This example gets all activities. |
UpdateActivities | This code example updates activity expected URLs. To determine which activities exist, run GetAllActivities.cs. |
CreateTrafficAdjustments | This example creates a new Forecast Adjustment of 110% for New Years Day Traffic. |
CreateTrafficForecastSegments | This example creates a traffic forecast segment for all ad units in the United States." |
GetAllForecastAdjustments | This example gets all forecast adjustments. |
GetAllTrafficForecastSegments | This example gets all traffic forecast segments. |
GetForecastAdjustmentsForTrafficForecastSegment | This example gets all forecast adjustments for a given traffic forecast segment. |
UpdateForecastAdjustments | This example updates a Forecast Adjustment's name. |
CreateAudienceSegments | This code example creates new rule based first party audience segments. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. |
GetAllAudienceSegments | This example gets all audience segments. |
GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments | This example gets all first party audience segments. |
PopulateFirstPartyAudienceSegments | This code example populates a specific rule base first party audience segment. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. |
UpdateAudienceSegments | This code example updates a first party audience segment's member expiration days. To determine which first party audience segments exist, run GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments.cs. |
CreateCdnConfigurations | This code example creates new CDN configurations. |
GetAllCdnConfigurations | This example gets all CDN configurations. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | This example activates all CMS metadata values for the given key. |
GetAllCmsMetadataKeys | This example gets all CMS metadata keys. |
GetAllCmsMetadataValues | This example gets all CMS metadata values. |
GetCmsMetadataValuesForKey | This example gets all CMS metadata values. |
CreateCompanies | This code example creates new companies. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. |
GetAdvertisers | This example gets all companies that are advertisers. |
GetAllCompanies | This example gets all companies. |
UpdateCompanies | This code example updates company comments. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. |
CreateContacts | This code example creates new contacts. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. |
GetAllContacts | This example gets all contacts. |
GetUninvitedContacts | This example gets all contacts that aren't invited yet. |
UpdateContacts | This code example updates contact addresses. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. |
GetAllContent | This example gets all content. |
GetRecentlyModifiedContent | This example gets recently modified content. |
CopyImageCreatives | This code example creates a copy of an image creative. This would typically be done to reuse creatives in a small business network. To determine which creatives exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateCreativeFromTemplate | This code example creates a new template creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. To determine which creative templates exist, run GetAllCreativeTemplates.cs. |
CreateCreatives | This code example creates new image creatives for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateCustomCreative | This code example creates a custom creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateNativeCreative | This code example creates a new native creative. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateVideoCreative | This code example creates a new video creative for a given advertiser. |
GetAllCreatives | This example gets all creatives. |
GetImageCreatives | This example gets all image creatives. |
UpdateCreatives | This code example updates image creatives. To create an image creative, run CreateCreatives.cs. |
GetAllCreativeSets | This example gets all creative sets. |
GetCreativeSetsForMasterCreative | This example gets all creative sets for a master creative. |
GetAllCreativeTemplates | This example gets all creative templates. |
GetSystemDefinedCreativeTemplates | This example gets all system defined creative templates. |
CreateCreativeWrappers | This code example creates a new creative wrapper. Creative wrappers must be associated with a LabelType.CREATIVE_WRAPPER label and applied to ad units by AdUnit.appliedLabels. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. |
DeActivateCreativeWrappers | This code example deactivates all creative wrappers belonging to a label. |
GetActiveCreativeWrappers | This example gets all active creative wrappers. |
GetAllCreativeWrappers | This example gets all creative wrappers. |
UpdateCreativeWrappers | This code example updates a creative wrapper to the 'OUTER' wrapping order. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. |
CreateCustomFieldOptions | This code example creates custom field options for a drop-down custom field. Once created, custom field options can be found under the options fields of the drop-down custom field and they cannot be deleted. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
CreateCustomFields | This code example creates custom fields. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
DeactivateCustomFields | This code example deactivates a custom field. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
GetAllCustomFields | This example gets all custom fields. |
GetCustomFieldsForLineItems | This example gets all custom fields that can be applied to line items. |
SetLineItemCustomFieldValue | This code example sets custom field values on a line item. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. To create custom field options, run CreateCustomFieldOptions.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
UpdateCustomFields | This code example updates custom field descriptions. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
CreateCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This code example creates new custom targeting keys and values. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. To target these custom targeting keys and values, run TargetCustomCriteria.cs. |
GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This example gets all custom targeting values. |
GetPredefinedCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This example gets predefined custom targeting keys and values. |
UpdateCustomTargetingKeys | This code example updates the display name of each custom targeting key up to the first 500. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
UpdateCustomTargetingValues | This code example updates the display name of custom targeting values. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
GetAvailabilityForecast | This code example gets a forecast for a prospective line item. |
GetAvailabilityForecastById | This code example gets a forecast for an existing line item. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
GetDeliveryForecastByIds | This code example gets a delivery forecast for existing line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
GetTrafficData | This example gets run-of-network traffic for the previous and next 7 days. |
CreateAdUnits | This code example creates new ad units under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAdUnitTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
CreateVideoAdUnit | This code example creates a new video ad unit under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetInventoryTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
DeActivateAdUnits | This code example deactivates all active ad units. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs or GetInventoryTree.cs. |
GetAdUnitsByStatement | This code example gets all child ad units of the effective root ad unit. To create an ad unit, run CreateAdUnits.cs. |
GetAllAdUnits | This example gets all ad units. |
GetAllAdUnitSizes | This example gets all ad unit sizes. |
GetInventoryTree | This code example retrieves a previously created ad units and creates a tree. |
UpdateAdUnits | This code example updates an ad unit's sizes by adding a banner ad size. |
CreateLabels | This code example creates new labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
DeactivateActiveLabels | This code example deactivates all active labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
GetActiveLabels | This example gets all active labels. |
GetAllLabels | This example gets all labels. |
UpdateLabels | This code example updates a label's description. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
ActivateLicas | This code example activates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
CreateLicas | This code example creates new line item creative associations (LICAs) for an existing line item and a set of creative ids. For small business networks, the creative ids must represent new or copied creatives as creatives cannot be used for more than one line item. For premium solution networks, the creative ids can represent any creative. To copy creatives, run CopyImageCreatives.cs. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicasExample.cs. |
DeactivateLicas | This code example deactivates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
GetAllLicas | This example gets all line item creative associations. |
GetLicasForLineItem | This example gets all line item creative associations for a given line item. |
PushCreativeToDevices | This code example pushes a LICA to a linked device for preview. To determine which linked devices exist, use the PublisherQueryLanguageService linked_device table. |
UpdateLicas | This code example updates the destination URL of a LICA. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
ActivateLineItem | This code example activates all line items for the given order. To be activated, line items need to be in the approved (needs creatives) state and have at least one creative associated with them. To approve line items, approve the order to which they belong by running ApproveOrders.cs. To create LICAs, run CreateLicas.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItem.cs. |
CreateLineItems | This code example creates new line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. To determine the IDs for locations, run GetGeoTargets.cs |
CreateVideoLineItem | This code example creates a new line item to serve to video content. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To create a video ad unit, run CreateVideoAdUnit.cs. To determine which content metadata key hierarchies exist, run GetAllContentMetadataKeyHierarchies.cs. |
GetAllLineItems | This example gets all line items. |
GetLineItemsThatNeedCreatives | This example gets all line items that are missing creatives. |
GetRecentlyUpdatedLineItems | This example gets only recently updated line items. |
TargetCustomCriteria | This code example updates a line item to add custom criteria targeting. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
UpdateLineItems | This code example updates the delivery rate of a line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
CreateNativeStyles | This code example creates a new native style. |
GetAllNativeStyles | This example gets all native styles. |
GetAllNetworks | This example gets all networks. |
GetCurrentNetwork | This code example gets the current network that you can make requests against. |
GetDefaultThirdPartyDataDeclaration | This code example gets the current network's default third party data declaration. |
MakeTestNetwork | This code example creates a test network. You do not need to have an Ad Manager account to run this example, but you do need to have a new Google account (created at that is not associated with any other Ad Manager networks (including old sandbox networks). Once this network is created, you can supply the network code in your settings to make calls to other services |
ApproveOrder | This code example approves an order and all line items belonging to that order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
CreateOrders | This code example creates new orders. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
GetAllOrders | This example gets all orders. |
GetOrdersStartingSoon | This example gets all orders that are starting soon. |
UpdateOrders | This code example updates the note of an order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
CreatePlacements | This code example creates new placements for various ad unit sizes. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. |
DeactivatePlacement | This code example deactivates a placement. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. |
GetActivePlacements | This example gets all active placements. |
GetAllPlacements | This example gets all placements. |
UpdatePlacements | This code example updates the description of a placement. |
ArchiveProposalLineItem | This code example archives a proposal line item. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItem.cs. |
CreateProposalLineItems | This example creates a new proposal line item. |
GetAllProposalLineItems | This example gets all proposal line items. |
GetProposalLineItemsForProposal | This example gets all proposal line items belonging to a specific proposal. |
UpdateProposalLineItems | This code example updates a proposal line item's notes. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItems.cs. |
CreateProposals | This example creates a proposal. |
GetAllProposals | This example gets all proposals. |
GetMarketplaceComments | This example gets the Marketplace comments for a programmatic proposal. |
GetProposalsAwaitingSellerReivew | This example gets all proposals awaiting seller review. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | This example sends programmatic proposals to Marketplace to request buyer acceptance. |
UpdateProposals | This code example updates the note of an proposal. To determine which proposals exist, run GetAllProposals.cs. |
FetchMatchTables | This code example fetches and creates match table files from the Line_Item and Ad_Unit tables. This example may take a while to run. |
GetAllLineItemsUsingPql | This code example gets all line items in your network using the Line_Item table. This code example may take a while to run. The Line_Item PQL table schema can be found here: |
GetAllProgrammaticBuyers | This example gets all programmatic buyers in your network using the Programmatic_Buyer table. |
GetGeoTargets | This code example gets geographic criteria from the Geo_Target table, such as all cities available to target. Other types include 'Country', 'Region', 'State', 'Postal_Code', and 'DMA_Region' (i.e. Metro). A full list of available geo target types can be found at |
GetLineItemsNamedLike | This code example gets all line items which have a name beginning with "line item". This code example may take a while to run. |
GetMcmEarnings | This example gets Multiple Customer Management earning information for the prior month. |
GetRecentChanges | This example gets recent changes in your network using the Change_History table |
RunDeliveryReport | This code example runs a report similar to the "Orders report" in the Ad Manager UI with additional attributes and can filter to include just one order. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunInventoryReport | This code example runs a report equal to the "Whole network report" in the Ad Manager UI. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReachReport | This code example runs a reach report. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReachReportWithAdUnitDimensions | This code example runs a reach report with ad unit dimensions. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReportWithCustomFields | This code example runs a report that includes custom fields found in the line items of an order. To download the report see DownloadReport.cs |
RunSavedQuery | This code example runs a report from a saved query. |
CreateSites | This code example creates new sites. |
GetAllSites | This example gets all sites. |
GetSitesRequiringApproval | This example gets sites under Multiple Customer Management requiring review. |
SubmitSiteForApproval | This example submits a site for approval. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | This code example approves all suggested ad units with 50 or more requests. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
GetAllSuggestedAdUnits | This example gets all suggested ad units. |
GetHighlyRequestedSuggestedAdUnits | This example gets all highly requested suggested ad units. |
GetAllTargetingPresets | This example gets all targeting presets. |
CreateTeams | This code example creates new teams. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. |
GetAllTeams | This example gets all teams. |
UpdateTeams | This code example updates a team by adding an ad unit to it. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
CreateUsers | This code example creates new users. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
DeactivateUser | This code example deactivates a user. Deactivated users can no longer make requests to the API. The user making the request cannot deactivate itself. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
GetAllRoles | This example gets all roles. |
GetAllUsers | This example gets all users. |
GetCurrentUser | This code example gets current user. To create users, run CreateUsers.cs. |
GetUserByEmailAddress | This example gets users by email. |
UpdateUsers | This code example updates a user by adding "Sr." to the end of its name. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
CreateUserTeamAssociations | This code example adds a user to a team by creating an association between the two. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociation | This code example removes the user from all its teams. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
GetAllUserTeamAssociations | This example gets all user team associations. |
GetUserTeamAssociationsForUser | This example gets all user team associations (i.e. teams) for a given user. |
UpdateUserTeamAssociations | This code example updates user team associations by setting the overridden access type to read only for all teams that the user belongs to. To determine which users exists, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
v202405 | |
CreateTrafficAdjustments | This example creates a new Forecast Adjustment of 110% for New Years Day Traffic. |
CreateTrafficForecastSegments | This example creates a traffic forecast segment for all ad units in the United States." |
GetAllForecastAdjustments | This example gets all forecast adjustments. |
GetAllTrafficForecastSegments | This example gets all traffic forecast segments. |
GetForecastAdjustmentsForTrafficForecastSegment | This example gets all forecast adjustments for a given traffic forecast segment. |
UpdateForecastAdjustments | This example updates a Forecast Adjustment's name. |
CreateAudienceSegments | This code example creates new rule based first party audience segments. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. |
GetAllAudienceSegments | This example gets all audience segments. |
GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments | This example gets all first party audience segments. |
PopulateFirstPartyAudienceSegments | This code example populates a specific rule base first party audience segment. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. |
UpdateAudienceSegments | This code example updates a first party audience segment's member expiration days. To determine which first party audience segments exist, run GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments.cs. |
CreateCdnConfigurations | This code example creates new CDN configurations. |
GetAllCdnConfigurations | This example gets all CDN configurations. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | This example activates all CMS metadata values for the given key. |
GetAllCmsMetadataKeys | This example gets all CMS metadata keys. |
GetAllCmsMetadataValues | This example gets all CMS metadata values. |
GetCmsMetadataValuesForKey | This example gets all CMS metadata values. |
CreateCompanies | This code example creates new companies. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. |
GetAdvertisers | This example gets all companies that are advertisers. |
GetAllCompanies | This example gets all companies. |
UpdateCompanies | This code example updates company comments. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. |
CreateContacts | This code example creates new contacts. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. |
GetAllContacts | This example gets all contacts. |
GetUninvitedContacts | This example gets all contacts that aren't invited yet. |
UpdateContacts | This code example updates contact addresses. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. |
GetAllContent | This example gets all content. |
GetRecentlyModifiedContent | This example gets recently modified content. |
CopyImageCreatives | This code example creates a copy of an image creative. This would typically be done to reuse creatives in a small business network. To determine which creatives exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateCreativeFromTemplate | This code example creates a new template creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. To determine which creative templates exist, run GetAllCreativeTemplates.cs. |
CreateCreatives | This code example creates new image creatives for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateCustomCreative | This code example creates a custom creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateNativeCreative | This code example creates a new native creative. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateVideoCreative | This code example creates a new video creative for a given advertiser. |
GetAllCreatives | This example gets all creatives. |
GetImageCreatives | This example gets all image creatives. |
UpdateCreatives | This code example updates image creatives. To create an image creative, run CreateCreatives.cs. |
GetAllCreativeSets | This example gets all creative sets. |
GetCreativeSetsForMasterCreative | This example gets all creative sets for a master creative. |
GetAllCreativeTemplates | This example gets all creative templates. |
GetSystemDefinedCreativeTemplates | This example gets all system defined creative templates. |
CreateCreativeWrappers | This code example creates a new creative wrapper. Creative wrappers must be associated with a LabelType.CREATIVE_WRAPPER label and applied to ad units by AdUnit.appliedLabels. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. |
DeActivateCreativeWrappers | This code example deactivates all creative wrappers belonging to a label. |
GetActiveCreativeWrappers | This example gets all active creative wrappers. |
GetAllCreativeWrappers | This example gets all creative wrappers. |
UpdateCreativeWrappers | This code example updates a creative wrapper to the 'OUTER' wrapping order. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. |
CreateCustomFieldOptions | This code example creates custom field options for a drop-down custom field. Once created, custom field options can be found under the options fields of the drop-down custom field and they cannot be deleted. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
CreateCustomFields | This code example creates custom fields. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
DeactivateCustomFields | This code example deactivates a custom field. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
GetAllCustomFields | This example gets all custom fields. |
GetCustomFieldsForLineItems | This example gets all custom fields that can be applied to line items. |
SetLineItemCustomFieldValue | This code example sets custom field values on a line item. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. To create custom field options, run CreateCustomFieldOptions.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
UpdateCustomFields | This code example updates custom field descriptions. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
CreateCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This code example creates new custom targeting keys and values. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. To target these custom targeting keys and values, run TargetCustomCriteria.cs. |
GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This example gets all custom targeting values. |
GetPredefinedCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This example gets predefined custom targeting keys and values. |
UpdateCustomTargetingKeys | This code example updates the display name of each custom targeting key up to the first 500. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
UpdateCustomTargetingValues | This code example updates the display name of custom targeting values. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
GetAvailabilityForecast | This code example gets a forecast for a prospective line item. |
GetAvailabilityForecastById | This code example gets a forecast for an existing line item. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
GetDeliveryForecastByIds | This code example gets a delivery forecast for existing line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
GetTrafficData | This example gets run-of-network traffic for the previous and next 7 days. |
CreateAdUnits | This code example creates new ad units under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAdUnitTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
CreateVideoAdUnit | This code example creates a new video ad unit under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetInventoryTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
DeActivateAdUnits | This code example deactivates all active ad units. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs or GetInventoryTree.cs. |
GetAdUnitsByStatement | This code example gets all child ad units of the effective root ad unit. To create an ad unit, run CreateAdUnits.cs. |
GetAllAdUnits | This example gets all ad units. |
GetAllAdUnitSizes | This example gets all ad unit sizes. |
GetInventoryTree | This code example retrieves a previously created ad units and creates a tree. |
UpdateAdUnits | This code example updates an ad unit's sizes by adding a banner ad size. |
CreateLabels | This code example creates new labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
DeactivateActiveLabels | This code example deactivates all active labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
GetActiveLabels | This example gets all active labels. |
GetAllLabels | This example gets all labels. |
UpdateLabels | This code example updates a label's description. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
ActivateLicas | This code example activates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
CreateLicas | This code example creates new line item creative associations (LICAs) for an existing line item and a set of creative ids. For small business networks, the creative ids must represent new or copied creatives as creatives cannot be used for more than one line item. For premium solution networks, the creative ids can represent any creative. To copy creatives, run CopyImageCreatives.cs. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicasExample.cs. |
DeactivateLicas | This code example deactivates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
GetAllLicas | This example gets all line item creative associations. |
GetLicasForLineItem | This example gets all line item creative associations for a given line item. |
PushCreativeToDevices | This code example pushes a LICA to a linked device for preview. To determine which linked devices exist, use the PublisherQueryLanguageService linked_device table. |
UpdateLicas | This code example updates the destination URL of a LICA. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
ActivateLineItem | This code example activates all line items for the given order. To be activated, line items need to be in the approved (needs creatives) state and have at least one creative associated with them. To approve line items, approve the order to which they belong by running ApproveOrders.cs. To create LICAs, run CreateLicas.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItem.cs. |
CreateLineItems | This code example creates new line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. To determine the IDs for locations, run GetGeoTargets.cs |
CreateVideoLineItem | This code example creates a new line item to serve to video content. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To create a video ad unit, run CreateVideoAdUnit.cs. To determine which content metadata key hierarchies exist, run GetAllContentMetadataKeyHierarchies.cs. |
GetAllLineItems | This example gets all line items. |
GetLineItemsThatNeedCreatives | This example gets all line items that are missing creatives. |
GetRecentlyUpdatedLineItems | This example gets only recently updated line items. |
TargetCustomCriteria | This code example updates a line item to add custom criteria targeting. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
UpdateLineItems | This code example updates the delivery rate of a line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
CreateNativeStyles | This code example creates a new native style. |
GetAllNativeStyles | This example gets all native styles. |
GetAllNetworks | This example gets all networks. |
GetCurrentNetwork | This code example gets the current network that you can make requests against. |
GetDefaultThirdPartyDataDeclaration | This code example gets the current network's default third party data declaration. |
MakeTestNetwork | This code example creates a test network. You do not need to have an Ad Manager account to run this example, but you do need to have a new Google account (created at that is not associated with any other Ad Manager networks (including old sandbox networks). Once this network is created, you can supply the network code in your settings to make calls to other services |
ApproveOrder | This code example approves an order and all line items belonging to that order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
CreateOrders | This code example creates new orders. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
GetAllOrders | This example gets all orders. |
GetOrdersStartingSoon | This example gets all orders that are starting soon. |
UpdateOrders | This code example updates the note of an order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
CreatePlacements | This code example creates new placements for various ad unit sizes. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. |
DeactivatePlacement | This code example deactivates a placement. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. |
GetActivePlacements | This example gets all active placements. |
GetAllPlacements | This example gets all placements. |
UpdatePlacements | This code example updates the description of a placement. |
ArchiveProposalLineItem | This code example archives a proposal line item. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItem.cs. |
CreateProposalLineItems | This example creates a new proposal line item. |
GetAllProposalLineItems | This example gets all proposal line items. |
GetProposalLineItemsForProposal | This example gets all proposal line items belonging to a specific proposal. |
UpdateProposalLineItems | This code example updates a proposal line item's notes. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItems.cs. |
CreateProposals | This example creates a proposal. |
GetAllProposals | This example gets all proposals. |
GetMarketplaceComments | This example gets the Marketplace comments for a programmatic proposal. |
GetProposalsAwaitingSellerReivew | This example gets all proposals awaiting seller review. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | This example sends programmatic proposals to Marketplace to request buyer acceptance. |
UpdateProposals | This code example updates the note of an proposal. To determine which proposals exist, run GetAllProposals.cs. |
FetchMatchTables | This code example fetches and creates match table files from the Line_Item and Ad_Unit tables. This example may take a while to run. |
GetAllLineItemsUsingPql | This code example gets all line items in your network using the Line_Item table. This code example may take a while to run. The Line_Item PQL table schema can be found here: |
GetAllProgrammaticBuyers | This example gets all programmatic buyers in your network using the Programmatic_Buyer table. |
GetGeoTargets | This code example gets geographic criteria from the Geo_Target table, such as all cities available to target. Other types include 'Country', 'Region', 'State', 'Postal_Code', and 'DMA_Region' (i.e. Metro). A full list of available geo target types can be found at |
GetLineItemsNamedLike | This code example gets all line items which have a name beginning with "line item". This code example may take a while to run. |
GetMcmEarnings | This example gets Multiple Customer Management earning information for the prior month. |
GetRecentChanges | This example gets recent changes in your network using the Change_History table |
RunDeliveryReport | This code example runs a report similar to the "Orders report" in the Ad Manager UI with additional attributes and can filter to include just one order. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunInventoryReport | This code example runs a report equal to the "Whole network report" in the Ad Manager UI. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReachReport | This code example runs a reach report. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReachReportWithAdUnitDimensions | This code example runs a reach report with ad unit dimensions. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReportWithCustomFields | This code example runs a report that includes custom fields found in the line items of an order. To download the report see DownloadReport.cs |
RunSavedQuery | This code example runs a report from a saved query. |
CreateSites | This code example creates new sites. |
GetAllSites | This example gets all sites. |
GetSitesRequiringApproval | This example gets sites under Multiple Customer Management requiring review. |
SubmitSiteForApproval | This example submits a site for approval. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | This code example approves all suggested ad units with 50 or more requests. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
GetAllSuggestedAdUnits | This example gets all suggested ad units. |
GetHighlyRequestedSuggestedAdUnits | This example gets all highly requested suggested ad units. |
GetAllTargetingPresets | This example gets all targeting presets. |
CreateTeams | This code example creates new teams. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. |
GetAllTeams | This example gets all teams. |
UpdateTeams | This code example updates a team by adding an ad unit to it. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
CreateUsers | This code example creates new users. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
DeactivateUser | This code example deactivates a user. Deactivated users can no longer make requests to the API. The user making the request cannot deactivate itself. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
GetAllRoles | This example gets all roles. |
GetAllUsers | This example gets all users. |
GetCurrentUser | This code example gets current user. To create users, run CreateUsers.cs. |
GetUserByEmailAddress | This example gets users by email. |
UpdateUsers | This code example updates a user by adding "Sr." to the end of its name. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
CreateUserTeamAssociations | This code example adds a user to a team by creating an association between the two. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociation | This code example removes the user from all its teams. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
GetAllUserTeamAssociations | This example gets all user team associations. |
GetUserTeamAssociationsForUser | This example gets all user team associations (i.e. teams) for a given user. |
UpdateUserTeamAssociations | This code example updates user team associations by setting the overridden access type to read only for all teams that the user belongs to. To determine which users exists, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
v202408 | |
CreateTrafficAdjustments | This example creates a new Forecast Adjustment of 110% for New Years Day Traffic. |
CreateTrafficForecastSegments | This example creates a traffic forecast segment for all ad units in the United States." |
GetAllForecastAdjustments | This example gets all forecast adjustments. |
GetAllTrafficForecastSegments | This example gets all traffic forecast segments. |
GetForecastAdjustmentsForTrafficForecastSegment | This example gets all forecast adjustments for a given traffic forecast segment. |
UpdateForecastAdjustments | This example updates a Forecast Adjustment's name. |
CreateAudienceSegments | This code example creates new rule based first party audience segments. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. |
GetAllAudienceSegments | This example gets all audience segments. |
GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments | This example gets all first party audience segments. |
PopulateFirstPartyAudienceSegments | This code example populates a specific rule base first party audience segment. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. |
UpdateAudienceSegments | This code example updates a first party audience segment's member expiration days. To determine which first party audience segments exist, run GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments.cs. |
CreateCdnConfigurations | This code example creates new CDN configurations. |
GetAllCdnConfigurations | This example gets all CDN configurations. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | This example activates all CMS metadata values for the given key. |
GetAllCmsMetadataKeys | This example gets all CMS metadata keys. |
GetAllCmsMetadataValues | This example gets all CMS metadata values. |
GetCmsMetadataValuesForKey | This example gets all CMS metadata values. |
CreateCompanies | This code example creates new companies. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. |
GetAdvertisers | This example gets all companies that are advertisers. |
GetAllCompanies | This example gets all companies. |
UpdateCompanies | This code example updates company comments. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. |
CreateContacts | This code example creates new contacts. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. |
GetAllContacts | This example gets all contacts. |
GetUninvitedContacts | This example gets all contacts that aren't invited yet. |
UpdateContacts | This code example updates contact addresses. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. |
GetAllContent | This example gets all content. |
GetRecentlyModifiedContent | This example gets recently modified content. |
CopyImageCreatives | This code example creates a copy of an image creative. This would typically be done to reuse creatives in a small business network. To determine which creatives exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateCreativeFromTemplate | This code example creates a new template creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. To determine which creative templates exist, run GetAllCreativeTemplates.cs. |
CreateCreatives | This code example creates new image creatives for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateCustomCreative | This code example creates a custom creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateNativeCreative | This code example creates a new native creative. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. |
CreateVideoCreative | This code example creates a new video creative for a given advertiser. |
GetAllCreatives | This example gets all creatives. |
GetImageCreatives | This example gets all image creatives. |
UpdateCreatives | This code example updates image creatives. To create an image creative, run CreateCreatives.cs. |
GetAllCreativeSets | This example gets all creative sets. |
GetCreativeSetsForMasterCreative | This example gets all creative sets for a master creative. |
GetAllCreativeTemplates | This example gets all creative templates. |
GetSystemDefinedCreativeTemplates | This example gets all system defined creative templates. |
CreateCreativeWrappers | This code example creates a new creative wrapper. Creative wrappers must be associated with a LabelType.CREATIVE_WRAPPER label and applied to ad units by AdUnit.appliedLabels. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. |
DeActivateCreativeWrappers | This code example deactivates all creative wrappers belonging to a label. |
GetActiveCreativeWrappers | This example gets all active creative wrappers. |
GetAllCreativeWrappers | This example gets all creative wrappers. |
UpdateCreativeWrappers | This code example updates a creative wrapper to the 'OUTER' wrapping order. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. |
CreateCustomFieldOptions | This code example creates custom field options for a drop-down custom field. Once created, custom field options can be found under the options fields of the drop-down custom field and they cannot be deleted. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
CreateCustomFields | This code example creates custom fields. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
DeactivateCustomFields | This code example deactivates a custom field. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
GetAllCustomFields | This example gets all custom fields. |
GetCustomFieldsForLineItems | This example gets all custom fields that can be applied to line items. |
SetLineItemCustomFieldValue | This code example sets custom field values on a line item. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. To create custom field options, run CreateCustomFieldOptions.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
UpdateCustomFields | This code example updates custom field descriptions. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. |
CreateCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This code example creates new custom targeting keys and values. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. To target these custom targeting keys and values, run TargetCustomCriteria.cs. |
GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This example gets all custom targeting values. |
GetPredefinedCustomTargetingKeysAndValues | This example gets predefined custom targeting keys and values. |
UpdateCustomTargetingKeys | This code example updates the display name of each custom targeting key up to the first 500. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
UpdateCustomTargetingValues | This code example updates the display name of custom targeting values. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
GetAvailabilityForecast | This code example gets a forecast for a prospective line item. |
GetAvailabilityForecastById | This code example gets a forecast for an existing line item. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
GetDeliveryForecastByIds | This code example gets a delivery forecast for existing line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
GetTrafficData | This example gets run-of-network traffic for the previous and next 7 days. |
CreateAdUnits | This code example creates new ad units under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAdUnitTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
CreateVideoAdUnit | This code example creates a new video ad unit under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetInventoryTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
DeActivateAdUnits | This code example deactivates all active ad units. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs or GetInventoryTree.cs. |
GetAdUnitsByStatement | This code example gets all child ad units of the effective root ad unit. To create an ad unit, run CreateAdUnits.cs. |
GetAllAdUnits | This example gets all ad units. |
GetAllAdUnitSizes | This example gets all ad unit sizes. |
GetInventoryTree | This code example retrieves a previously created ad units and creates a tree. |
UpdateAdUnits | This code example updates an ad unit's sizes by adding a banner ad size. |
CreateLabels | This code example creates new labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
DeactivateActiveLabels | This code example deactivates all active labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
GetActiveLabels | This example gets all active labels. |
GetAllLabels | This example gets all labels. |
UpdateLabels | This code example updates a label's description. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
ActivateLicas | This code example activates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
CreateLicas | This code example creates new line item creative associations (LICAs) for an existing line item and a set of creative ids. For small business networks, the creative ids must represent new or copied creatives as creatives cannot be used for more than one line item. For premium solution networks, the creative ids can represent any creative. To copy creatives, run CopyImageCreatives.cs. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicasExample.cs. |
DeactivateLicas | This code example deactivates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
GetAllLicas | This example gets all line item creative associations. |
GetLicasForLineItem | This example gets all line item creative associations for a given line item. |
PushCreativeToDevices | This code example pushes a LICA to a linked device for preview. To determine which linked devices exist, use the PublisherQueryLanguageService linked_device table. |
UpdateLicas | This code example updates the destination URL of a LICA. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. |
ActivateLineItem | This code example activates all line items for the given order. To be activated, line items need to be in the approved (needs creatives) state and have at least one creative associated with them. To approve line items, approve the order to which they belong by running ApproveOrders.cs. To create LICAs, run CreateLicas.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItem.cs. |
CreateLineItems | This code example creates new line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. To determine the IDs for locations, run GetGeoTargets.cs |
CreateVideoLineItem | This code example creates a new line item to serve to video content. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To create a video ad unit, run CreateVideoAdUnit.cs. To determine which content metadata key hierarchies exist, run GetAllContentMetadataKeyHierarchies.cs. |
GetAllLineItems | This example gets all line items. |
GetLineItemsThatNeedCreatives | This example gets all line items that are missing creatives. |
GetRecentlyUpdatedLineItems | This example gets only recently updated line items. |
TargetCustomCriteria | This code example updates a line item to add custom criteria targeting. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. |
UpdateLineItems | This code example updates the delivery rate of a line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. |
CreateNativeStyles | This code example creates a new native style. |
GetAllNativeStyles | This example gets all native styles. |
GetAllNetworks | This example gets all networks. |
GetCurrentNetwork | This code example gets the current network that you can make requests against. |
GetDefaultThirdPartyDataDeclaration | This code example gets the current network's default third party data declaration. |
MakeTestNetwork | This code example creates a test network. You do not need to have an Ad Manager account to run this example, but you do need to have a new Google account (created at that is not associated with any other Ad Manager networks (including old sandbox networks). Once this network is created, you can supply the network code in your settings to make calls to other services |
ApproveOrder | This code example approves an order and all line items belonging to that order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
CreateOrders | This code example creates new orders. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
GetAllOrders | This example gets all orders. |
GetOrdersStartingSoon | This example gets all orders that are starting soon. |
UpdateOrders | This code example updates the note of an order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. |
CreatePlacements | This code example creates new placements for various ad unit sizes. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. |
DeactivatePlacement | This code example deactivates a placement. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. |
GetActivePlacements | This example gets all active placements. |
GetAllPlacements | This example gets all placements. |
UpdatePlacements | This code example updates the description of a placement. |
ArchiveProposalLineItem | This code example archives a proposal line item. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItem.cs. |
CreateProposalLineItems | This example creates a new proposal line item. |
GetAllProposalLineItems | This example gets all proposal line items. |
GetProposalLineItemsForProposal | This example gets all proposal line items belonging to a specific proposal. |
UpdateProposalLineItems | This code example updates a proposal line item's notes. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItems.cs. |
CreateProposals | This example creates a proposal. |
GetAllProposals | This example gets all proposals. |
GetMarketplaceComments | This example gets the Marketplace comments for a programmatic proposal. |
GetProposalsAwaitingSellerReivew | This example gets all proposals awaiting seller review. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | This example sends programmatic proposals to Marketplace to request buyer acceptance. |
UpdateProposals | This code example updates the note of an proposal. To determine which proposals exist, run GetAllProposals.cs. |
FetchMatchTables | This code example fetches and creates match table files from the Line_Item and Ad_Unit tables. This example may take a while to run. |
GetAllLineItemsUsingPql | This code example gets all line items in your network using the Line_Item table. This code example may take a while to run. The Line_Item PQL table schema can be found here: |
GetAllProgrammaticBuyers | This example gets all programmatic buyers in your network using the Programmatic_Buyer table. |
GetGeoTargets | This code example gets geographic criteria from the Geo_Target table, such as all cities available to target. Other types include 'Country', 'Region', 'State', 'Postal_Code', and 'DMA_Region' (i.e. Metro). A full list of available geo target types can be found at |
GetLineItemsNamedLike | This code example gets all line items which have a name beginning with "line item". This code example may take a while to run. |
GetMcmEarnings | This example gets Multiple Customer Management earning information for the prior month. |
GetRecentChanges | This example gets recent changes in your network using the Change_History table |
RunDeliveryReport | This code example runs a report similar to the "Orders report" in the Ad Manager UI with additional attributes and can filter to include just one order. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunInventoryReport | This code example runs a report equal to the "Whole network report" in the Ad Manager UI. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReachReport | This code example runs a reach report. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReachReportWithAdUnitDimensions | This code example runs a reach report with ad unit dimensions. The report is saved to the specified file path. |
RunReportWithCustomFields | This code example runs a report that includes custom fields found in the line items of an order. To download the report see DownloadReport.cs |
RunSavedQuery | This code example runs a report from a saved query. |
CreateSites | This code example creates new sites. |
GetAllSites | This example gets all sites. |
GetSitesRequiringApproval | This example gets sites under Multiple Customer Management requiring review. |
SubmitSiteForApproval | This example submits a site for approval. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | This code example approves all suggested ad units with 50 or more requests. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. |
GetAllSuggestedAdUnits | This example gets all suggested ad units. |
GetHighlyRequestedSuggestedAdUnits | This example gets all highly requested suggested ad units. |
GetAllTargetingPresets | This example gets all targeting presets. |
CreateTeams | This code example creates new teams. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. |
GetAllTeams | This example gets all teams. |
UpdateTeams | This code example updates a team by adding an ad unit to it. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs. |
CreateUsers | This code example creates new users. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
DeactivateUser | This code example deactivates a user. Deactivated users can no longer make requests to the API. The user making the request cannot deactivate itself. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
GetAllRoles | This example gets all roles. |
GetAllUsers | This example gets all users. |
GetCurrentUser | This code example gets current user. To create users, run CreateUsers.cs. |
GetUserByEmailAddress | This example gets users by email. |
UpdateUsers | This code example updates a user by adding "Sr." to the end of its name. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
CreateUserTeamAssociations | This code example adds a user to a team by creating an association between the two. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociation | This code example removes the user from all its teams. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
GetAllUserTeamAssociations | This example gets all user team associations. |
GetUserTeamAssociationsForUser | This example gets all user team associations (i.e. teams) for a given user. |
UpdateUserTeamAssociations | This code example updates user team associations by setting the overridden access type to read only for all teams that the user belongs to. To determine which users exists, run GetAllUsers.cs. |
Program | The Main class for this application. |
SampleBase | This abstract class represents a code example. |
Headers | |
AdManagerSoapHeader | Base class for Ad Manager API Soap headers. |
RequestHeader | Soap Request header for DFP API services. |
ResponseHeader | SOAP Response header for DFP API services. |
Lib | |
AdManagerApiException | Custom exception class for wrapping DFP API SOAP exceptions. |
AdManagerAppConfig | This class reads the configuration keys from App.config. |
AdManagerException | Base class for all exceptions specific to DFP. |
AdManagerService | Lists all the services available through this library. |
v202311 | All the services available in v202311. |
v202402 | All the services available in v202402. |
v202405 | All the services available in v202405. |
v202408 | All the services available in v202408. |
AdManagerServiceFactory | The factory class for all Ad Manager API services. |
AdManagerServiceSignature | Service creation params for DFP API family of services. |
AdManagerSoapClient< TChannel > | Base class for DFP API services. |
AdManagerSoapHeaderInspector | Inspector that adds a SOAP request header to outbound requests. |
AdManagerTraceListener | Listens to SOAP messages sent and received by this library. |
AdManagerUser | Represents an Ad Manager API user. |
Util | |
v202311 | |
DateTimeUtilities | A utility class that allows you to build Datetime objects from strings. |
PqlUtilities | A utility class for handling PQL objects. |
ReportUtilities | Utility class for DFP API report downloads. |
StatementBuilder | A utility class that allows for statements to be constructed in parts. Typical usage is: |
v202402 | |
DateTimeUtilities | A utility class that allows you to build Datetime objects from strings. |
PqlUtilities | A utility class for handling PQL objects. |
ReportUtilities | Utility class for DFP API report downloads. |
StatementBuilder | A utility class that allows for statements to be constructed in parts. Typical usage is: |
v202405 | |
DateTimeUtilities | A utility class that allows you to build Datetime objects from strings. |
PqlUtilities | A utility class for handling PQL objects. |
ReportUtilities | Utility class for DFP API report downloads. |
StatementBuilder | A utility class that allows for statements to be constructed in parts. Typical usage is: |
v202408 | |
DateTimeUtilities | A utility class that allows you to build Datetime objects from strings. |
PqlUtilities | A utility class for handling PQL objects. |
ReportUtilities | Utility class for DFP API report downloads. |
StatementBuilder | A utility class that allows for statements to be constructed in parts. Typical usage is: |
v202311 | |
Wrappers | |
ActivityGroupService | |
createActivityGroupsRequest | |
createActivityGroupsResponse | |
updateActivityGroupsRequest | |
updateActivityGroupsResponse | |
ActivityService | |
createActivitiesRequest | |
createActivitiesResponse | |
updateActivitiesRequest | |
updateActivitiesResponse | |
AdjustmentService | |
createForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
createForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
AdRuleService | |
createAdRulesRequest | |
createAdRulesResponse | |
createAdSpotsRequest | |
createAdSpotsResponse | |
createBreakTemplatesRequest | |
createBreakTemplatesResponse | |
updateAdRulesRequest | |
updateAdRulesResponse | |
updateAdSpotsRequest | |
updateAdSpotsResponse | |
updateBreakTemplatesRequest | |
updateBreakTemplatesResponse | |
AudienceSegmentService | |
createAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
createAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
updateAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
updateAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
CdnConfigurationService | |
createCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
createCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
updateCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
updateCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
CmsMetadataService | |
CompanyService | |
createCompaniesRequest | |
createCompaniesResponse | |
updateCompaniesRequest | |
updateCompaniesResponse | |
ContactService | |
createContactsRequest | |
createContactsResponse | |
updateContactsRequest | |
updateContactsResponse | |
ContentBundleService | |
createContentBundlesRequest | |
createContentBundlesResponse | |
updateContentBundlesRequest | |
updateContentBundlesResponse | |
ContentService | |
CreativeReviewService | |
CreativeService | |
createCreativesRequest | |
createCreativesResponse | |
updateCreativesRequest | |
updateCreativesResponse | |
CreativeSetService | |
CreativeTemplateService | |
CreativeWrapperService | |
createCreativeWrappersRequest | |
createCreativeWrappersResponse | |
updateCreativeWrappersRequest | |
updateCreativeWrappersResponse | |
CustomFieldService | |
createCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
createCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
createCustomFieldsRequest | |
createCustomFieldsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldsResponse | |
CustomTargetingService | |
createCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
createCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
createCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
createCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
ForecastService | |
getDeliveryForecastRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastResponse | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsResponse | |
InventoryService | |
createAdUnitsRequest | |
createAdUnitsResponse | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementRequest | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementResponse | |
updateAdUnitsRequest | |
updateAdUnitsResponse | |
LabelService | |
createLabelsRequest | |
createLabelsResponse | |
updateLabelsRequest | |
updateLabelsResponse | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesRequest | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesResponse | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
LineItemService | |
createLineItemsRequest | |
createLineItemsResponse | |
updateLineItemsRequest | |
updateLineItemsResponse | |
LineItemTemplateService | |
LiveStreamEventService | |
createLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
createLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
createSlatesRequest | |
createSlatesResponse | |
updateLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
updateLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
updateSlatesRequest | |
updateSlatesResponse | |
MobileApplicationService | |
createMobileApplicationsRequest | |
createMobileApplicationsResponse | |
updateMobileApplicationsRequest | |
updateMobileApplicationsResponse | |
NativeStyleService | |
createNativeStylesRequest | |
createNativeStylesResponse | |
updateNativeStylesRequest | |
updateNativeStylesResponse | |
NetworkService | |
getAllNetworksRequest | |
getAllNetworksResponse | |
OrderService | |
createOrdersRequest | |
createOrdersResponse | |
updateOrdersRequest | |
updateOrdersResponse | |
PlacementService | |
createPlacementsRequest | |
createPlacementsResponse | |
updatePlacementsRequest | |
updatePlacementsResponse | |
ProposalLineItemService | |
createMakegoodsRequest | |
createMakegoodsResponse | |
createProposalLineItemsRequest | |
createProposalLineItemsResponse | |
updateProposalLineItemsRequest | |
updateProposalLineItemsResponse | |
ProposalService | |
createProposalsRequest | |
createProposalsResponse | |
updateProposalsRequest | |
updateProposalsResponse | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | |
ReportService | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsRequest | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsResponse | |
performSegmentPopulationActionRequest | |
performSegmentPopulationActionResponse | |
SiteService | |
createSitesRequest | |
createSitesResponse | |
updateSitesRequest | |
updateSitesResponse | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
getSamSessionsByStatementRequest | |
getSamSessionsByStatementResponse | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringRequest | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringResponse | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | |
TargetingPresetService | |
TeamService | |
createTeamsRequest | |
createTeamsResponse | |
updateTeamsRequest | |
updateTeamsResponse | |
UserService | |
createUsersRequest | |
createUsersResponse | |
getAllRolesRequest | |
getAllRolesResponse | |
updateUsersRequest | |
updateUsersResponse | |
UserTeamAssociationService | |
createUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
createUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
YieldGroupService | |
createYieldGroupsRequest | |
createYieldGroupsResponse | |
getYieldPartnersRequest | |
getYieldPartnersResponse | |
updateYieldGroupsRequest | |
updateYieldGroupsResponse | |
ApiException | Exception class for holding a list of service errors. |
ApiError | The API error base class that provides details about an error that occurred while processing a service request |
FieldPathElement | A segment of a field path. Each dot in a field path defines a new segment. |
ApplicationException | Base class for exceptions. |
ActivityGroup | Activities are organized within activity groups, which are sets of activities that share the same configuration. You create and manage activities from within activity groups. |
UniqueError | An error for a field which must satisfy a uniqueness constraint |
StringLengthError | Errors for Strings which do not meet given length constraints. |
StringFormatError | A list of error code for reporting invalid content of input strings. |
StatementError | An error that occurs while parsing Statement objects. |
ServerError | Errors related to the server. |
RequiredNumberError | A list of all errors to be used in conjunction with required number validators. |
RequiredError | Errors due to missing required field. |
RequiredCollectionError | A list of all errors to be used for validating sizes of collections. |
RangeError | A list of all errors associated with the Range constraint. |
QuotaError | Describes a client-side error on which a user is attempting to perform an action to which they have no quota remaining. |
PublisherQueryLanguageSyntaxError | An error that occurs while parsing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PublisherQueryLanguageContextError | An error that occurs while executing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PermissionError | Errors related to incorrect permission. |
ParseError | Lists errors related to parsing. |
NotNullError | Caused by supplying a null value for an attribute that cannot be null. |
InternalApiError | Indicates that a server-side error has occured |
FeatureError | Errors related to feature management. If you attempt using a feature that is not available to the current network you'll receive a FeatureError with the missing feature as the trigger. |
CommonError | A place for common errors that can be used across services. |
CollectionSizeError | Error for the size of the collection being too large |
AuthenticationError | An error for an exception that occurred when authenticating. |
ApiVersionError | Errors related to the usage of API versions. |
ActivityError | Errors relating to Activity and Activity Group services. |
Statement | Captures the |
String_ValueMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type String and value of type Value. |
Value | |
TextValue | Contains a string value. |
SetValue | Contains a set of Values. May not contain duplicates. |
NumberValue | Contains a numeric value. |
DateValue | Contains a date value. |
Date | Represents a date. |
DateTimeValue | Contains a date-time value. |
DateTime | Represents a date combined with the time of day. |
BooleanValue | Contains a boolean value. |
ObjectValue | Contains an object value |
ActivityGroupPage | Captures a page of ActivityGroup objects. |
ActivityGroupServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ActivityGroupServiceInterface | |
ActivityGroupService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ActivityGroup objects |
BaseCreativeTemplateVariableValue | A base class for storing values of the CreativeTemplateVariable. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::URL. |
StringCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::STRING and VariableType::LIST. |
LongCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::LONG. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::ASSET. |
CreativeAsset | A |
Size | Represents the dimensions of an AdUnit, LineItem or Creative |
ClickTag | Click tags define click-through URLs for each exit on an HTML5 creative. An exit is any area that can be clicked that directs the browser to a landing page. Each click tag defines the click-through URL for a different exit. In Ad Manager, tracking pixels are attached to the click tags if URLs are valid. |
CustomCreativeAsset | A |
VideoMetadata | Metadata for a video asset. |
Asset | Base asset properties. |
RedirectAsset | An externally hosted asset. |
VideoRedirectAsset | An externally-hosted video asset. |
ConversionEvent_TrackingUrlsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type ConversionEvent and value of type TrackingUrls. |
RichMediaStudioChildAssetProperty | Represents a child asset in |
ThirdPartyDataDeclaration | Represents a set of declarations about what (if any) third party companies are associated with a given creative |
BaseCustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField for a particular entity. |
DropDownCustomFieldValue | A CustomFieldValue for a CustomField that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN |
CustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField that does not have a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
AppliedLabel | Represents a Label that can be applied to an entity. To negate an inherited label, create an |
Creative | A |
VastRedirectCreative | A |
UnsupportedCreative | A |
ThirdPartyCreative | A |
TemplateCreative | A |
ProgrammaticCreative | A |
LegacyDfpCreative | A |
InternalRedirectCreative | A |
Html5Creative | A |
HasDestinationUrlCreative | A |
CustomCreative | A |
BaseVideoCreative | A base type for video creatives. |
VideoRedirectCreative | A |
VideoCreative | A |
SetTopBoxCreative | A |
BaseImageRedirectCreative | The base type for creatives that load an image asset from a specified URL. |
ImageRedirectOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageRedirectCreative | A |
BaseImageCreative | The base type for creatives that display an image. |
ImageOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageCreative | A |
BaseAudioCreative | A base type for audio creatives. |
AudioRedirectCreative | A |
AudioCreative | A |
AspectRatioImageCreative | A |
ClickTrackingCreative | A creative that is used for tracking clicks on ads that are served directly from the customers' web servers or media servers. NOTE: The size attribute is not used for click tracking creative and it will not be persisted upon save. |
BaseRichMediaStudioCreative | A |
RichMediaStudioCreative | A |
BaseDynamicAllocationCreative | A base class for dynamic allocation creatives. |
HasHtmlSnippetDynamicAllocationCreative | Dynamic allocation creative with a backfill code snippet. |
AdSenseCreative | An AdSense dynamic allocation creative. |
AdExchangeCreative | An Ad Exchange dynamic allocation creative. |
TypeError | An error for a field which is an invalid type. |
TranscodingError | Errors associated with the video and audio transcoding flow. |
TemplateInstantiatedCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with template instantiated creatives. |
SwiffyConversionError | Error for converting flash to swiffy asset. |
SetTopBoxCreativeError | Errors associated with set-top box creatives. |
RichMediaStudioCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with Studio creatives. |
RequiredSizeError | A list of all errors to be used for validating Size. |
NullError | Caused by supplying a non-null value for an attribute that should be null. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationError | Lists all errors associated with line item-to-creative association dates. |
LabelEntityAssociationError | Errors specific to creating label entity associations. |
InvalidUrlError | Lists all errors associated with URLs. |
InvalidPhoneNumberError | Lists all errors associated with phone numbers. |
ImageError | Lists all errors associated with images. |
HtmlBundleProcessorError | Lists all errors associated with html5 file processing. |
FileError | A list of all errors to be used for problems related to files. |
EntityLimitReachedError | An error that occurs when creating an entity if the limit on the number of allowed entities for a network has already been reached. |
CustomFieldValueError | Errors specific to editing custom field values |
CustomCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with custom creatives. |
CreativeTemplateOperationError | An error that can occur while performing an operation on a creative template. |
CreativeTemplateError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with CreativeTemplate. |
CreativeSetError | Errors relating to creative sets & subclasses. |
CreativeError | Lists all errors associated with creatives. |
CreativeAssetMacroError | Lists all errors associated with creative asset macros. |
AssetError | Lists all errors associated with assets. |
CreativeServiceInterface | |
CreativePage | Captures a page of Creative objects. |
CreativeAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Creative objects. |
DeactivateCreatives | The action used for deactivating Creative objects. |
ActivateCreatives | The action used for activating Creative objects. |
UpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on objects. |
CreativeServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
CreativeSet | A creative set is comprised of a master creative and its companion creatives. |
CreativeSetServiceInterface | |
CreativeSetPage | Captures a page of CreativeSet objects. |
CreativeSetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariableVariableChoice | Stores variable choices that users can select from |
CreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a variable defined in a creative template. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a url variable defined in a creative template |
StringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a string variable defined in a creative template |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a list variable defined in a creative template. This is similar to StringCreativeTemplateVariable, except that there are possible choices to choose from |
LongCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a long variable defined in a creative template. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a file asset variable defined in a creative template |
CreativeTemplate | A template upon which a creative can be created. |
CreativeTemplatePage | Captures a page of CreativeTemplate objects. |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterface | |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
CreativeWrapper | A |
LabelError | Errors specific to labels. |
CreativeWrapperError | Errors specific to creative wrappers. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterface | |
CreativeWrapperPage | Captures a page of CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CreativeWrapper objects. |
DeactivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for deactivating CreativeWrapper objects. |
ActivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for activating CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
CustomTargetingKey | |
EntityChildrenLimitReachedError | Lists errors relating to having too many children on an entity. |
CustomTargetingError | Lists all errors related to CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterface | |
CustomTargetingValue | |
CustomTargetingKeyPage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValuePage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingKeys | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. Deleting a key will not delete the CustomTargetingValue objects associated with it. Also, if a custom targeting key that has been deleted is recreated, any previous custom targeting values associated with it that were not deleted will continue to exist. |
ActivateCustomTargetingKeys | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingValues | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ActivateCustomTargetingValues | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomFieldOption | An option represents a permitted value for a custom field that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
CustomFieldError | Errors specific to editing custom fields |
CustomFieldServiceInterface | |
CustomField | An additional, user-created field on an entity. |
DropDownCustomField | A custom field that has the drop-down data type. |
CustomFieldPage | Captures a page of CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomField objects. |
DeactivateCustomFields | The action used for deactivating CustomField objects. |
ActivateCustomFields | The action used for activating CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
AlternativeUnitTypeForecast | A view of the forecast in terms of an alternative unit type |
ContendingLineItem | Describes contending line items for a Forecast. |
TargetingCriteriaBreakdown | A single targeting criteria breakdown result. |
BreakdownForecast | Represents a single delivery data point, with both available and forecast number. |
ForecastBreakdownEntry | A single forecast breakdown entry. |
ForecastBreakdown | Represents the breakdown entries for a list of targetings and/or creatives. |
AvailabilityForecast | Describes predicted inventory availability for a ProspectiveLineItem |
ForecastBreakdownTarget | Specifies inventory targeted by a breakdown entry. |
Targeting | Contains targeting criteria for LineItem objects. See LineItem::targeting. |
GeoTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target geographical locations. By default, line items target all countries and their subdivisions. With geographical targeting, you can target line items to specific countries, regions, metro areas, and cities. You can also exclude the same |
Location | A Location represents a geographical entity that can be targeted. If a location type is not available because of the API version you are using, the location will be represented as just the base class, otherwise it will be sub-classed correctly. |
InventoryTargeting | A collection of targeted and excluded ad units and placements. |
AdUnitTargeting | Represents targeted or excluded ad units. |
DayPartTargeting | Modify the delivery times of line items for particular days of the week. By default, line items are served at all days and times. |
DayPart | |
TimeOfDay | Represents a specific time in a day. |
DateTimeRange | Represents a range of dates (combined with time of day) that has an upper and/or lower bound. |
TechnologyTargeting | Provides LineItem objects the ability to target or exclude technologies. |
BandwidthGroupTargeting | Represents bandwidth groups that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
Technology | Represents a technology entity that can be targeted. |
OperatingSystemVersion | Represents a specific version of an operating system. |
OperatingSystem | Represents an Operating System, such as Linux, Mac OS or Windows. |
MobileDeviceSubmodel | Represents a mobile device submodel. |
MobileDevice | Represents a Mobile Device. |
MobileCarrier | Represents a mobile carrier. Carrier targeting is only available to Ad Manager mobile publishers. For a list of current mobile carriers, you can use PublisherQueryLanguageService::mobile_carrier. |
DeviceManufacturer | Represents a mobile device's manufacturer. |
DeviceCategory | Represents the category of a device. |
DeviceCapability | Represents a capability of a physical device. |
BrowserLanguage | Represents a Browser's language. |
Browser | Represents an internet browser. |
BandwidthGroup | Represents a group of bandwidths that are logically organized by some well known generic names such as 'Cable' or 'DSL'. |
BrowserTargeting | Represents browsers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BrowserLanguageTargeting | Represents browser languages that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCapabilityTargeting | Represents device capabilities that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCategoryTargeting | Represents device categories that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceManufacturerTargeting | Represents device manufacturer that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileCarrierTargeting | Represents mobile carriers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceSubmodelTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
OperatingSystemTargeting | Represents operating systems that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
OperatingSystemVersionTargeting | Represents operating system versions that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
CustomCriteriaSet | A CustomCriteriaSet comprises of a set of CustomCriteriaNode objects combined by the CustomCriteriaSet.LogicalOperator::logicalOperator. The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
CustomCriteriaNode | A CustomCriteriaNode is a node in the custom targeting tree. A custom criteria node can either be a CustomCriteriaSet (a non-leaf node) or a CustomCriteria (a leaf node). The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
CustomCriteriaLeaf | A CustomCriteriaLeaf object represents a generic leaf of CustomCriteria tree structure. |
AudienceSegmentCriteria | An AudienceSegmentCriteria object is used to target AudienceSegment objects. |
CmsMetadataCriteria | A |
CustomCriteria | A CustomCriteria object is used to perform custom criteria targeting on custom targeting keys of type CustomTargetingKey.Type::PREDEFINED or CustomTargetingKey.Type::FREEFORM. |
UserDomainTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users visiting their websites from a list of domains or subdomains. |
ContentTargeting | Used to target LineItems to specific videos on a publisher's site. |
VideoPositionTargeting | Represents positions within and around a video where ads can be targeted to |
VideoPositionTarget | Represents the options for targetable positions within a video. |
VideoPosition | Represents a targetable position within a video. A video ad can be targeted to a position (pre-roll, all mid-rolls, or post-roll), or to a specific mid-roll index. |
VideoPositionWithinPod | Represents a targetable position within a pod within a video stream. A video ad can be targeted to any position in the pod (first, second, third ... last). If there is only 1 ad in a pod, either first or last will target that position. |
MobileApplicationTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users' mobile applications. |
BuyerUserListTargeting | The |
InventoryUrlTargeting | A collection of targeted inventory urls. |
InventoryUrl | The representation of an inventory Url that is used in targeting. |
RequestPlatformTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target the platform that requests and renders the ad |
InventorySizeTargeting | Represents a collection of targeted and excluded inventory sizes. This is currently only available on YieldGroup and TrafficDataRequest. |
TargetedSize | A size that is targeted on a request. |
CreativePlaceholder | A |
ForecastBreakdownOptions | Configuration of forecast breakdown. |
AvailabilityForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item availability forecasts. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodInfo | Makegood info for a ProposalLineItemDto. |
ProposalLineItem | A |
Goal | Defines the criteria a LineItem needs to satisfy to meet its delivery goal. |
FrequencyCap | Represents a limit on the number of times a single viewer can be exposed to the same LineItem in a specified time period. |
Money | Represents a money amount. |
DeliveryIndicator | Indicates the delivery performance of the LineItem. |
GrpSettings | |
ThirdPartyMeasurementSettings | Contains third party auto-pixeling settings for cross-sell Partners. |
CreativeTargeting | Represents the creative targeting criteria for a LineItem. |
LineItemDealInfoDto | Data transfer object for the exchange deal info of a line item. |
Stats | |
LineItemActivityAssociation | A |
CustomPacingGoal | An interval of a CustomPacingCurve. A custom pacing goal contains a start time and an amount. The goal will apply until either the next custom pacing goal's |
CustomPacingCurve | A curve consisting of CustomPacingGoal objects that is used to pace line item delivery. |
LineItemSummary | The |
LineItem | LineItem is an advertiser's commitment to purchase a specific number of ad impressions, clicks, or time. |
ProspectiveLineItem | Represents a prospective line item to be forecasted. |
VideoPositionTargetingError | Lists all errors related to VideoPositionTargeting. |
UserDomainTargetingError | Lists all errors related to user domain targeting for a line item. |
TimeZoneError | Errors related to timezones. |
TechnologyTargetingError | Technology targeting validation errors. |
TeamError | Errors related to a Team. |
SetTopBoxLineItemError | Errors associated with set-top box line items. |
AudienceSegmentError | Errors that could occur on audience segment related requests. |
ReservationDetailsError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem's reservation details. |
RequestPlatformTargetingError | Errors related to request platform targeting. |
RegExError | Caused by supplying a value for an object attribute that does not conform to a documented valid regular expression. |
ProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic line items. |
PrecisionError | List all errors associated with number precisions. |
OrderError | Lists all errors associated with orders. |
OrderActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Order objects. |
MobileApplicationTargetingError | Lists all errors related to mobile application targeting for a line item. |
LineItemOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line items |
LineItemFlightDateError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem start and end dates. |
LineItemError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with LineItem. |
LineItemActivityAssociationError | Errors specific to associating activities to line items. |
InventoryUnitError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit objects. |
InventoryTargetingError | Lists all inventory errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
GrpSettingsError | Errors associated with line items with GRP settings. |
GeoTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with geographical targeting for a LineItem. |
GenericTargetingError | Targeting validation errors that can be used by different targeting types. |
FrequencyCapError | Lists all errors associated with frequency caps. |
ForecastError | Errors that can result from a forecast request. |
DayPartTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with day-part targeting for a line item. |
DateTimeRangeTargetingError | Lists all date time range errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
DateError | A list of all errors associated with the dates. |
CurrencyCodeError | Errors related to currency codes. |
CrossSellError | Lists all errors associated with cross selling. |
CompanyCreditStatusError | Lists all errors due to Company::creditStatus. |
ClickTrackingLineItemError | Click tracking is a special line item type with a number of unique errors as described below. |
AudienceExtensionError | Errors associated with audience extension enabled line items |
AdUnitCodeError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit::adUnitCode. |
ForecastServiceInterface | |
DeliveryForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item delivery forecasts. |
DeliveryForecast | The forecast of delivery for a list of ProspectiveLineItem objects to be reserved at the same time. |
LineItemDeliveryForecast | The forecasted delivery of a ProspectiveLineItem. |
TrafficDataRequest | Defines a segment of traffic for which traffic data should be returned. |
DateRange | Represents a range of dates that has an upper and a lower bound |
TrafficDataResponse | Contains forecasted and historical traffic volume data describing a segment of traffic. |
TimeSeries | Represents a chronological sequence of daily values. |
ForecastServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
LabelFrequencyCap | A |
AdSenseSettings | Contains the AdSense configuration for an AdUnit. |
AdUnitSize | An |
AdUnitParent | The summary of a parent AdUnit. |
AdUnit | An |
InventoryUnitSizesError | An error specifically for InventoryUnitSizes. |
InventoryUnitRefreshRateError | Lists errors relating to AdUnit::refreshRate. |
InvalidColorError | A list of all errors associated with a color attribute. |
CompanyError | A list of all errors associated with companies. |
AdUnitHierarchyError | Caused by creating an AdUnit object with an invalid hierarchy. |
AdSenseAccountError | Error for AdSense related API calls. |
InventoryServiceInterface | |
AdUnitPage | Captures a page of AdUnit objects. |
AdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdUnit objects. |
DeactivateAdUnits | The action used for deactivating AdUnit objects. |
ArchiveAdUnits | The action used for archiving AdUnit objects. |
ActivateAdUnits | The action used for activating AdUnit objects. |
InventoryServiceInterfaceChannel | |
InventoryService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AdUnit objects |
AdCategoryDto | A canonical ad category. |
Label | A |
LabelServiceInterface | |
LabelPage | Captures a page of Label objects. |
LabelAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Label objects. |
DeactivateLabels | The action used for deactivating Label objects. |
ActivateLabels | The action used for activating Label objects. |
LabelServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
Long_StatsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type Long and value of type Stats. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationStats | Contains statistics such as impressions, clicks delivered and cost for LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
LineItemCreativeAssociation | A |
LineItemCreativeAssociationOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line item-to-creative associations |
CreativePreviewError | Errors associated with generation of creative preview URIs. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterface | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationPage | Captures a page of LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativeNativeStylePreview | Represents the NativeStyle of a Creative and its corresponding preview URL. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeleteLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deleting LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeactivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deactivating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
ActivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for activating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativePushOptions | Data needed to push a creative to a mobile device. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
Activity | An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in Ad Manager. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion |
ActivityServiceInterface | |
ActivityPage | Captures a page of Activity objects. |
ActivityServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ActivityService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Activity objects |
LineItemServiceInterface | |
LineItemPage | Captures a page of LineItem objects. |
LineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItem objects. |
UnarchiveLineItems | The action used for unarchiving LineItem objects. |
ResumeLineItems | The action used for resuming LineItem objects. |
ResumeAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for resuming and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReserveLineItems | The action used for reserving LineItem objects. |
ReserveAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for reserving and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReleaseLineItems | The action used for releasing LineItem objects. |
PauseLineItems | The action used for pausing LineItem objects. |
DeleteLineItems | The action used for deleting LineItem objects. A line item can be deleted if it has never been eligible to serve. Note: deleted line items will still count against your network limits. For more information, see the Help Center. |
ArchiveLineItems | The action used for archiving LineItem objects. |
ActivateLineItems | The action used for activating LineItem objects. |
LineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
LineItemTemplate | Represents the template that populates the fields of a new line item being created. |
LineItemTemplatePage | Captures a page of LineItemTemplate objects. |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterface | |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
DashBridge | A |
LiveStreamConditioning | Settings to specify all types of conditioning to apply to the associated LiveStreamEvent. |
PrefetchSettings | The information needed to prefetch ad requests for an ad break. |
MasterPlaylistSettings | Settings for the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) master playlist. |
HlsSettings | LiveStream settings that are specific to the HTTP live streaming (HLS) protocol. |
PrerollSettings | Settings for ad breaks on LiveStreamEvent that are specific to preroll. |
LiveStreamEvent | A |
VideoAdTagError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event ad tags. |
LiveStreamEventSlateError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent slate creative id. |
LiveStreamEventPrerollSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with preroll settings applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventDvrWindowError | Lists the errors associated with setting the LiveStreamEvent DVR window duration. |
LiveStreamEventDateTimeError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event start and end date times. |
LiveStreamEventCustomAssetKeyError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event custom asset keys. |
LiveStreamEventConditioningError | Lists all errors associated with conditioning applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventCdnSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent CDN configurations. |
LiveStreamEventActionError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event action. |
AdBreakMarkupError | An error for publisher provided ad break markups in a LiveStreamEvent which are invalid for the given StreamingFormat. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterface | |
Slate | A |
LiveStreamEventPage | Captures a page of LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlatePage | Captures a page of Slate objects. |
LiveStreamEventAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LiveStreamEvent objects. |
RefreshLiveStreamEventMasterPlaylists | The action used for refreshing the master playlists of LiveStreamEvent objects |
PauseLiveStreamEvents | The action used for pausing LiveStreamEvent objects. |
PauseLiveStreamEventAds | The action used for pausing ads for LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ArchiveLiveStreamEvents | The action used for archiving LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ActivateLiveStreamEvents | The action used for activating LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlateAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on slates. |
UnarchiveSlates | The action used for unarchiving slates. |
ArchiveSlates | The action used for archiving slates. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
MobileApplication | A mobile application that has been added to or "claimed" by the network to be used for targeting purposes. These mobile apps can come from various app stores. |
MobileApplicationError | Lists all errors associated with MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationActionError | Lists all error reasons associated with performing actions on MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterface | |
MobileApplicationPage | Captures a page of mobile applications. |
MobileApplicationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on mobile applications. |
ArchiveMobileApplications | The action used to deactivate MobileApplication objects. |
UnarchiveMobileApplications | The action used to activate MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
MobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
Network | |
UrlError | Common errors for URLs. |
RequestError | Encapsulates the generic errors thrown when there's an error with user request. |
NetworkError | An error for a network. |
InventoryClientApiError | ApiError for common exceptions thrown when accessing AdSense InventoryClient. |
InvalidEmailError | Caused by supplying a value for an email attribute that is not a valid email address. |
ExchangeSignupApiError | ApiError for exceptions thrown by ExchangeSignupService. |
NetworkServiceInterface | |
NetworkServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
Order | An |
OrderServiceInterface | |
OrderPage | Captures a page of Order objects. |
OrderAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Order objects. |
UnarchiveOrders | The action used for unarchiving Order objects. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
SubmitOrdersForApproval | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalAndOverbook | The action used for submitting and overbooking Order objects for approval. |
RetractOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for retracting Order objects. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
RetractOrders | The action used for retracting Order objects. |
ResumeOrders | The action used for resuming Order objects. LineItem objects within the order that are eligble to resume will resume as well. |
ResumeAndOverbookOrders | The action used for resuming and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will resume as well. |
PauseOrders | The action used for pausing all LineItem objects within an order. |
DisapproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
DisapproveOrders | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. |
DeleteOrders | The action used for deleting Order objects. All line items within that order are also deleted. Orders can only be deleted if none of its line items have been eligible to serve. This action can be used to delete proposed orders and line items if they are no longer valid. |
ArchiveOrders | The action used for archiving Order objects. |
ApproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. If there are reservable line items that have not been reserved the operation will not succeed. |
ApproveOrders | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved, see the Ad Manager Help Center.
ApproveAndOverbookOrders | The action used for approving and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved and overbooked, see the Ad Manager Help Center. |
OrderServiceInterfaceChannel | |
OrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
SiteTargetingInfo | Deprecated container for information required for AdWords advertisers to place their ads. |
Placement | A |
PlacementError | Class defining all validation errors for a placement. |
PlacementServiceInterface | |
PlacementPage | Captures a page of Placement objects. |
PlacementAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Placement objects. |
DeactivatePlacements | The action used for deactivating Placement objects. |
ArchivePlacements | The action used for archiving Placement objects. |
ActivatePlacements | The action used for activating Placement objects. |
PlacementServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
BuyerRfp | Represents the buyer RFP information associated with a Proposal describing the requirements from the buyer. |
ProposalMarketplaceInfo | Marketplace info for a proposal with a corresponding order in Marketplace. |
SalespersonSplit | A |
ProposalCompanyAssociation | A |
Proposal | A |
ProposalLineItemProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodError | Lists all errors for makegood proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemError | Lists all errors associated with proposal line items. |
ProposalError | Lists all errors associated with proposals. |
ProposalActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Proposal objects. |
ExchangeRateError | Lists all errors associated with ExchangeRate objects. |
DealError | Errors associated with creating or updating programmatic proposals. |
BillingError | Lists all errors associated with the billing settings of a proposal or proposal line item. |
ProposalServiceInterface | |
MarketplaceCommentPage | Captures a page of MarketplaceComment objects. |
MarketplaceComment | A comment associated with a programmatic Proposal that has been sent to Marketplace. |
ProposalPage | Captures a page of Proposal objects. |
ProposalAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Proposal objects. |
UpdateOrderWithSellerData | The action to update a finalized Marketplace Order with the seller's data. |
UnarchiveProposals | The action used for unarchiving Proposal objects. |
TerminateNegotiations | The action for marking all negotiations on the Proposal as terminated in Marketplace. |
ResumeProposals | The action used for resuming programmatic Proposal objects. |
ReserveProposals | The action to reserve inventory for Proposal objects. It does not allow overbooking unless #allowOverbook is set to |
RequestBuyerReview | The action used to request buyer review for the Proposal. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | The action used to request acceptance from the buyer for the Proposal through Marketplace. This action does check forecasting unless #allowOverbook is set to |
PauseProposals | The action used for pausing programmatic Proposal objects. |
EditProposalsForNegotiation | Opens the fields of a Proposal for edit |
DiscardLocalVersionEdits | The action for reverting the local Proposal modifications to reflect the latest terms and private data in Marketplace. |
ArchiveProposals | The action used for archiving Proposal objects. |
ProposalServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
ProposalLineItemActionError | Lists all errors for executing operations on proposal line items. |
PreferredDealError | Errors associated with preferred deal proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterface | |
ProposalLineItemPage | Captures a page of ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ProposalLineItem objects. |
UnarchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for unarchiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ResumeProposalLineItems | The action used for resuming ProposalLineItem objects. |
ReserveProposalLineItems | The action to reserve inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. It does not overbook inventory unless #allowOverbook is set to |
ReleaseProposalLineItems | The action used for releasing inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. |
PauseProposalLineItems | The action used for pausing ProposalLineItem objects. |
ArchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for archiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
Row | Each Row object represents data about one entity in a ResultSet. |
TargetingValue | Contains a Targeting value |
ChangeHistoryValue | This class is unused. It exists only to provide reference documentation of the possible values for type and ChangeHistoryOperation. |
ColumnType | Contains information about a column in a ResultSet. |
ResultSet | The |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface | |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
BaseAdRuleSlot | Simple object representing an ad slot within an AdRule. Ad rule slots contain information about the types/number of ads to display, as well as additional information on how the ad server will generate playlists. |
UnknownAdRuleSlot | The BaseAdRuleSlot subtype returned if the actual type is not exposed by the requested API version. |
StandardPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with standard podding. A standard pod is a series of video ads played back to back. Standard pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
OptimizedPoddingAdRuleSlot | Ad rule slot with optimized podding. Optimized pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxPodDuration and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod, and the ad server chooses the best ads for the alloted duration. |
NoPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with no podding. It is defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
AdRule | An AdRule contains data that the ad server will use to generate a playlist of video ads. |
PoddingError | Errors related to podding fields in ad rule slots. |
AdRuleTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule targeting. |
AdRuleSlotError | Errors related to ad rule slots. |
AdRulePriorityError | Errors associated with ad rule priorities. |
AdRuleFrequencyCapError | Errors related to ad rule frequency caps |
AdRuleError | Errors ad rule break template objects. |
AdRuleDateError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule start and end dates. |
AdRuleServiceInterface | |
AdSpot | A AdSpot is a targetable entity used in the creation of AdRule objects |
BreakTemplate | A BreakTemplate defines what kinds of ads show at which positions within a pod |
BreakTemplateBreakTemplateMember | A building block of a pod template. |
AdRulePage | Captures a page of AdRule objects. |
AdSpotPage | Captures a page of AdSpot objects. |
BreakTemplatePage | Captures a page of BreakTemplate objects. |
AdRuleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdRule objects. |
DeleteAdRules | The action used for deleting AdRule objects. |
DeactivateAdRules | The action used for pausing AdRule objects. |
ActivateAdRules | The action used for resuming AdRule objects. |
AdRuleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
ReportError | An error for an exception that occurred while running the report. |
ReportServiceInterface | |
ReportDownloadOptions | Represents the options for an API report download request. See ReportService::getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions. |
SavedQueryPage | A page of SavedQuery objects. |
SavedQuery | A saved ReportQuery representing the selection criteria for running a report. |
ReportQuery | A |
ReportJob | Represents a report job that will be run to retrieve performance and statistics information about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales. |
ReportServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
SuggestedAdUnit | A |
SuggestedAdUnitPage | Contains a page of SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterface | |
SuggestedAdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | Action to approve SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitUpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
Team | A |
TeamServiceInterface | |
TeamPage | Captures a page of Team objects. |
TeamAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Team objects. |
DeactivateTeams | The action used for deactivating Team objects. |
ActivateTeams | The action used for activating Team objects. |
TeamServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
UserRecord | The |
User | Represents a user of the system |
TokenError | An error for an exception that occurred when using a token. |
UserServiceInterface | |
Role | Each |
UserPage | Captures a page of User objects |
UserAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on User objects. |
DeactivateUsers | The action used for deactivating User objects. |
ActivateUsers | The action used for activating User objects. |
UserServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
UserRecordTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterface | |
UserTeamAssociationPage | Captures a page of UserTeamAssociation objects. |
UserTeamAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on UserTeamAssociation objects. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociations | Action to delete the association between a User and a Team. |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
NativeStyle | Used to define the look and feel of native ads, for both web and apps. Native styles determine how native creatives look for a segment of inventory. |
NativeStyleError | Errors for native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterface | |
NativeStylePage | Captures a page of NativeStyle objects. |
NativeStyleAction | Represents an action that can be performed on native styles. |
DeactivateNativeStyles | Action to deactivate native styles. |
ArchiveNativeStyles | Action to archive native styles. |
ActivateNativeStyles | Action to activate native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
HistoricalBasisVolumeSettings | Settings to specify the volume of ad opportunities per day over the ForecastAdjustment date range based on the traffic volume of a historical reference period |
TotalVolumeSettings | Settings to specify a single total traffic volume that will be used as the expected total future volume for a forecast adjustment |
ForecastAdjustment | Provides information about the expected volume and composition of traffic over a date range for a traffic forecast segment. |
TrafficForecastSegmentError | Lists all errors associated with traffic forecast segments. |
ForecastAdjustmentError | Lists all errors associated with forecast adjustments. |
AdjustmentServiceInterface | |
TrafficForecastSegment | An entity that defines a segment of traffic that will be adjusted or explored. |
ForecastAdjustmentPage | A page of ForecastAdjustmentDto objects. |
TrafficForecastSegmentPage | A page of TrafficForecastSegmentDto objects. |
ForecastAdjustmentAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on objects. |
DeactivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for deactivating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
ActivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for activating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
AdjustmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
CmsMetadataKey | Key associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyPage | Captures a page of CMS metadata key objects. |
MetadataMergeSpecError | Errors associated with metadata merge specs. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterface | |
CmsMetadataValuePage | Captures a page of CMS metadata value objects. |
CmsMetadataValue | Key value pair associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataKey objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for activating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
CmsMetadataValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataValue objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for activating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
TargetingPreset | User-defined preset targeting criteria. |
TargetingPresetPage | Captures a paged query of TargetingPresetDto objects. |
TargetingPresetServiceInterface | |
TargetingPresetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
CreativeReview | |
CreativeReviewPage | |
CreativeReviewServiceInterface | |
CreativeReviewAction | |
DisapproveCreativeReviews | |
ArchiveCreativeReviews | |
ApproveCreativeReviews | |
CreativeReviewServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeReviewService | |
BaseContact | Base class for a Contact. |
Contact | A |
ContactError | Errors associated with |
ContactServiceInterface | |
ContactPage | Captures a page of Contact objects. |
ContactServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
TrackingEventPing | |
CreativeTranscode | |
AdDecisionCreative | |
SamError | |
AdResponse | |
AdBreak | |
StreamCreateRequest | |
VodStreamCreateRequest | |
LinearStreamCreateRequest | |
SamSession | |
SamSessionError | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterface | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterfaceChannel | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
AudioSettings | Information about the audio settings of an encoding profile. |
VideoSettings | Information about the video settings of an encoding profile. |
DaiEncodingProfile | A DaiEncodingProfile contains data about a publisher's encoding profiles. Ad Manager Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) uses the profile information about the content to select an appropriate ad transcode to play for the particular video. |
DaiEncodingProfileVariantSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile variant settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileUpdateError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile updates. |
DaiEncodingProfileNameError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile names. |
DaiEncodingProfileContainerSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile container settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileAdMatchingError | Lists all warnings associated with validating encoding profiles. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterface | |
DaiEncodingProfilePage | Captures a page of DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ArchiveDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for archiving DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ActivateDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for activating DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
DisapprovalReason | |
Site | |
SiteError | Errors associated with the |
SiteServiceInterface | |
SitePage | |
SiteAction | |
SubmitSiteForApproval | |
DeactivateSite | |
SiteServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SiteService | |
YieldParameter | |
YieldParameter_StringMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type YieldParameter and value of type String. |
AbstractDisplaySettings | |
SdkMediationSettings | |
OpenBiddingSetting | |
YieldAdSource | |
YieldGroup | |
YieldError | |
IdError | |
DistinctError | |
YieldGroupServiceInterface | |
YieldGroupPage | |
YieldPartner | |
YieldPartnerSettings | |
YieldGroupServiceInterfaceChannel | |
YieldGroupService | |
SegmentPopulationResults | |
SegmentPopulationError | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterface | |
SegmentPopulationAction | |
ProcessAction | |
SegmentPopulationRequest | |
SegmentPopulationResponse | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
DaiAuthenticationKey | A |
DaiAuthenticationKeyActionError | Lists all errors associated with DAI authentication key actions. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterface | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyPage | Captures a page of DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DeactivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for deactivating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
ActivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for activating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
FirstPartyAudienceSegmentRule | Rule of a FirstPartyAudienceSegment that defines user's eligibility criteria to be part of a segment. |
AudienceSegmentDataProvider | Data provider that owns this segment. For a FirstPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the publisher network. For a SharedAudienceSegment or a ThirdPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the entity that provides that AudienceSegment. |
AudienceSegment | An AudienceSegment represents audience segment object. |
SharedAudienceSegment | A SharedAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by another entity and shared with the publisher network. |
ThirdPartyAudienceSegment | A ThirdPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by a data provider and licensed to the Ad Manager publisher. |
FirstPartyAudienceSegment | A FirstPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It contains a rule. |
NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It doesn't contain a rule. Cookies are usually added to this segment via cookie upload. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterface | |
AudienceSegmentPage | Represents a page of AudienceSegment objects. |
AudienceSegmentAction | Action that can be performed on AudienceSegment objects. |
RejectAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to reject them. |
PopulateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to populate them based on last 30 days of traffic. |
DeactivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to deactivate them. |
ApproveAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to approve them. |
ActivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to activate them. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
SecurityPolicySettings | A set of security requirements to authenticate against in order to access video content. Different locations (e.g. different CDNs) can have different security policies. |
MediaLocationSettings | Configuration that associates a media location with a security policy and the authentication credentials needed to access the content. |
SourceContentConfiguration | Parameters about this CDN configuration as a source of content. This facilitates fetching the original content for conditioning and delivering the original content as part of a modified stream. |
CdnConfiguration | A CdnConfiguration encapsulates information about where and how to ingest and deliver content enabled for DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion). |
CdnConfigurationError | Errors associated with CdnConfigurations. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterface | |
CdnConfigurationPage | Captures a page of CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CdnConfiguration objects. |
ArchiveCdnConfigurations | The action used for archiving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ActivateCdnConfigurations | The action used for activating CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ViewabilityProvider | Information required for Company of Type VIEWABILITY_PROVIDER. It contains all of the data needed to capture viewability metrics. |
ChildPublisher | A |
Company | A |
CompanyServiceInterface | |
CompanyPage | Captures a page of Company objects. |
CompanyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on |
ResendInvitationAction | The action used by the parent network to resend an invitation email with the same proposal to an expired child publisher. |
EndAgreementAction | The action used by the parent network to withdraw from being the MCM parent for a child. |
ReInviteAction | The action used by the parent network to send a new invitation with a potentially updated proposal to a rejected or withdrawn child publisher. |
CompanyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
ContentBundle | A |
ContentFilterError | Errors associated with the incorrect creation of a Condition. |
ContentBundleServiceInterface | |
ContentBundlePage | Captures a page of ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ContentBundle objects. |
DeactivateContentBundles | The action used for deactivating ContentBundle objects. |
ActivateContentBundles | The action used for activating ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
CmsContent | Contains information about Content from the CMS it was ingested from. |
DaiIngestError | Represents an error associated with a DAI content's status. |
Content | A |
ContentPage | Captures a page of |
ContentServiceInterface | |
ContentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
IActivityGroupService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ActivityGroup objects |
ICreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
ICreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
ICreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
ICreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
ICustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ICustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
IForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
IInventoryService | |
ILabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
ILineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
IActivityService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Activity objects |
ILineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
ILineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
ILiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
IMobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
INetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
IOrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
IPlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
IProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
IProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
IPublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
IAdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
IReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
ISuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
ITeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
IUserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
IUserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
INativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
IAdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
ICmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
ITargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
ICreativeReviewService | |
IContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
IStreamActivityMonitorService | |
IDaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
ISiteService | |
IYieldGroupService | |
ISegmentPopulationService | |
IDaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
IAudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
ICdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ICompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
IContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
IContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
v202402 | |
Wrappers | |
ActivityGroupService | |
createActivityGroupsRequest | |
createActivityGroupsResponse | |
updateActivityGroupsRequest | |
updateActivityGroupsResponse | |
ActivityService | |
createActivitiesRequest | |
createActivitiesResponse | |
updateActivitiesRequest | |
updateActivitiesResponse | |
AdjustmentService | |
createForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
createForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
AdRuleService | |
createAdRulesRequest | |
createAdRulesResponse | |
createAdSpotsRequest | |
createAdSpotsResponse | |
createBreakTemplatesRequest | |
createBreakTemplatesResponse | |
updateAdRulesRequest | |
updateAdRulesResponse | |
updateAdSpotsRequest | |
updateAdSpotsResponse | |
updateBreakTemplatesRequest | |
updateBreakTemplatesResponse | |
AudienceSegmentService | |
createAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
createAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
updateAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
updateAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
CdnConfigurationService | |
createCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
createCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
updateCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
updateCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
CmsMetadataService | |
CompanyService | |
createCompaniesRequest | |
createCompaniesResponse | |
updateCompaniesRequest | |
updateCompaniesResponse | |
ContactService | |
createContactsRequest | |
createContactsResponse | |
updateContactsRequest | |
updateContactsResponse | |
ContentBundleService | |
createContentBundlesRequest | |
createContentBundlesResponse | |
updateContentBundlesRequest | |
updateContentBundlesResponse | |
ContentService | |
CreativeService | |
createCreativesRequest | |
createCreativesResponse | |
updateCreativesRequest | |
updateCreativesResponse | |
CreativeSetService | |
CreativeTemplateService | |
CreativeWrapperService | |
createCreativeWrappersRequest | |
createCreativeWrappersResponse | |
updateCreativeWrappersRequest | |
updateCreativeWrappersResponse | |
CustomFieldService | |
createCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
createCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
createCustomFieldsRequest | |
createCustomFieldsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldsResponse | |
CustomTargetingService | |
createCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
createCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
createCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
createCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
ForecastService | |
getDeliveryForecastRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastResponse | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsResponse | |
InventoryService | |
createAdUnitsRequest | |
createAdUnitsResponse | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementRequest | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementResponse | |
updateAdUnitsRequest | |
updateAdUnitsResponse | |
LabelService | |
createLabelsRequest | |
createLabelsResponse | |
updateLabelsRequest | |
updateLabelsResponse | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesRequest | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesResponse | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
LineItemService | |
createLineItemsRequest | |
createLineItemsResponse | |
updateLineItemsRequest | |
updateLineItemsResponse | |
LineItemTemplateService | |
LiveStreamEventService | |
createLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
createLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
createSlatesRequest | |
createSlatesResponse | |
updateLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
updateLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
updateSlatesRequest | |
updateSlatesResponse | |
MobileApplicationService | |
createMobileApplicationsRequest | |
createMobileApplicationsResponse | |
updateMobileApplicationsRequest | |
updateMobileApplicationsResponse | |
NativeStyleService | |
createNativeStylesRequest | |
createNativeStylesResponse | |
updateNativeStylesRequest | |
updateNativeStylesResponse | |
NetworkService | |
getAllNetworksRequest | |
getAllNetworksResponse | |
OrderService | |
createOrdersRequest | |
createOrdersResponse | |
updateOrdersRequest | |
updateOrdersResponse | |
PlacementService | |
createPlacementsRequest | |
createPlacementsResponse | |
updatePlacementsRequest | |
updatePlacementsResponse | |
ProposalLineItemService | |
createMakegoodsRequest | |
createMakegoodsResponse | |
createProposalLineItemsRequest | |
createProposalLineItemsResponse | |
updateProposalLineItemsRequest | |
updateProposalLineItemsResponse | |
ProposalService | |
createProposalsRequest | |
createProposalsResponse | |
updateProposalsRequest | |
updateProposalsResponse | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | |
ReportService | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsRequest | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsResponse | |
performSegmentPopulationActionRequest | |
performSegmentPopulationActionResponse | |
SiteService | |
createSitesRequest | |
createSitesResponse | |
updateSitesRequest | |
updateSitesResponse | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
getSamSessionsByStatementRequest | |
getSamSessionsByStatementResponse | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringRequest | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringResponse | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | |
TargetingPresetService | |
TeamService | |
createTeamsRequest | |
createTeamsResponse | |
updateTeamsRequest | |
updateTeamsResponse | |
UserService | |
createUsersRequest | |
createUsersResponse | |
getAllRolesRequest | |
getAllRolesResponse | |
updateUsersRequest | |
updateUsersResponse | |
UserTeamAssociationService | |
createUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
createUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
YieldGroupService | |
createYieldGroupsRequest | |
createYieldGroupsResponse | |
getYieldPartnersRequest | |
getYieldPartnersResponse | |
updateYieldGroupsRequest | |
updateYieldGroupsResponse | |
ApiException | Exception class for holding a list of service errors. |
ApiError | The API error base class that provides details about an error that occurred while processing a service request |
FieldPathElement | A segment of a field path. Each dot in a field path defines a new segment. |
ApplicationException | Base class for exceptions. |
ActivityGroup | Activities are organized within activity groups, which are sets of activities that share the same configuration. You create and manage activities from within activity groups. |
UniqueError | An error for a field which must satisfy a uniqueness constraint |
StringLengthError | Errors for Strings which do not meet given length constraints. |
StringFormatError | A list of error code for reporting invalid content of input strings. |
StatementError | An error that occurs while parsing Statement objects. |
ServerError | Errors related to the server. |
RequiredNumberError | A list of all errors to be used in conjunction with required number validators. |
RequiredError | Errors due to missing required field. |
RequiredCollectionError | A list of all errors to be used for validating sizes of collections. |
RangeError | A list of all errors associated with the Range constraint. |
QuotaError | Describes a client-side error on which a user is attempting to perform an action to which they have no quota remaining. |
PublisherQueryLanguageSyntaxError | An error that occurs while parsing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PublisherQueryLanguageContextError | An error that occurs while executing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PermissionError | Errors related to incorrect permission. |
ParseError | Lists errors related to parsing. |
NotNullError | Caused by supplying a null value for an attribute that cannot be null. |
InternalApiError | Indicates that a server-side error has occured |
FeatureError | Errors related to feature management. If you attempt using a feature that is not available to the current network you'll receive a FeatureError with the missing feature as the trigger. |
CommonError | A place for common errors that can be used across services. |
CollectionSizeError | Error for the size of the collection being too large |
AuthenticationError | An error for an exception that occurred when authenticating. |
ApiVersionError | Errors related to the usage of API versions. |
ActivityError | Errors relating to Activity and Activity Group services. |
Statement | Captures the |
String_ValueMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type String and value of type Value. |
Value | |
TextValue | Contains a string value. |
SetValue | Contains a set of Values. May not contain duplicates. |
NumberValue | Contains a numeric value. |
DateValue | Contains a date value. |
Date | Represents a date. |
DateTimeValue | Contains a date-time value. |
DateTime | Represents a date combined with the time of day. |
BooleanValue | Contains a boolean value. |
ObjectValue | Contains an object value |
ActivityGroupPage | Captures a page of ActivityGroup objects. |
ActivityGroupServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ActivityGroupServiceInterface | |
ActivityGroupService | As of February 22, 2024 this service will become read only as part of Spotlight deprecation, learn more. |
BaseCreativeTemplateVariableValue | A base class for storing values of the CreativeTemplateVariable. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::URL. |
StringCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::STRING and VariableType::LIST. |
LongCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::LONG. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::ASSET. |
CreativeAsset | A |
Size | Represents the dimensions of an AdUnit, LineItem or Creative |
ClickTag | Click tags define click-through URLs for each exit on an HTML5 creative. An exit is any area that can be clicked that directs the browser to a landing page. Each click tag defines the click-through URL for a different exit. In Ad Manager, tracking pixels are attached to the click tags if URLs are valid. |
CustomCreativeAsset | A |
VideoMetadata | Metadata for a video asset. |
Asset | Base asset properties. |
RedirectAsset | An externally hosted asset. |
VideoRedirectAsset | An externally-hosted video asset. |
ConversionEvent_TrackingUrlsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type ConversionEvent and value of type TrackingUrls. |
RichMediaStudioChildAssetProperty | Represents a child asset in |
ThirdPartyDataDeclaration | Represents a set of declarations about what (if any) third party companies are associated with a given creative |
BaseCustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField for a particular entity. |
DropDownCustomFieldValue | A CustomFieldValue for a CustomField that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN |
CustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField that does not have a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
AppliedLabel | Represents a Label that can be applied to an entity. To negate an inherited label, create an |
Creative | A |
VastRedirectCreative | A |
UnsupportedCreative | A |
ThirdPartyCreative | A |
TemplateCreative | A |
ProgrammaticCreative | A |
LegacyDfpCreative | A |
InternalRedirectCreative | A |
Html5Creative | A |
HasDestinationUrlCreative | A |
CustomCreative | A |
BaseVideoCreative | A base type for video creatives. |
VideoRedirectCreative | A |
VideoCreative | A |
SetTopBoxCreative | A |
BaseImageRedirectCreative | The base type for creatives that load an image asset from a specified URL. |
ImageRedirectOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageRedirectCreative | A |
BaseImageCreative | The base type for creatives that display an image. |
ImageOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageCreative | A |
BaseAudioCreative | A base type for audio creatives. |
AudioRedirectCreative | A |
AudioCreative | A |
AspectRatioImageCreative | A |
ClickTrackingCreative | A creative that is used for tracking clicks on ads that are served directly from the customers' web servers or media servers. NOTE: The size attribute is not used for click tracking creative and it will not be persisted upon save. |
BaseRichMediaStudioCreative | A |
RichMediaStudioCreative | A |
BaseDynamicAllocationCreative | A base class for dynamic allocation creatives. |
HasHtmlSnippetDynamicAllocationCreative | Dynamic allocation creative with a backfill code snippet. |
AdSenseCreative | An AdSense dynamic allocation creative. |
AdExchangeCreative | An Ad Exchange dynamic allocation creative. |
TypeError | An error for a field which is an invalid type. |
TranscodingError | Errors associated with the video and audio transcoding flow. |
TemplateInstantiatedCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with template instantiated creatives. |
SwiffyConversionError | Error for converting flash to swiffy asset. |
SetTopBoxCreativeError | Errors associated with set-top box creatives. |
RichMediaStudioCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with Studio creatives. |
RequiredSizeError | A list of all errors to be used for validating Size. |
NullError | Caused by supplying a non-null value for an attribute that should be null. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationError | Lists all errors associated with line item-to-creative association dates. |
LabelEntityAssociationError | Errors specific to creating label entity associations. |
InvalidUrlError | Lists all errors associated with URLs. |
InvalidPhoneNumberError | Lists all errors associated with phone numbers. |
ImageError | Lists all errors associated with images. |
HtmlBundleProcessorError | Lists all errors associated with html5 file processing. |
FileError | A list of all errors to be used for problems related to files. |
EntityLimitReachedError | An error that occurs when creating an entity if the limit on the number of allowed entities for a network has already been reached. |
CustomFieldValueError | Errors specific to editing custom field values |
CustomCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with custom creatives. |
CreativeTemplateOperationError | An error that can occur while performing an operation on a creative template. |
CreativeTemplateError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with CreativeTemplate. |
CreativeSetError | Errors relating to creative sets & subclasses. |
CreativeError | Lists all errors associated with creatives. |
CreativeAssetMacroError | Lists all errors associated with creative asset macros. |
AssetError | Lists all errors associated with assets. |
CreativeServiceInterface | |
CreativePage | Captures a page of Creative objects. |
CreativeAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Creative objects. |
DeactivateCreatives | The action used for deactivating Creative objects. |
ActivateCreatives | The action used for activating Creative objects. |
UpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on objects. |
CreativeServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
CreativeSet | A creative set is comprised of a master creative and its companion creatives. |
CreativeSetServiceInterface | |
CreativeSetPage | Captures a page of CreativeSet objects. |
CreativeSetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariableVariableChoice | Stores variable choices that users can select from |
CreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a variable defined in a creative template. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a url variable defined in a creative template |
StringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a string variable defined in a creative template |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a list variable defined in a creative template. This is similar to StringCreativeTemplateVariable, except that there are possible choices to choose from |
LongCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a long variable defined in a creative template. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a file asset variable defined in a creative template |
CreativeTemplate | A template upon which a creative can be created. |
CreativeTemplatePage | Captures a page of CreativeTemplate objects. |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterface | |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
CreativeWrapper | A |
LabelError | Errors specific to labels. |
CreativeWrapperError | Errors specific to creative wrappers. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterface | |
CreativeWrapperPage | Captures a page of CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CreativeWrapper objects. |
DeactivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for deactivating CreativeWrapper objects. |
ActivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for activating CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
CustomTargetingKey | |
EntityChildrenLimitReachedError | Lists errors relating to having too many children on an entity. |
CustomTargetingError | Lists all errors related to CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterface | |
CustomTargetingValue | |
CustomTargetingKeyPage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValuePage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingKeys | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. Deleting a key will not delete the CustomTargetingValue objects associated with it. Also, if a custom targeting key that has been deleted is recreated, any previous custom targeting values associated with it that were not deleted will continue to exist. |
ActivateCustomTargetingKeys | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingValues | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ActivateCustomTargetingValues | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomFieldOption | An option represents a permitted value for a custom field that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
CustomFieldError | Errors specific to editing custom fields |
CustomFieldServiceInterface | |
CustomField | An additional, user-created field on an entity. |
DropDownCustomField | A custom field that has the drop-down data type. |
CustomFieldPage | Captures a page of CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomField objects. |
DeactivateCustomFields | The action used for deactivating CustomField objects. |
ActivateCustomFields | The action used for activating CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
AlternativeUnitTypeForecast | A view of the forecast in terms of an alternative unit type |
ContendingLineItem | Describes contending line items for a Forecast. |
TargetingCriteriaBreakdown | A single targeting criteria breakdown result. |
BreakdownForecast | Represents a single delivery data point, with both available and forecast number. |
ForecastBreakdownEntry | A single forecast breakdown entry. |
ForecastBreakdown | Represents the breakdown entries for a list of targetings and/or creatives. |
AvailabilityForecast | Describes predicted inventory availability for a ProspectiveLineItem |
ForecastBreakdownTarget | Specifies inventory targeted by a breakdown entry. |
Targeting | Contains targeting criteria for LineItem objects. See LineItem::targeting. |
GeoTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target geographical locations. By default, line items target all countries and their subdivisions. With geographical targeting, you can target line items to specific countries, regions, metro areas, and cities. You can also exclude the same |
Location | A Location represents a geographical entity that can be targeted. If a location type is not available because of the API version you are using, the location will be represented as just the base class, otherwise it will be sub-classed correctly. |
InventoryTargeting | A collection of targeted and excluded ad units and placements. |
AdUnitTargeting | Represents targeted or excluded ad units. |
DayPartTargeting | Modify the delivery times of line items for particular days of the week. By default, line items are served at all days and times. |
DayPart | |
TimeOfDay | Represents a specific time in a day. |
DateTimeRange | Represents a range of dates (combined with time of day) that has an upper and/or lower bound. |
TechnologyTargeting | Provides LineItem objects the ability to target or exclude technologies. |
BandwidthGroupTargeting | Represents bandwidth groups that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
Technology | Represents a technology entity that can be targeted. |
OperatingSystemVersion | Represents a specific version of an operating system. |
OperatingSystem | Represents an Operating System, such as Linux, Mac OS or Windows. |
MobileDeviceSubmodel | Represents a mobile device submodel. |
MobileDevice | Represents a Mobile Device. |
MobileCarrier | Represents a mobile carrier. Carrier targeting is only available to Ad Manager mobile publishers. For a list of current mobile carriers, you can use PublisherQueryLanguageService::mobile_carrier. |
DeviceManufacturer | Represents a mobile device's manufacturer. |
DeviceCategory | Represents the category of a device. |
DeviceCapability | Represents a capability of a physical device. |
BrowserLanguage | Represents a Browser's language. |
Browser | Represents an internet browser. |
BandwidthGroup | Represents a group of bandwidths that are logically organized by some well known generic names such as 'Cable' or 'DSL'. |
BrowserTargeting | Represents browsers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BrowserLanguageTargeting | Represents browser languages that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCapabilityTargeting | Represents device capabilities that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCategoryTargeting | Represents device categories that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceManufacturerTargeting | Represents device manufacturer that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileCarrierTargeting | Represents mobile carriers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceSubmodelTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
OperatingSystemTargeting | Represents operating systems that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
OperatingSystemVersionTargeting | Represents operating system versions that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
CustomCriteriaSet | A CustomCriteriaSet comprises of a set of CustomCriteriaNode objects combined by the CustomCriteriaSet.LogicalOperator::logicalOperator. The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
CustomCriteriaNode | A CustomCriteriaNode is a node in the custom targeting tree. A custom criteria node can either be a CustomCriteriaSet (a non-leaf node) or a CustomCriteria (a leaf node). The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
CustomCriteriaLeaf | A CustomCriteriaLeaf object represents a generic leaf of CustomCriteria tree structure. |
AudienceSegmentCriteria | An AudienceSegmentCriteria object is used to target AudienceSegment objects. |
CmsMetadataCriteria | A |
CustomCriteria | A CustomCriteria object is used to perform custom criteria targeting on custom targeting keys of type CustomTargetingKey.Type::PREDEFINED or CustomTargetingKey.Type::FREEFORM. |
UserDomainTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users visiting their websites from a list of domains or subdomains. |
ContentTargeting | Used to target LineItems to specific videos on a publisher's site. |
VideoPositionTargeting | Represents positions within and around a video where ads can be targeted to |
VideoPositionTarget | Represents the options for targetable positions within a video. |
VideoPosition | Represents a targetable position within a video. A video ad can be targeted to a position (pre-roll, all mid-rolls, or post-roll), or to a specific mid-roll index. |
VideoPositionWithinPod | Represents a targetable position within a pod within a video stream. A video ad can be targeted to any position in the pod (first, second, third ... last). If there is only 1 ad in a pod, either first or last will target that position. |
MobileApplicationTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users' mobile applications. |
BuyerUserListTargeting | The |
InventoryUrlTargeting | A collection of targeted inventory urls. |
InventoryUrl | The representation of an inventory Url that is used in targeting. |
RequestPlatformTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target the platform that requests and renders the ad |
InventorySizeTargeting | Represents a collection of targeted and excluded inventory sizes. This is currently only available on YieldGroup and TrafficDataRequest. |
TargetedSize | A size that is targeted on a request. |
CreativePlaceholder | A |
ForecastBreakdownOptions | Configuration of forecast breakdown. |
AvailabilityForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item availability forecasts. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodInfo | Makegood info for a ProposalLineItemDto. |
ProposalLineItem | A |
Goal | Defines the criteria a LineItem needs to satisfy to meet its delivery goal. |
FrequencyCap | Represents a limit on the number of times a single viewer can be exposed to the same LineItem in a specified time period. |
Money | Represents a money amount. |
DeliveryIndicator | Indicates the delivery performance of the LineItem. |
GrpSettings | |
ThirdPartyMeasurementSettings | Contains third party auto-pixeling settings for cross-sell Partners. |
CreativeTargeting | Represents the creative targeting criteria for a LineItem. |
LineItemDealInfoDto | Data transfer object for the exchange deal info of a line item. |
Stats | |
LineItemActivityAssociation | A |
CustomPacingGoal | An interval of a CustomPacingCurve. A custom pacing goal contains a start time and an amount. The goal will apply until either the next custom pacing goal's |
CustomPacingCurve | A curve consisting of CustomPacingGoal objects that is used to pace line item delivery. |
LineItemSummary | The |
LineItem | LineItem is an advertiser's commitment to purchase a specific number of ad impressions, clicks, or time. |
ProspectiveLineItem | Represents a prospective line item to be forecasted. |
VideoPositionTargetingError | Lists all errors related to VideoPositionTargeting. |
UserDomainTargetingError | Lists all errors related to user domain targeting for a line item. |
TimeZoneError | Errors related to timezones. |
TechnologyTargetingError | Technology targeting validation errors. |
TeamError | Errors related to a Team. |
SetTopBoxLineItemError | Errors associated with set-top box line items. |
AudienceSegmentError | Errors that could occur on audience segment related requests. |
ReservationDetailsError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem's reservation details. |
RequestPlatformTargetingError | Errors related to request platform targeting. |
RegExError | Caused by supplying a value for an object attribute that does not conform to a documented valid regular expression. |
ProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic line items. |
PrecisionError | List all errors associated with number precisions. |
OrderError | Lists all errors associated with orders. |
OrderActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Order objects. |
MobileApplicationTargetingError | Lists all errors related to mobile application targeting for a line item. |
LineItemOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line items |
LineItemFlightDateError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem start and end dates. |
LineItemError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with LineItem. |
LineItemActivityAssociationError | Errors specific to associating activities to line items. |
InventoryUnitError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit objects. |
InventoryTargetingError | Lists all inventory errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
GrpSettingsError | Errors associated with line items with GRP settings. |
GeoTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with geographical targeting for a LineItem. |
GenericTargetingError | Targeting validation errors that can be used by different targeting types. |
FrequencyCapError | Lists all errors associated with frequency caps. |
ForecastError | Errors that can result from a forecast request. |
DayPartTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with day-part targeting for a line item. |
DateTimeRangeTargetingError | Lists all date time range errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
DateError | A list of all errors associated with the dates. |
CurrencyCodeError | Errors related to currency codes. |
CrossSellError | Lists all errors associated with cross selling. |
CompanyCreditStatusError | Lists all errors due to Company::creditStatus. |
ClickTrackingLineItemError | Click tracking is a special line item type with a number of unique errors as described below. |
AudienceExtensionError | Errors associated with audience extension enabled line items |
AdUnitCodeError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit::adUnitCode. |
ForecastServiceInterface | |
DeliveryForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item delivery forecasts. |
DeliveryForecast | The forecast of delivery for a list of ProspectiveLineItem objects to be reserved at the same time. |
LineItemDeliveryForecast | The forecasted delivery of a ProspectiveLineItem. |
TrafficDataRequest | Defines a segment of traffic for which traffic data should be returned. |
DateRange | Represents a range of dates that has an upper and a lower bound |
TrafficDataResponse | Contains forecasted and historical traffic volume data describing a segment of traffic. |
TimeSeries | Represents a chronological sequence of daily values. |
ForecastServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
LabelFrequencyCap | A |
AdSenseSettings | Contains the AdSense configuration for an AdUnit. |
AdUnitSize | An |
AdUnitParent | The summary of a parent AdUnit. |
AdUnit | An |
InventoryUnitSizesError | An error specifically for InventoryUnitSizes. |
InventoryUnitRefreshRateError | Lists errors relating to AdUnit::refreshRate. |
InvalidColorError | A list of all errors associated with a color attribute. |
CompanyError | A list of all errors associated with companies. |
AdUnitHierarchyError | Caused by creating an AdUnit object with an invalid hierarchy. |
AdSenseAccountError | Error for AdSense related API calls. |
InventoryServiceInterface | |
AdUnitPage | Captures a page of AdUnit objects. |
AdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdUnit objects. |
DeactivateAdUnits | The action used for deactivating AdUnit objects. |
ArchiveAdUnits | The action used for archiving AdUnit objects. |
ActivateAdUnits | The action used for activating AdUnit objects. |
InventoryServiceInterfaceChannel | |
InventoryService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AdUnit objects |
AdCategoryDto | A canonical ad category. |
Label | A |
LabelServiceInterface | |
LabelPage | Captures a page of Label objects. |
LabelAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Label objects. |
DeactivateLabels | The action used for deactivating Label objects. |
ActivateLabels | The action used for activating Label objects. |
LabelServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
Long_StatsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type Long and value of type Stats. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationStats | Contains statistics such as impressions, clicks delivered and cost for LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
LineItemCreativeAssociation | A |
LineItemCreativeAssociationOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line item-to-creative associations |
CreativePreviewError | Errors associated with generation of creative preview URIs. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterface | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationPage | Captures a page of LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativeNativeStylePreview | Represents the NativeStyle of a Creative and its corresponding preview URL. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeleteLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deleting LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeactivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deactivating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
ActivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for activating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativePushOptions | Data needed to push a creative to a mobile device. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
Activity | An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in Ad Manager. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion |
ActivityServiceInterface | |
ActivityPage | Captures a page of Activity objects. |
ActivityServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ActivityService | As of February 22, 2024 this service will become read only as part of Spotlight deprecation, learn more |
LineItemServiceInterface | |
LineItemPage | Captures a page of LineItem objects. |
LineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItem objects. |
UnarchiveLineItems | The action used for unarchiving LineItem objects. |
ResumeLineItems | The action used for resuming LineItem objects. |
ResumeAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for resuming and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReserveLineItems | The action used for reserving LineItem objects. |
ReserveAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for reserving and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReleaseLineItems | The action used for releasing LineItem objects. |
PauseLineItems | The action used for pausing LineItem objects. |
DeleteLineItems | The action used for deleting LineItem objects. A line item can be deleted if it has never been eligible to serve. Note: deleted line items will still count against your network limits. For more information, see the Help Center. |
ArchiveLineItems | The action used for archiving LineItem objects. |
ActivateLineItems | The action used for activating LineItem objects. |
LineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
LineItemTemplate | Represents the template that populates the fields of a new line item being created. |
LineItemTemplatePage | Captures a page of LineItemTemplate objects. |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterface | |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
DashBridge | A |
LiveStreamConditioning | Settings to specify all types of conditioning to apply to the associated LiveStreamEvent. |
PrefetchSettings | The information needed to prefetch ad requests for an ad break. |
MasterPlaylistSettings | Settings for the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) master playlist. |
HlsSettings | LiveStream settings that are specific to the HTTP live streaming (HLS) protocol. |
PrerollSettings | Settings for ad breaks on LiveStreamEvent that are specific to preroll. |
LiveStreamEvent | A |
VideoAdTagError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event ad tags. |
LiveStreamEventSlateError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent slate creative id. |
LiveStreamEventPrerollSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with preroll settings applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventDvrWindowError | Lists the errors associated with setting the LiveStreamEvent DVR window duration. |
LiveStreamEventDateTimeError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event start and end date times. |
LiveStreamEventCustomAssetKeyError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event custom asset keys. |
LiveStreamEventConditioningError | Lists all errors associated with conditioning applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventCdnSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent CDN configurations. |
LiveStreamEventActionError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event action. |
AdBreakMarkupError | An error for publisher provided ad break markups in a LiveStreamEvent which are invalid for the given StreamingFormat. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterface | |
Slate | A |
LiveStreamEventPage | Captures a page of LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlatePage | Captures a page of Slate objects. |
LiveStreamEventAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LiveStreamEvent objects. |
RefreshLiveStreamEventMasterPlaylists | The action used for refreshing the master playlists of LiveStreamEvent objects |
PauseLiveStreamEvents | The action used for pausing LiveStreamEvent objects. |
PauseLiveStreamEventAds | The action used for pausing ads for LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ArchiveLiveStreamEvents | The action used for archiving LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ActivateLiveStreamEvents | The action used for activating LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlateAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on slates. |
UnarchiveSlates | The action used for unarchiving slates. |
ArchiveSlates | The action used for archiving slates. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
MobileApplication | A mobile application that has been added to or "claimed" by the network to be used for targeting purposes. These mobile apps can come from various app stores. |
MobileApplicationError | Lists all errors associated with MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationActionError | Lists all error reasons associated with performing actions on MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterface | |
MobileApplicationPage | Captures a page of mobile applications. |
MobileApplicationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on mobile applications. |
ArchiveMobileApplications | The action used to deactivate MobileApplication objects. |
UnarchiveMobileApplications | The action used to activate MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
MobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
Network | |
UrlError | Common errors for URLs. |
RequestError | Encapsulates the generic errors thrown when there's an error with user request. |
NetworkError | An error for a network. |
InventoryClientApiError | ApiError for common exceptions thrown when accessing AdSense InventoryClient. |
InvalidEmailError | Caused by supplying a value for an email attribute that is not a valid email address. |
ExchangeSignupApiError | ApiError for exceptions thrown by ExchangeSignupService. |
NetworkServiceInterface | |
NetworkServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
Order | An |
OrderServiceInterface | |
OrderPage | Captures a page of Order objects. |
OrderAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Order objects. |
UnarchiveOrders | The action used for unarchiving Order objects. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
SubmitOrdersForApproval | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalAndOverbook | The action used for submitting and overbooking Order objects for approval. |
RetractOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for retracting Order objects. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
RetractOrders | The action used for retracting Order objects. |
ResumeOrders | The action used for resuming Order objects. LineItem objects within the order that are eligble to resume will resume as well. |
ResumeAndOverbookOrders | The action used for resuming and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will resume as well. |
PauseOrders | The action used for pausing all LineItem objects within an order. |
DisapproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
DisapproveOrders | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. |
DeleteOrders | The action used for deleting Order objects. All line items within that order are also deleted. Orders can only be deleted if none of its line items have been eligible to serve. This action can be used to delete proposed orders and line items if they are no longer valid. |
ArchiveOrders | The action used for archiving Order objects. |
ApproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. If there are reservable line items that have not been reserved the operation will not succeed. |
ApproveOrders | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved, see the Ad Manager Help Center.
ApproveAndOverbookOrders | The action used for approving and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved and overbooked, see the Ad Manager Help Center. |
OrderServiceInterfaceChannel | |
OrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
SiteTargetingInfo | Deprecated container for information required for AdWords advertisers to place their ads. |
Placement | A |
PlacementError | Class defining all validation errors for a placement. |
PlacementServiceInterface | |
PlacementPage | Captures a page of Placement objects. |
PlacementAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Placement objects. |
DeactivatePlacements | The action used for deactivating Placement objects. |
ArchivePlacements | The action used for archiving Placement objects. |
ActivatePlacements | The action used for activating Placement objects. |
PlacementServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
BuyerRfp | Represents the buyer RFP information associated with a Proposal describing the requirements from the buyer. |
ProposalMarketplaceInfo | Marketplace info for a proposal with a corresponding order in Marketplace. |
SalespersonSplit | A |
ProposalCompanyAssociation | A |
Proposal | A |
ProposalLineItemProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodError | Lists all errors for makegood proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemError | Lists all errors associated with proposal line items. |
ProposalError | Lists all errors associated with proposals. |
ProposalActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Proposal objects. |
ExchangeRateError | Lists all errors associated with ExchangeRate objects. |
DealError | Errors associated with creating or updating programmatic proposals. |
BillingError | Lists all errors associated with the billing settings of a proposal or proposal line item. |
ProposalServiceInterface | |
MarketplaceCommentPage | Captures a page of MarketplaceComment objects. |
MarketplaceComment | A comment associated with a programmatic Proposal that has been sent to Marketplace. |
ProposalPage | Captures a page of Proposal objects. |
ProposalAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Proposal objects. |
UpdateOrderWithSellerData | The action to update a finalized Marketplace Order with the seller's data. |
UnarchiveProposals | The action used for unarchiving Proposal objects. |
TerminateNegotiations | The action for marking all negotiations on the Proposal as terminated in Marketplace. |
ResumeProposals | The action used for resuming programmatic Proposal objects. |
ReserveProposals | The action to reserve inventory for Proposal objects. It does not allow overbooking unless #allowOverbook is set to |
RequestBuyerReview | The action used to request buyer review for the Proposal. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | The action used to request acceptance from the buyer for the Proposal through Marketplace. This action does check forecasting unless #allowOverbook is set to |
PauseProposals | The action used for pausing programmatic Proposal objects. |
EditProposalsForNegotiation | Opens the fields of a Proposal for edit |
DiscardLocalVersionEdits | The action for reverting the local Proposal modifications to reflect the latest terms and private data in Marketplace. |
ArchiveProposals | The action used for archiving Proposal objects. |
ProposalServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
ProposalLineItemActionError | Lists all errors for executing operations on proposal line items. |
PreferredDealError | Errors associated with preferred deal proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterface | |
ProposalLineItemPage | Captures a page of ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ProposalLineItem objects. |
UnarchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for unarchiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ResumeProposalLineItems | The action used for resuming ProposalLineItem objects. |
ReserveProposalLineItems | The action to reserve inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. It does not overbook inventory unless #allowOverbook is set to |
ReleaseProposalLineItems | The action used for releasing inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. |
PauseProposalLineItems | The action used for pausing ProposalLineItem objects. |
ArchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for archiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
Row | Each Row object represents data about one entity in a ResultSet. |
TargetingValue | Contains a Targeting value |
ChangeHistoryValue | This class is unused. It exists only to provide reference documentation of the possible values for type and ChangeHistoryOperation. |
ColumnType | Contains information about a column in a ResultSet. |
ResultSet | The |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface | |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
BaseAdRuleSlot | Simple object representing an ad slot within an AdRule. Ad rule slots contain information about the types/number of ads to display, as well as additional information on how the ad server will generate playlists. |
UnknownAdRuleSlot | The BaseAdRuleSlot subtype returned if the actual type is not exposed by the requested API version. |
StandardPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with standard podding. A standard pod is a series of video ads played back to back. Standard pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
OptimizedPoddingAdRuleSlot | Ad rule slot with optimized podding. Optimized pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxPodDuration and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod, and the ad server chooses the best ads for the alloted duration. |
NoPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with no podding. It is defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
AdRule | An AdRule contains data that the ad server will use to generate a playlist of video ads. |
PoddingError | Errors related to podding fields in ad rule slots. |
AdRuleTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule targeting. |
AdRuleSlotError | Errors related to ad rule slots. |
AdRulePriorityError | Errors associated with ad rule priorities. |
AdRuleFrequencyCapError | Errors related to ad rule frequency caps |
AdRuleError | Errors ad rule break template objects. |
AdRuleDateError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule start and end dates. |
AdRuleServiceInterface | |
AdSpot | A AdSpot is a targetable entity used in the creation of AdRule objects |
BreakTemplate | A BreakTemplate defines what kinds of ads show at which positions within a pod |
BreakTemplateBreakTemplateMember | A building block of a pod template. |
AdRulePage | Captures a page of AdRule objects. |
AdSpotPage | Captures a page of AdSpot objects. |
BreakTemplatePage | Captures a page of BreakTemplate objects. |
AdRuleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdRule objects. |
DeleteAdRules | The action used for deleting AdRule objects. |
DeactivateAdRules | The action used for pausing AdRule objects. |
ActivateAdRules | The action used for resuming AdRule objects. |
AdRuleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
ReportError | An error for an exception that occurred while running the report. |
ReportServiceInterface | |
ReportDownloadOptions | Represents the options for an API report download request. See ReportService::getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions. |
SavedQueryPage | A page of SavedQuery objects. |
SavedQuery | A saved ReportQuery representing the selection criteria for running a report. |
ReportQuery | A |
ReportJob | Represents a report job that will be run to retrieve performance and statistics information about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales. |
ReportServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
SuggestedAdUnit | A |
SuggestedAdUnitPage | Contains a page of SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterface | |
SuggestedAdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | Action to approve SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitUpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
Team | A |
TeamServiceInterface | |
TeamPage | Captures a page of Team objects. |
TeamAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Team objects. |
DeactivateTeams | The action used for deactivating Team objects. |
ActivateTeams | The action used for activating Team objects. |
TeamServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
UserRecord | The |
User | Represents a user of the system |
TokenError | An error for an exception that occurred when using a token. |
UserServiceInterface | |
Role | Each |
UserPage | Captures a page of User objects |
UserAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on User objects. |
DeactivateUsers | The action used for deactivating User objects. |
ActivateUsers | The action used for activating User objects. |
UserServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
UserRecordTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterface | |
UserTeamAssociationPage | Captures a page of UserTeamAssociation objects. |
UserTeamAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on UserTeamAssociation objects. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociations | Action to delete the association between a User and a Team. |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
NativeStyle | Used to define the look and feel of native ads, for both web and apps. Native styles determine how native creatives look for a segment of inventory. |
NativeStyleError | Errors for native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterface | |
NativeStylePage | Captures a page of NativeStyle objects. |
NativeStyleAction | Represents an action that can be performed on native styles. |
DeactivateNativeStyles | Action to deactivate native styles. |
ArchiveNativeStyles | Action to archive native styles. |
ActivateNativeStyles | Action to activate native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
HistoricalBasisVolumeSettings | Settings to specify the volume of ad opportunities per day over the ForecastAdjustment date range based on the traffic volume of a historical reference period |
TotalVolumeSettings | Settings to specify a single total traffic volume that will be used as the expected total future volume for a forecast adjustment |
ForecastAdjustment | Provides information about the expected volume and composition of traffic over a date range for a traffic forecast segment. |
TrafficForecastSegmentError | Lists all errors associated with traffic forecast segments. |
ForecastAdjustmentError | Lists all errors associated with forecast adjustments. |
AdjustmentServiceInterface | |
TrafficForecastSegment | An entity that defines a segment of traffic that will be adjusted or explored. |
ForecastAdjustmentPage | A page of ForecastAdjustmentDto objects. |
TrafficForecastSegmentPage | A page of TrafficForecastSegmentDto objects. |
ForecastAdjustmentAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on objects. |
DeactivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for deactivating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
ActivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for activating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
AdjustmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
CmsMetadataKey | Key associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyPage | Captures a page of CMS metadata key objects. |
MetadataMergeSpecError | Errors associated with metadata merge specs. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterface | |
CmsMetadataValuePage | Captures a page of CMS metadata value objects. |
CmsMetadataValue | Key value pair associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataKey objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for activating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
CmsMetadataValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataValue objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for activating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
TargetingPreset | User-defined preset targeting criteria. |
TargetingPresetPage | Captures a paged query of TargetingPresetDto objects. |
TargetingPresetServiceInterface | |
TargetingPresetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
TrackingEventPing | |
CreativeTranscode | |
AdDecisionCreative | |
SamError | |
AdResponse | |
AdBreak | |
StreamCreateRequest | |
VodStreamCreateRequest | |
LinearStreamCreateRequest | |
SamSession | |
SamSessionError | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterface | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterfaceChannel | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
BaseContact | Base class for a Contact. |
Contact | A |
ContactError | Errors associated with |
ContactServiceInterface | |
ContactPage | Captures a page of Contact objects. |
ContactServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
AudioSettings | Information about the audio settings of an encoding profile. |
VideoSettings | Information about the video settings of an encoding profile. |
DaiEncodingProfile | A DaiEncodingProfile contains data about a publisher's encoding profiles. Ad Manager Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) uses the profile information about the content to select an appropriate ad transcode to play for the particular video. |
DaiEncodingProfileVariantSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile variant settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileUpdateError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile updates. |
DaiEncodingProfileNameError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile names. |
DaiEncodingProfileContainerSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile container settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileAdMatchingError | Lists all warnings associated with validating encoding profiles. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterface | |
DaiEncodingProfilePage | Captures a page of DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ArchiveDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for archiving DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ActivateDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for activating DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
DisapprovalReason | |
Site | |
SiteError | Errors associated with the |
SiteServiceInterface | |
SitePage | |
SiteAction | |
SubmitSiteForApproval | |
DeactivateSite | |
SiteServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SiteService | |
YieldParameter | |
YieldParameter_StringMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type YieldParameter and value of type String. |
AbstractDisplaySettings | |
SdkMediationSettings | |
OpenBiddingSetting | |
YieldAdSource | |
YieldGroup | |
YieldError | |
IdError | |
DistinctError | |
YieldGroupServiceInterface | |
YieldGroupPage | |
YieldPartner | |
YieldPartnerSettings | |
YieldGroupServiceInterfaceChannel | |
YieldGroupService | |
SegmentPopulationResults | |
SegmentPopulationError | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterface | |
SegmentPopulationAction | |
ProcessAction | |
SegmentPopulationRequest | |
SegmentPopulationResponse | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
DaiAuthenticationKey | A |
DaiAuthenticationKeyActionError | Lists all errors associated with DAI authentication key actions. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterface | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyPage | Captures a page of DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DeactivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for deactivating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
ActivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for activating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
FirstPartyAudienceSegmentRule | Rule of a FirstPartyAudienceSegment that defines user's eligibility criteria to be part of a segment. |
AudienceSegmentDataProvider | Data provider that owns this segment. For a FirstPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the publisher network. For a SharedAudienceSegment or a ThirdPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the entity that provides that AudienceSegment. |
AudienceSegment | An AudienceSegment represents audience segment object. |
SharedAudienceSegment | A SharedAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by another entity and shared with the publisher network. |
ThirdPartyAudienceSegment | A ThirdPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by a data provider and licensed to the Ad Manager publisher. |
FirstPartyAudienceSegment | A FirstPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It contains a rule. |
NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It doesn't contain a rule. Cookies are usually added to this segment via cookie upload. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterface | |
AudienceSegmentPage | Represents a page of AudienceSegment objects. |
AudienceSegmentAction | Action that can be performed on AudienceSegment objects. |
RejectAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to reject them. |
PopulateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to populate them based on last 30 days of traffic. |
DeactivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to deactivate them. |
ApproveAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to approve them. |
ActivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to activate them. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
SecurityPolicySettings | A set of security requirements to authenticate against in order to access video content. Different locations (e.g. different CDNs) can have different security policies. |
MediaLocationSettings | Configuration that associates a media location with a security policy and the authentication credentials needed to access the content. |
SourceContentConfiguration | Parameters about this CDN configuration as a source of content. This facilitates fetching the original content for conditioning and delivering the original content as part of a modified stream. |
CdnConfiguration | A CdnConfiguration encapsulates information about where and how to ingest and deliver content enabled for DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion). |
CdnConfigurationError | Errors associated with CdnConfigurations. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterface | |
CdnConfigurationPage | Captures a page of CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CdnConfiguration objects. |
ArchiveCdnConfigurations | The action used for archiving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ActivateCdnConfigurations | The action used for activating CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ViewabilityProvider | Information required for Company of Type VIEWABILITY_PROVIDER. It contains all of the data needed to capture viewability metrics. |
ChildPublisher | A |
Company | A |
CompanyServiceInterface | |
CompanyPage | Captures a page of Company objects. |
CompanyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on |
ResendInvitationAction | The action used by the parent network to resend an invitation email with the same proposal to an expired child publisher. |
EndAgreementAction | The action used by the parent network to withdraw from being the MCM parent for a child. |
ReInviteAction | The action used by the parent network to send a new invitation with a potentially updated proposal to a rejected or withdrawn child publisher. |
CompanyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
ContentBundle | A |
ContentFilterError | Errors associated with the incorrect creation of a Condition. |
ContentBundleServiceInterface | |
ContentBundlePage | Captures a page of ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ContentBundle objects. |
DeactivateContentBundles | The action used for deactivating ContentBundle objects. |
ActivateContentBundles | The action used for activating ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
CmsContent | Contains information about Content from the CMS it was ingested from. |
DaiIngestError | Represents an error associated with a DAI content's status. |
Content | A |
ContentPage | Captures a page of |
ContentServiceInterface | |
ContentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
IActivityGroupService | As of February 22, 2024 this service will become read only as part of Spotlight deprecation, learn more. |
ICreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
ICreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
ICreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
ICreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
ICustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ICustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
IForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
IInventoryService | |
ILabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
ILineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
IActivityService | As of February 22, 2024 this service will become read only as part of Spotlight deprecation, learn more |
ILineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
ILineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
ILiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
IMobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
INetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
IOrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
IPlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
IProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
IProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
IPublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
IAdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
IReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
ISuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
ITeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
IUserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
IUserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
INativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
IAdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
ICmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
ITargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
IStreamActivityMonitorService | |
IContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
IDaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
ISiteService | |
IYieldGroupService | |
ISegmentPopulationService | |
IDaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
IAudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
ICdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ICompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
IContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
IContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
v202405 | |
Wrappers | |
AdjustmentService | |
createForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
createForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
AdRuleService | |
createAdRulesRequest | |
createAdRulesResponse | |
createAdSpotsRequest | |
createAdSpotsResponse | |
createBreakTemplatesRequest | |
createBreakTemplatesResponse | |
updateAdRulesRequest | |
updateAdRulesResponse | |
updateAdSpotsRequest | |
updateAdSpotsResponse | |
updateBreakTemplatesRequest | |
updateBreakTemplatesResponse | |
AudienceSegmentService | |
createAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
createAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
updateAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
updateAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
CdnConfigurationService | |
createCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
createCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
updateCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
updateCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
CmsMetadataService | |
CompanyService | |
createCompaniesRequest | |
createCompaniesResponse | |
updateCompaniesRequest | |
updateCompaniesResponse | |
ContactService | |
createContactsRequest | |
createContactsResponse | |
updateContactsRequest | |
updateContactsResponse | |
ContentBundleService | |
createContentBundlesRequest | |
createContentBundlesResponse | |
updateContentBundlesRequest | |
updateContentBundlesResponse | |
ContentService | |
CreativeService | |
createCreativesRequest | |
createCreativesResponse | |
updateCreativesRequest | |
updateCreativesResponse | |
CreativeSetService | |
CreativeTemplateService | |
CreativeWrapperService | |
createCreativeWrappersRequest | |
createCreativeWrappersResponse | |
updateCreativeWrappersRequest | |
updateCreativeWrappersResponse | |
CustomFieldService | |
createCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
createCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
createCustomFieldsRequest | |
createCustomFieldsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldsResponse | |
CustomTargetingService | |
createCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
createCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
createCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
createCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
ForecastService | |
getDeliveryForecastRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastResponse | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsResponse | |
InventoryService | |
createAdUnitsRequest | |
createAdUnitsResponse | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementRequest | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementResponse | |
updateAdUnitsRequest | |
updateAdUnitsResponse | |
LabelService | |
createLabelsRequest | |
createLabelsResponse | |
updateLabelsRequest | |
updateLabelsResponse | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesRequest | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesResponse | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
LineItemService | |
createLineItemsRequest | |
createLineItemsResponse | |
updateLineItemsRequest | |
updateLineItemsResponse | |
LineItemTemplateService | |
LiveStreamEventService | |
createLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
createLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
createSlatesRequest | |
createSlatesResponse | |
updateLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
updateLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
updateSlatesRequest | |
updateSlatesResponse | |
MobileApplicationService | |
createMobileApplicationsRequest | |
createMobileApplicationsResponse | |
updateMobileApplicationsRequest | |
updateMobileApplicationsResponse | |
NativeStyleService | |
createNativeStylesRequest | |
createNativeStylesResponse | |
updateNativeStylesRequest | |
updateNativeStylesResponse | |
NetworkService | |
getAllNetworksRequest | |
getAllNetworksResponse | |
OrderService | |
createOrdersRequest | |
createOrdersResponse | |
updateOrdersRequest | |
updateOrdersResponse | |
PlacementService | |
createPlacementsRequest | |
createPlacementsResponse | |
updatePlacementsRequest | |
updatePlacementsResponse | |
ProposalLineItemService | |
createMakegoodsRequest | |
createMakegoodsResponse | |
createProposalLineItemsRequest | |
createProposalLineItemsResponse | |
updateProposalLineItemsRequest | |
updateProposalLineItemsResponse | |
ProposalService | |
createProposalsRequest | |
createProposalsResponse | |
updateProposalsRequest | |
updateProposalsResponse | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | |
ReportService | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsRequest | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsResponse | |
performSegmentPopulationActionRequest | |
performSegmentPopulationActionResponse | |
SiteService | |
createSitesRequest | |
createSitesResponse | |
updateSitesRequest | |
updateSitesResponse | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
getSamSessionsByStatementRequest | |
getSamSessionsByStatementResponse | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringRequest | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringResponse | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | |
TargetingPresetService | |
createTargetingPresetsRequest | |
createTargetingPresetsResponse | |
updateTargetingPresetsRequest | |
updateTargetingPresetsResponse | |
TeamService | |
createTeamsRequest | |
createTeamsResponse | |
updateTeamsRequest | |
updateTeamsResponse | |
UserService | |
createUsersRequest | |
createUsersResponse | |
getAllRolesRequest | |
getAllRolesResponse | |
updateUsersRequest | |
updateUsersResponse | |
UserTeamAssociationService | |
createUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
createUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
YieldGroupService | |
createYieldGroupsRequest | |
createYieldGroupsResponse | |
getYieldPartnersRequest | |
getYieldPartnersResponse | |
updateYieldGroupsRequest | |
updateYieldGroupsResponse | |
ApiException | Exception class for holding a list of service errors. |
ApiError | The API error base class that provides details about an error that occurred while processing a service request |
FieldPathElement | A segment of a field path. Each dot in a field path defines a new segment. |
ApplicationException | Base class for exceptions. |
BaseAdRuleSlot | Simple object representing an ad slot within an AdRule. Ad rule slots contain information about the types/number of ads to display, as well as additional information on how the ad server will generate playlists. |
UnknownAdRuleSlot | The BaseAdRuleSlot subtype returned if the actual type is not exposed by the requested API version. |
StandardPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with standard podding. A standard pod is a series of video ads played back to back. Standard pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
OptimizedPoddingAdRuleSlot | Ad rule slot with optimized podding. Optimized pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxPodDuration and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod, and the ad server chooses the best ads for the alloted duration. |
NoPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with no podding. It is defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
Size | Represents the dimensions of an AdUnit, LineItem or Creative |
TargetedSize | A size that is targeted on a request. |
InventorySizeTargeting | Represents a collection of targeted and excluded inventory sizes. This is currently only available on YieldGroup and TrafficDataRequest. |
RequestPlatformTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target the platform that requests and renders the ad |
InventoryUrl | The representation of an inventory Url that is used in targeting. |
InventoryUrlTargeting | A collection of targeted inventory urls. |
BuyerUserListTargeting | The |
MobileApplicationTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users' mobile applications. |
VideoPositionWithinPod | Represents a targetable position within a pod within a video stream. A video ad can be targeted to any position in the pod (first, second, third ... last). If there is only 1 ad in a pod, either first or last will target that position. |
VideoPosition | Represents a targetable position within a video. A video ad can be targeted to a position (pre-roll, all mid-rolls, or post-roll), or to a specific mid-roll index. |
VideoPositionTarget | Represents the options for targetable positions within a video. |
VideoPositionTargeting | Represents positions within and around a video where ads can be targeted to |
ContentTargeting | Used to target LineItems to specific videos on a publisher's site. |
UserDomainTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users visiting their websites from a list of domains or subdomains. |
CustomCriteriaNode | A CustomCriteriaNode is a node in the custom targeting tree. A custom criteria node can either be a CustomCriteriaSet (a non-leaf node) or a CustomCriteria (a leaf node). The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
CustomCriteriaLeaf | A CustomCriteriaLeaf object represents a generic leaf of CustomCriteria tree structure. |
AudienceSegmentCriteria | An AudienceSegmentCriteria object is used to target AudienceSegment objects. |
CmsMetadataCriteria | A |
CustomCriteria | A CustomCriteria object is used to perform custom criteria targeting on custom targeting keys of type CustomTargetingKey.Type::PREDEFINED or CustomTargetingKey.Type::FREEFORM. |
CustomCriteriaSet | A CustomCriteriaSet comprises of a set of CustomCriteriaNode objects combined by the CustomCriteriaSet.LogicalOperator::logicalOperator. The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
OperatingSystemVersionTargeting | Represents operating system versions that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
Technology | Represents a technology entity that can be targeted. |
OperatingSystemVersion | Represents a specific version of an operating system. |
OperatingSystem | Represents an Operating System, such as Linux, Mac OS or Windows. |
MobileDeviceSubmodel | Represents a mobile device submodel. |
MobileDevice | Represents a Mobile Device. |
MobileCarrier | Represents a mobile carrier. Carrier targeting is only available to Ad Manager mobile publishers. For a list of current mobile carriers, you can use PublisherQueryLanguageService::mobile_carrier. |
DeviceManufacturer | Represents a mobile device's manufacturer. |
DeviceCategory | Represents the category of a device. |
DeviceCapability | Represents a capability of a physical device. |
BrowserLanguage | Represents a Browser's language. |
Browser | Represents an internet browser. |
BandwidthGroup | Represents a group of bandwidths that are logically organized by some well known generic names such as 'Cable' or 'DSL'. |
OperatingSystemTargeting | Represents operating systems that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceSubmodelTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileCarrierTargeting | Represents mobile carriers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceManufacturerTargeting | Represents device manufacturer that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCategoryTargeting | Represents device categories that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCapabilityTargeting | Represents device capabilities that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BrowserLanguageTargeting | Represents browser languages that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BrowserTargeting | Represents browsers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BandwidthGroupTargeting | Represents bandwidth groups that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
TechnologyTargeting | Provides LineItem objects the ability to target or exclude technologies. |
Date | Represents a date. |
DateTime | Represents a date combined with the time of day. |
DateTimeRange | Represents a range of dates (combined with time of day) that has an upper and/or lower bound. |
TimeOfDay | Represents a specific time in a day. |
DayPart | |
DayPartTargeting | Modify the delivery times of line items for particular days of the week. By default, line items are served at all days and times. |
AdUnitTargeting | Represents targeted or excluded ad units. |
InventoryTargeting | A collection of targeted and excluded ad units and placements. |
Location | A Location represents a geographical entity that can be targeted. If a location type is not available because of the API version you are using, the location will be represented as just the base class, otherwise it will be sub-classed correctly. |
GeoTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target geographical locations. By default, line items target all countries and their subdivisions. With geographical targeting, you can target line items to specific countries, regions, metro areas, and cities. You can also exclude the same |
Targeting | Contains targeting criteria for LineItem objects. See LineItem::targeting. |
AdRule | An AdRule contains data that the ad server will use to generate a playlist of video ads. |
UniqueError | An error for a field which must satisfy a uniqueness constraint |
StringLengthError | Errors for Strings which do not meet given length constraints. |
StringFormatError | A list of error code for reporting invalid content of input strings. |
StatementError | An error that occurs while parsing Statement objects. |
ServerError | Errors related to the server. |
RequiredNumberError | A list of all errors to be used in conjunction with required number validators. |
RequiredError | Errors due to missing required field. |
RequiredCollectionError | A list of all errors to be used for validating sizes of collections. |
QuotaError | Describes a client-side error on which a user is attempting to perform an action to which they have no quota remaining. |
PublisherQueryLanguageSyntaxError | An error that occurs while parsing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PublisherQueryLanguageContextError | An error that occurs while executing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PoddingError | Errors related to podding fields in ad rule slots. |
PermissionError | Errors related to incorrect permission. |
ParseError | Lists errors related to parsing. |
NotNullError | Caused by supplying a null value for an attribute that cannot be null. |
InventoryTargetingError | Lists all inventory errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
InternalApiError | Indicates that a server-side error has occured |
GeoTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with geographical targeting for a LineItem. |
FeatureError | Errors related to feature management. If you attempt using a feature that is not available to the current network you'll receive a FeatureError with the missing feature as the trigger. |
CustomTargetingError | Lists all errors related to CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CommonError | A place for common errors that can be used across services. |
CollectionSizeError | Error for the size of the collection being too large |
AuthenticationError | An error for an exception that occurred when authenticating. |
ApiVersionError | Errors related to the usage of API versions. |
AdRuleTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule targeting. |
AdRuleSlotError | Errors related to ad rule slots. |
AdRulePriorityError | Errors associated with ad rule priorities. |
AdRuleFrequencyCapError | Errors related to ad rule frequency caps |
AdRuleError | Errors ad rule break template objects. |
AdRuleDateError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule start and end dates. |
AdSpot | A AdSpot is a targetable entity used in the creation of AdRule objects |
BreakTemplate | A BreakTemplate defines what kinds of ads show at which positions within a pod |
BreakTemplateBreakTemplateMember | A building block of a pod template. |
Statement | Captures the |
String_ValueMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type String and value of type Value. |
Value | |
TextValue | Contains a string value. |
SetValue | Contains a set of Values. May not contain duplicates. |
NumberValue | Contains a numeric value. |
DateValue | Contains a date value. |
DateTimeValue | Contains a date-time value. |
BooleanValue | Contains a boolean value. |
ObjectValue | Contains an object value |
AdRulePage | Captures a page of AdRule objects. |
AdSpotPage | Captures a page of AdSpot objects. |
BreakTemplatePage | Captures a page of BreakTemplate objects. |
AdRuleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdRule objects. |
DeleteAdRules | The action used for deleting AdRule objects. |
DeactivateAdRules | The action used for pausing AdRule objects. |
ActivateAdRules | The action used for resuming AdRule objects. |
UpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on objects. |
AdRuleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdRuleServiceInterface | |
AdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariableVariableChoice | Stores variable choices that users can select from |
CreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a variable defined in a creative template. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a url variable defined in a creative template |
StringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a string variable defined in a creative template |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a list variable defined in a creative template. This is similar to StringCreativeTemplateVariable, except that there are possible choices to choose from |
LongCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a long variable defined in a creative template. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a file asset variable defined in a creative template |
CreativeTemplate | A template upon which a creative can be created. |
CreativeTemplatePage | Captures a page of CreativeTemplate objects. |
RangeError | A list of all errors associated with the Range constraint. |
NullError | Caused by supplying a non-null value for an attribute that should be null. |
InvalidUrlError | Lists all errors associated with URLs. |
CreativeTemplateOperationError | An error that can occur while performing an operation on a creative template. |
CreativeTemplateError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with CreativeTemplate. |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterface | |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
ThirdPartyDataDeclaration | Represents a set of declarations about what (if any) third party companies are associated with a given creative |
ConversionEvent_TrackingUrlsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type ConversionEvent and value of type TrackingUrls. |
CreativeWrapper | A |
TypeError | An error for a field which is an invalid type. |
LabelError | Errors specific to labels. |
CreativeWrapperError | Errors specific to creative wrappers. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterface | |
CreativeWrapperPage | Captures a page of CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CreativeWrapper objects. |
DeactivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for deactivating CreativeWrapper objects. |
ActivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for activating CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
CustomTargetingKey | |
EntityLimitReachedError | An error that occurs when creating an entity if the limit on the number of allowed entities for a network has already been reached. |
EntityChildrenLimitReachedError | Lists errors relating to having too many children on an entity. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterface | |
CustomTargetingValue | |
CustomTargetingKeyPage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValuePage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingKeys | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. Deleting a key will not delete the CustomTargetingValue objects associated with it. Also, if a custom targeting key that has been deleted is recreated, any previous custom targeting values associated with it that were not deleted will continue to exist. |
ActivateCustomTargetingKeys | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingValues | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ActivateCustomTargetingValues | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomFieldOption | An option represents a permitted value for a custom field that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
CustomFieldError | Errors specific to editing custom fields |
CustomFieldServiceInterface | |
CustomField | An additional, user-created field on an entity. |
DropDownCustomField | A custom field that has the drop-down data type. |
CustomFieldPage | Captures a page of CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomField objects. |
DeactivateCustomFields | The action used for deactivating CustomField objects. |
ActivateCustomFields | The action used for activating CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
AlternativeUnitTypeForecast | A view of the forecast in terms of an alternative unit type |
ContendingLineItem | Describes contending line items for a Forecast. |
TargetingCriteriaBreakdown | A single targeting criteria breakdown result. |
BreakdownForecast | Represents a single delivery data point, with both available and forecast number. |
ForecastBreakdownEntry | A single forecast breakdown entry. |
ForecastBreakdown | Represents the breakdown entries for a list of targetings and/or creatives. |
AvailabilityForecast | Describes predicted inventory availability for a ProspectiveLineItem |
ForecastBreakdownTarget | Specifies inventory targeted by a breakdown entry. |
CreativePlaceholder | A |
AppliedLabel | Represents a Label that can be applied to an entity. To negate an inherited label, create an |
ForecastBreakdownOptions | Configuration of forecast breakdown. |
AvailabilityForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item availability forecasts. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodInfo | Makegood info for a ProposalLineItemDto. |
ProposalLineItem | A |
Goal | Defines the criteria a LineItem needs to satisfy to meet its delivery goal. |
FrequencyCap | Represents a limit on the number of times a single viewer can be exposed to the same LineItem in a specified time period. |
BaseCustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField for a particular entity. |
DropDownCustomFieldValue | A CustomFieldValue for a CustomField that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN |
CustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField that does not have a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
Money | Represents a money amount. |
DeliveryIndicator | Indicates the delivery performance of the LineItem. |
GrpSettings | |
ThirdPartyMeasurementSettings | Contains third party auto-pixeling settings for cross-sell Partners. |
CreativeTargeting | Represents the creative targeting criteria for a LineItem. |
LineItemDealInfoDto | Data transfer object for the exchange deal info of a line item. |
Stats | |
LineItemActivityAssociation | A |
CustomPacingGoal | An interval of a CustomPacingCurve. A custom pacing goal contains a start time and an amount. The goal will apply until either the next custom pacing goal's |
CustomPacingCurve | A curve consisting of CustomPacingGoal objects that is used to pace line item delivery. |
LineItemSummary | The |
LineItem | LineItem is an advertiser's commitment to purchase a specific number of ad impressions, clicks, or time. |
ProspectiveLineItem | Represents a prospective line item to be forecasted. |
VideoPositionTargetingError | Lists all errors related to VideoPositionTargeting. |
UserDomainTargetingError | Lists all errors related to user domain targeting for a line item. |
TranscodingError | Errors associated with the video and audio transcoding flow. |
TimeZoneError | Errors related to timezones. |
TechnologyTargetingError | Technology targeting validation errors. |
TeamError | Errors related to a Team. |
SetTopBoxLineItemError | Errors associated with set-top box line items. |
AudienceSegmentError | Errors that could occur on audience segment related requests. |
ReservationDetailsError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem's reservation details. |
RequiredSizeError | A list of all errors to be used for validating Size. |
RequestPlatformTargetingError | Errors related to request platform targeting. |
RegExError | Caused by supplying a value for an object attribute that does not conform to a documented valid regular expression. |
ProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic line items. |
PrecisionError | List all errors associated with number precisions. |
OrderError | Lists all errors associated with orders. |
OrderActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Order objects. |
MobileApplicationTargetingError | Lists all errors related to mobile application targeting for a line item. |
LineItemOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line items |
LineItemFlightDateError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem start and end dates. |
LineItemError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with LineItem. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationError | Lists all errors associated with line item-to-creative association dates. |
LineItemActivityAssociationError | Errors specific to associating activities to line items. |
LabelEntityAssociationError | Errors specific to creating label entity associations. |
InventoryUnitError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit objects. |
ImageError | Lists all errors associated with images. |
GrpSettingsError | Errors associated with line items with GRP settings. |
GenericTargetingError | Targeting validation errors that can be used by different targeting types. |
FrequencyCapError | Lists all errors associated with frequency caps. |
ForecastError | Errors that can result from a forecast request. |
DayPartTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with day-part targeting for a line item. |
DateTimeRangeTargetingError | Lists all date time range errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
DateError | A list of all errors associated with the dates. |
CustomFieldValueError | Errors specific to editing custom field values |
CurrencyCodeError | Errors related to currency codes. |
CrossSellError | Lists all errors associated with cross selling. |
CreativeError | Lists all errors associated with creatives. |
CompanyCreditStatusError | Lists all errors due to Company::creditStatus. |
ClickTrackingLineItemError | Click tracking is a special line item type with a number of unique errors as described below. |
AudienceExtensionError | Errors associated with audience extension enabled line items |
AssetError | Lists all errors associated with assets. |
AdUnitCodeError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit::adUnitCode. |
ForecastServiceInterface | |
DeliveryForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item delivery forecasts. |
DeliveryForecast | The forecast of delivery for a list of ProspectiveLineItem objects to be reserved at the same time. |
LineItemDeliveryForecast | The forecasted delivery of a ProspectiveLineItem. |
TrafficDataRequest | Defines a segment of traffic for which traffic data should be returned. |
DateRange | Represents a range of dates that has an upper and a lower bound |
TrafficDataResponse | Contains forecasted and historical traffic volume data describing a segment of traffic. |
TimeSeries | Represents a chronological sequence of daily values. |
ForecastServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
LabelFrequencyCap | A |
AdSenseSettings | Contains the AdSense configuration for an AdUnit. |
AdUnitSize | An |
AdUnitParent | The summary of a parent AdUnit. |
AdUnit | An |
InventoryUnitSizesError | An error specifically for InventoryUnitSizes. |
InventoryUnitRefreshRateError | Lists errors relating to AdUnit::refreshRate. |
InvalidColorError | A list of all errors associated with a color attribute. |
CompanyError | A list of all errors associated with companies. |
AdUnitHierarchyError | Caused by creating an AdUnit object with an invalid hierarchy. |
AdSenseAccountError | Error for AdSense related API calls. |
InventoryServiceInterface | |
AdUnitPage | Captures a page of AdUnit objects. |
AdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdUnit objects. |
DeactivateAdUnits | The action used for deactivating AdUnit objects. |
ArchiveAdUnits | The action used for archiving AdUnit objects. |
ActivateAdUnits | The action used for activating AdUnit objects. |
InventoryServiceInterfaceChannel | |
InventoryService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AdUnit objects |
AdCategoryDto | A canonical ad category. |
Label | A |
LabelServiceInterface | |
LabelPage | Captures a page of Label objects. |
LabelAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Label objects. |
DeactivateLabels | The action used for deactivating Label objects. |
ActivateLabels | The action used for activating Label objects. |
LabelServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
Long_StatsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type Long and value of type Stats. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationStats | Contains statistics such as impressions, clicks delivered and cost for LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
LineItemCreativeAssociation | A |
TemplateInstantiatedCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with template instantiated creatives. |
SwiffyConversionError | Error for converting flash to swiffy asset. |
SetTopBoxCreativeError | Errors associated with set-top box creatives. |
RichMediaStudioCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with Studio creatives. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line item-to-creative associations |
InvalidPhoneNumberError | Lists all errors associated with phone numbers. |
HtmlBundleProcessorError | Lists all errors associated with html5 file processing. |
FileError | A list of all errors to be used for problems related to files. |
CustomCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with custom creatives. |
CreativeSetError | Errors relating to creative sets & subclasses. |
CreativePreviewError | Errors associated with generation of creative preview URIs. |
CreativeAssetMacroError | Lists all errors associated with creative asset macros. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterface | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationPage | Captures a page of LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativeNativeStylePreview | Represents the NativeStyle of a Creative and its corresponding preview URL. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeleteLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deleting LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeactivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deactivating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
ActivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for activating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativePushOptions | Data needed to push a creative to a mobile device. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
LineItemServiceInterface | |
LineItemPage | Captures a page of LineItem objects. |
LineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItem objects. |
UnarchiveLineItems | The action used for unarchiving LineItem objects. |
ResumeLineItems | The action used for resuming LineItem objects. |
ResumeAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for resuming and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReserveLineItems | The action used for reserving LineItem objects. |
ReserveAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for reserving and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReleaseLineItems | The action used for releasing LineItem objects. |
PauseLineItems | The action used for pausing LineItem objects. |
DeleteLineItems | The action used for deleting LineItem objects. A line item can be deleted if it has never been eligible to serve. Note: deleted line items will still count against your network limits. For more information, see the Help Center. |
ArchiveLineItems | The action used for archiving LineItem objects. |
ActivateLineItems | The action used for activating LineItem objects. |
LineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
LineItemTemplate | Represents the template that populates the fields of a new line item being created. |
LineItemTemplatePage | Captures a page of LineItemTemplate objects. |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterface | |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
BaseContact | Base class for a Contact. |
Contact | A |
InvalidEmailError | Caused by supplying a value for an email attribute that is not a valid email address. |
ContactError | Errors associated with |
ContactServiceInterface | |
ContactPage | Captures a page of Contact objects. |
ContactServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
DashBridge | A |
LiveStreamConditioning | Settings to specify all types of conditioning to apply to the associated LiveStreamEvent. |
PrefetchSettings | The information needed to prefetch ad requests for an ad break. |
MasterPlaylistSettings | Settings for the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) master playlist. |
HlsSettings | LiveStream settings that are specific to the HTTP live streaming (HLS) protocol. |
PrerollSettings | Settings for ad breaks on LiveStreamEvent that are specific to preroll. |
LiveStreamEvent | A |
VideoAdTagError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event ad tags. |
LiveStreamEventSlateError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent slate creative id. |
LiveStreamEventPrerollSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with preroll settings applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventDvrWindowError | Lists the errors associated with setting the LiveStreamEvent DVR window duration. |
LiveStreamEventDateTimeError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event start and end date times. |
LiveStreamEventCustomAssetKeyError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event custom asset keys. |
LiveStreamEventConditioningError | Lists all errors associated with conditioning applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventCdnSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent CDN configurations. |
LiveStreamEventActionError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event action. |
AdBreakMarkupError | An error for publisher provided ad break markups in a LiveStreamEvent which are invalid for the given StreamingFormat. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterface | |
Slate | A |
LiveStreamEventPage | Captures a page of LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlatePage | Captures a page of Slate objects. |
LiveStreamEventAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LiveStreamEvent objects. |
RefreshLiveStreamEventMasterPlaylists | The action used for refreshing the master playlists of LiveStreamEvent objects |
PauseLiveStreamEvents | The action used for pausing LiveStreamEvent objects. |
PauseLiveStreamEventAds | The action used for pausing ads for LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ArchiveLiveStreamEvents | The action used for archiving LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ActivateLiveStreamEvents | The action used for activating LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlateAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on slates. |
UnarchiveSlates | The action used for unarchiving slates. |
ArchiveSlates | The action used for archiving slates. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
MobileApplication | A mobile application that has been added to or "claimed" by the network to be used for targeting purposes. These mobile apps can come from various app stores. |
MobileApplicationError | Lists all errors associated with MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationActionError | Lists all error reasons associated with performing actions on MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterface | |
MobileApplicationPage | Captures a page of mobile applications. |
MobileApplicationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on mobile applications. |
ArchiveMobileApplications | The action used to deactivate MobileApplication objects. |
UnarchiveMobileApplications | The action used to activate MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
MobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
Network | |
UrlError | Common errors for URLs. |
RequestError | Encapsulates the generic errors thrown when there's an error with user request. |
NetworkError | An error for a network. |
McmError | An error for multiple customer management. |
InventoryClientApiError | ApiError for common exceptions thrown when accessing AdSense InventoryClient. |
ExchangeSignupApiError | ApiError for exceptions thrown by ExchangeSignupService. |
NetworkServiceInterface | |
NetworkServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
Order | An |
OrderServiceInterface | |
OrderPage | Captures a page of Order objects. |
OrderAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Order objects. |
UnarchiveOrders | The action used for unarchiving Order objects. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
SubmitOrdersForApproval | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalAndOverbook | The action used for submitting and overbooking Order objects for approval. |
RetractOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for retracting Order objects. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
RetractOrders | The action used for retracting Order objects. |
ResumeOrders | The action used for resuming Order objects. LineItem objects within the order that are eligble to resume will resume as well. |
ResumeAndOverbookOrders | The action used for resuming and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will resume as well. |
PauseOrders | The action used for pausing all LineItem objects within an order. |
DisapproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
DisapproveOrders | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. |
DeleteOrders | The action used for deleting Order objects. All line items within that order are also deleted. Orders can only be deleted if none of its line items have been eligible to serve. This action can be used to delete proposed orders and line items if they are no longer valid. |
ArchiveOrders | The action used for archiving Order objects. |
ApproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. If there are reservable line items that have not been reserved the operation will not succeed. |
ApproveOrders | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved, see the Ad Manager Help Center.
ApproveAndOverbookOrders | The action used for approving and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved and overbooked, see the Ad Manager Help Center. |
OrderServiceInterfaceChannel | |
OrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
SiteTargetingInfo | Deprecated container for information required for AdWords advertisers to place their ads. |
Placement | A |
PlacementError | Class defining all validation errors for a placement. |
PlacementServiceInterface | |
PlacementPage | Captures a page of Placement objects. |
PlacementAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Placement objects. |
DeactivatePlacements | The action used for deactivating Placement objects. |
ArchivePlacements | The action used for archiving Placement objects. |
ActivatePlacements | The action used for activating Placement objects. |
PlacementServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
BuyerRfp | Represents the buyer RFP information associated with a Proposal describing the requirements from the buyer. |
ProposalMarketplaceInfo | Marketplace info for a proposal with a corresponding order in Marketplace. |
SalespersonSplit | A |
ProposalCompanyAssociation | A |
Proposal | A |
ProposalLineItemProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodError | Lists all errors for makegood proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemError | Lists all errors associated with proposal line items. |
ProposalError | Lists all errors associated with proposals. |
ProposalActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Proposal objects. |
ExchangeRateError | Lists all errors associated with ExchangeRate objects. |
DealError | Errors associated with creating or updating programmatic proposals. |
BillingError | Lists all errors associated with the billing settings of a proposal or proposal line item. |
ProposalServiceInterface | |
MarketplaceCommentPage | Captures a page of MarketplaceComment objects. |
MarketplaceComment | A comment associated with a programmatic Proposal that has been sent to Marketplace. |
ProposalPage | Captures a page of Proposal objects. |
ProposalAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Proposal objects. |
UpdateOrderWithSellerData | The action to update a finalized Marketplace Order with the seller's data. |
UnarchiveProposals | The action used for unarchiving Proposal objects. |
TerminateNegotiations | The action for marking all negotiations on the Proposal as terminated in Marketplace. |
ResumeProposals | The action used for resuming programmatic Proposal objects. |
ReserveProposals | The action to reserve inventory for Proposal objects. It does not allow overbooking unless #allowOverbook is set to |
RequestBuyerReview | The action used to request buyer review for the Proposal. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | The action used to request acceptance from the buyer for the Proposal through Marketplace. This action does check forecasting unless #allowOverbook is set to |
PauseProposals | The action used for pausing programmatic Proposal objects. |
EditProposalsForNegotiation | Opens the fields of a Proposal for edit |
DiscardLocalVersionEdits | The action for reverting the local Proposal modifications to reflect the latest terms and private data in Marketplace. |
ArchiveProposals | The action used for archiving Proposal objects. |
ProposalServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
ProposalLineItemActionError | Lists all errors for executing operations on proposal line items. |
PreferredDealError | Errors associated with preferred deal proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterface | |
ProposalLineItemPage | Captures a page of ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ProposalLineItem objects. |
UnarchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for unarchiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ResumeProposalLineItems | The action used for resuming ProposalLineItem objects. |
ReserveProposalLineItems | The action to reserve inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. It does not overbook inventory unless #allowOverbook is set to |
ReleaseProposalLineItems | The action used for releasing inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. |
PauseProposalLineItems | The action used for pausing ProposalLineItem objects. |
ArchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for archiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
Row | Each Row object represents data about one entity in a ResultSet. |
TargetingValue | Contains a Targeting value |
ChangeHistoryValue | This class is unused. It exists only to provide reference documentation of the possible values for type and ChangeHistoryOperation. |
ColumnType | Contains information about a column in a ResultSet. |
ResultSet | The |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface | |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
ReportError | An error for an exception that occurred while running the report. |
ReportServiceInterface | |
ReportDownloadOptions | Represents the options for an API report download request. See ReportService::getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions. |
SavedQueryPage | A page of SavedQuery objects. |
SavedQuery | A saved ReportQuery representing the selection criteria for running a report. |
ReportQuery | A |
ReportJob | Represents a report job that will be run to retrieve performance and statistics information about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales. |
ReportServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
SuggestedAdUnit | A |
SuggestedAdUnitPage | Contains a page of SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterface | |
SuggestedAdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | Action to approve SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitUpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
DaiAuthenticationKey | A |
DaiAuthenticationKeyActionError | Lists all errors associated with DAI authentication key actions. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterface | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyPage | Captures a page of DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DeactivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for deactivating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
ActivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for activating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
Team | A |
TeamServiceInterface | |
TeamPage | Captures a page of Team objects. |
TeamAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Team objects. |
DeactivateTeams | The action used for deactivating Team objects. |
ActivateTeams | The action used for activating Team objects. |
TeamServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
UserRecord | The |
User | Represents a user of the system |
TokenError | An error for an exception that occurred when using a token. |
UserServiceInterface | |
Role | Each |
UserPage | Captures a page of User objects |
UserAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on User objects. |
DeactivateUsers | The action used for deactivating User objects. |
ActivateUsers | The action used for activating User objects. |
UserServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
UserRecordTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterface | |
UserTeamAssociationPage | Captures a page of UserTeamAssociation objects. |
UserTeamAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on UserTeamAssociation objects. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociations | Action to delete the association between a User and a Team. |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
NativeStyle | Used to define the look and feel of native ads, for both web and apps. Native styles determine how native creatives look for a segment of inventory. |
NativeStyleError | Errors for native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterface | |
NativeStylePage | Captures a page of NativeStyle objects. |
NativeStyleAction | Represents an action that can be performed on native styles. |
DeactivateNativeStyles | Action to deactivate native styles. |
ArchiveNativeStyles | Action to archive native styles. |
ActivateNativeStyles | Action to activate native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
HistoricalBasisVolumeSettings | Settings to specify the volume of ad opportunities per day over the ForecastAdjustment date range based on the traffic volume of a historical reference period |
TotalVolumeSettings | Settings to specify a single total traffic volume that will be used as the expected total future volume for a forecast adjustment |
ForecastAdjustment | Provides information about the expected volume and composition of traffic over a date range for a traffic forecast segment. |
TrafficForecastSegmentError | Lists all errors associated with traffic forecast segments. |
ForecastAdjustmentError | Lists all errors associated with forecast adjustments. |
AdjustmentServiceInterface | |
TrafficForecastSegment | An entity that defines a segment of traffic that will be adjusted or explored. |
ForecastAdjustmentPage | A page of ForecastAdjustmentDto objects. |
TrafficForecastSegmentPage | A page of TrafficForecastSegmentDto objects. |
ForecastAdjustmentAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on objects. |
DeactivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for deactivating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
ActivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for activating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
AdjustmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
CmsMetadataKey | Key associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyPage | Captures a page of CMS metadata key objects. |
MetadataMergeSpecError | Errors associated with metadata merge specs. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterface | |
CmsMetadataValuePage | Captures a page of CMS metadata value objects. |
CmsMetadataValue | Key value pair associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataKey objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for activating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
CmsMetadataValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataValue objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for activating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
TargetingPreset | User-defined preset targeting criteria. |
TargetingPresetServiceInterface | |
TargetingPresetPage | Captures a paged query of TargetingPresetDto objects. |
TargetingPresetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
TrackingEventPing | |
CreativeTranscode | |
AdDecisionCreative | |
SamError | |
AdResponse | |
AdBreak | |
StreamCreateRequest | |
VodStreamCreateRequest | |
LinearStreamCreateRequest | |
SamSession | |
SamSessionError | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterface | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterfaceChannel | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
AudioSettings | Information about the audio settings of an encoding profile. |
VideoSettings | Information about the video settings of an encoding profile. |
DaiEncodingProfile | A DaiEncodingProfile contains data about a publisher's encoding profiles. Ad Manager Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) uses the profile information about the content to select an appropriate ad transcode to play for the particular video. |
DaiEncodingProfileVariantSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile variant settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileUpdateError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile updates. |
DaiEncodingProfileNameError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile names. |
DaiEncodingProfileContainerSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile container settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileAdMatchingError | Lists all warnings associated with validating encoding profiles. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterface | |
DaiEncodingProfilePage | Captures a page of DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ArchiveDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for archiving DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ActivateDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for activating DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
DisapprovalReason | |
Site | |
SiteError | Errors associated with the |
SiteServiceInterface | |
SitePage | |
SiteAction | |
SubmitSiteForApproval | |
DeactivateSite | |
SiteServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SiteService | |
FirstPartyAudienceSegmentRule | Rule of a FirstPartyAudienceSegment that defines user's eligibility criteria to be part of a segment. |
AudienceSegmentDataProvider | Data provider that owns this segment. For a FirstPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the publisher network. For a SharedAudienceSegment or a ThirdPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the entity that provides that AudienceSegment. |
AudienceSegment | An AudienceSegment represents audience segment object. |
SharedAudienceSegment | A SharedAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by another entity and shared with the publisher network. |
ThirdPartyAudienceSegment | A ThirdPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by a data provider and licensed to the Ad Manager publisher. |
FirstPartyAudienceSegment | A FirstPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It contains a rule. |
NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It doesn't contain a rule. Cookies are usually added to this segment via cookie upload. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterface | |
AudienceSegmentPage | Represents a page of AudienceSegment objects. |
AudienceSegmentAction | Action that can be performed on AudienceSegment objects. |
RejectAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to reject them. |
PopulateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to populate them based on last 30 days of traffic. |
DeactivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to deactivate them. |
ApproveAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to approve them. |
ActivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to activate them. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
YieldParameter | |
YieldParameter_StringMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type YieldParameter and value of type String. |
AbstractDisplaySettings | |
SdkMediationSettings | |
OpenBiddingSetting | |
YieldAdSource | |
YieldGroup | |
YieldError | |
IdError | |
DistinctError | |
YieldGroupServiceInterface | |
YieldGroupPage | |
YieldPartner | |
YieldPartnerSettings | |
YieldGroupServiceInterfaceChannel | |
YieldGroupService | |
SegmentPopulationResults | |
SegmentPopulationError | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterface | |
SegmentPopulationAction | |
ProcessAction | |
SegmentPopulationRequest | |
SegmentPopulationResponse | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
SecurityPolicySettings | A set of security requirements to authenticate against in order to access video content. Different locations (e.g. different CDNs) can have different security policies. |
MediaLocationSettings | Configuration that associates a media location with a security policy and the authentication credentials needed to access the content. |
SourceContentConfiguration | Parameters about this CDN configuration as a source of content. This facilitates fetching the original content for conditioning and delivering the original content as part of a modified stream. |
CdnConfiguration | A CdnConfiguration encapsulates information about where and how to ingest and deliver content enabled for DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion). |
CdnConfigurationError | Errors associated with CdnConfigurations. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterface | |
CdnConfigurationPage | Captures a page of CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CdnConfiguration objects. |
ArchiveCdnConfigurations | The action used for archiving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ActivateCdnConfigurations | The action used for activating CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ViewabilityProvider | Information required for Company of Type VIEWABILITY_PROVIDER. It contains all of the data needed to capture viewability metrics. |
ChildPublisher | A |
Company | A |
CompanyServiceInterface | |
CompanyPage | Captures a page of Company objects. |
CompanyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on |
ResendInvitationAction | The action used by the parent network to resend an invitation email with the same proposal to an expired child publisher. |
EndAgreementAction | The action used by the parent network to withdraw from being the MCM parent for a child. |
ReInviteAction | The action used by the parent network to send a new invitation with a potentially updated proposal to a rejected or withdrawn child publisher. |
CompanyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
ContentBundle | A |
ContentFilterError | Errors associated with the incorrect creation of a Condition. |
ContentBundleServiceInterface | |
ContentBundlePage | Captures a page of ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ContentBundle objects. |
DeactivateContentBundles | The action used for deactivating ContentBundle objects. |
ActivateContentBundles | The action used for activating ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
CmsContent | Contains information about Content from the CMS it was ingested from. |
DaiIngestError | Represents an error associated with a DAI content's status. |
Content | A |
ContentPage | Captures a page of |
ContentServiceInterface | |
ContentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
BaseCreativeTemplateVariableValue | A base class for storing values of the CreativeTemplateVariable. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::URL. |
StringCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::STRING and VariableType::LIST. |
LongCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::LONG. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::ASSET. |
CreativeAsset | A |
ClickTag | Click tags define click-through URLs for each exit on an HTML5 creative. An exit is any area that can be clicked that directs the browser to a landing page. Each click tag defines the click-through URL for a different exit. In Ad Manager, tracking pixels are attached to the click tags if URLs are valid. |
CustomCreativeAsset | A |
VideoMetadata | Metadata for a video asset. |
Asset | Base asset properties. |
RedirectAsset | An externally hosted asset. |
VideoRedirectAsset | An externally-hosted video asset. |
RichMediaStudioChildAssetProperty | Represents a child asset in |
Creative | A |
VastRedirectCreative | A |
UnsupportedCreative | A |
ThirdPartyCreative | A |
TemplateCreative | A |
ProgrammaticCreative | A |
LegacyDfpCreative | A |
InternalRedirectCreative | A |
Html5Creative | A |
HasDestinationUrlCreative | A |
CustomCreative | A |
BaseVideoCreative | A base type for video creatives. |
VideoRedirectCreative | A |
VideoCreative | A |
SetTopBoxCreative | A |
BaseImageRedirectCreative | The base type for creatives that load an image asset from a specified URL. |
ImageRedirectOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageRedirectCreative | A |
BaseImageCreative | The base type for creatives that display an image. |
ImageOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageCreative | A |
BaseAudioCreative | A base type for audio creatives. |
AudioRedirectCreative | A |
AudioCreative | A |
AspectRatioImageCreative | A |
ClickTrackingCreative | A creative that is used for tracking clicks on ads that are served directly from the customers' web servers or media servers. NOTE: The size attribute is not used for click tracking creative and it will not be persisted upon save. |
BaseRichMediaStudioCreative | A |
RichMediaStudioCreative | A |
BaseDynamicAllocationCreative | A base class for dynamic allocation creatives. |
HasHtmlSnippetDynamicAllocationCreative | Dynamic allocation creative with a backfill code snippet. |
AdSenseCreative | An AdSense dynamic allocation creative. |
AdExchangeCreative | An Ad Exchange dynamic allocation creative. |
CreativeServiceInterface | |
CreativePage | Captures a page of Creative objects. |
CreativeAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Creative objects. |
DeactivateCreatives | The action used for deactivating Creative objects. |
ActivateCreatives | The action used for activating Creative objects. |
CreativeServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
CreativeSet | A creative set is comprised of a master creative and its companion creatives. |
CreativeSetServiceInterface | |
CreativeSetPage | Captures a page of CreativeSet objects. |
CreativeSetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
IAdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
ICreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
ICreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
ICustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ICustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
IForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
IInventoryService | |
ILabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
ILineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
ILineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
ILineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
IContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
ILiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
IMobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
INetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
IOrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
IPlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
IProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
IProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
IPublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
IReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
ISuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
IDaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
ITeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
IUserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
IUserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
INativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
IAdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
ICmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
ITargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
IStreamActivityMonitorService | |
IDaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
ISiteService | |
IAudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
IYieldGroupService | |
ISegmentPopulationService | |
ICdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ICompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
IContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
IContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
ICreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
ICreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
v202408 | |
Wrappers | |
AdjustmentService | |
createForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
createForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
createTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsRequest | |
updateForecastAdjustmentsResponse | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsRequest | |
updateTrafficForecastSegmentsResponse | |
AdRuleService | |
createAdRulesRequest | |
createAdRulesResponse | |
createAdSpotsRequest | |
createAdSpotsResponse | |
createBreakTemplatesRequest | |
createBreakTemplatesResponse | |
updateAdRulesRequest | |
updateAdRulesResponse | |
updateAdSpotsRequest | |
updateAdSpotsResponse | |
updateBreakTemplatesRequest | |
updateBreakTemplatesResponse | |
AdsTxtService | |
AudienceSegmentService | |
createAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
createAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
updateAudienceSegmentsRequest | |
updateAudienceSegmentsResponse | |
CdnConfigurationService | |
createCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
createCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
updateCdnConfigurationsRequest | |
updateCdnConfigurationsResponse | |
CmsMetadataService | |
CompanyService | |
createCompaniesRequest | |
createCompaniesResponse | |
updateCompaniesRequest | |
updateCompaniesResponse | |
ContactService | |
createContactsRequest | |
createContactsResponse | |
updateContactsRequest | |
updateContactsResponse | |
ContentBundleService | |
createContentBundlesRequest | |
createContentBundlesResponse | |
updateContentBundlesRequest | |
updateContentBundlesResponse | |
ContentService | |
CreativeService | |
createCreativesRequest | |
createCreativesResponse | |
updateCreativesRequest | |
updateCreativesResponse | |
CreativeSetService | |
CreativeTemplateService | |
CreativeWrapperService | |
createCreativeWrappersRequest | |
createCreativeWrappersResponse | |
updateCreativeWrappersRequest | |
updateCreativeWrappersResponse | |
CustomFieldService | |
createCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
createCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
createCustomFieldsRequest | |
createCustomFieldsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldOptionsResponse | |
updateCustomFieldsRequest | |
updateCustomFieldsResponse | |
CustomTargetingService | |
createCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
createCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
createCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
createCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingKeysResponse | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesRequest | |
updateCustomTargetingValuesResponse | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
createDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysRequest | |
updateDaiAuthenticationKeysResponse | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
createDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesRequest | |
updateDaiEncodingProfilesResponse | |
ForecastService | |
getDeliveryForecastRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastResponse | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsRequest | |
getDeliveryForecastByIdsResponse | |
InventoryService | |
createAdUnitsRequest | |
createAdUnitsResponse | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementRequest | |
getAdUnitSizesByStatementResponse | |
updateAdUnitsRequest | |
updateAdUnitsResponse | |
LabelService | |
createLabelsRequest | |
createLabelsResponse | |
updateLabelsRequest | |
updateLabelsResponse | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
createLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesRequest | |
getPreviewUrlsForNativeStylesResponse | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsRequest | |
updateLineItemCreativeAssociationsResponse | |
LineItemService | |
createLineItemsRequest | |
createLineItemsResponse | |
updateLineItemsRequest | |
updateLineItemsResponse | |
LineItemTemplateService | |
LiveStreamEventService | |
createLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
createLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
createSlatesRequest | |
createSlatesResponse | |
updateLiveStreamEventsRequest | |
updateLiveStreamEventsResponse | |
updateSlatesRequest | |
updateSlatesResponse | |
MobileApplicationService | |
createMobileApplicationsRequest | |
createMobileApplicationsResponse | |
updateMobileApplicationsRequest | |
updateMobileApplicationsResponse | |
NativeStyleService | |
createNativeStylesRequest | |
createNativeStylesResponse | |
updateNativeStylesRequest | |
updateNativeStylesResponse | |
NetworkService | |
getAllNetworksRequest | |
getAllNetworksResponse | |
OrderService | |
createOrdersRequest | |
createOrdersResponse | |
updateOrdersRequest | |
updateOrdersResponse | |
PlacementService | |
createPlacementsRequest | |
createPlacementsResponse | |
updatePlacementsRequest | |
updatePlacementsResponse | |
ProposalLineItemService | |
createMakegoodsRequest | |
createMakegoodsResponse | |
createProposalLineItemsRequest | |
createProposalLineItemsResponse | |
updateProposalLineItemsRequest | |
updateProposalLineItemsResponse | |
ProposalService | |
createProposalsRequest | |
createProposalsResponse | |
updateProposalsRequest | |
updateProposalsResponse | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | |
ReportService | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsRequest | |
getSegmentPopulationResultsByIdsResponse | |
performSegmentPopulationActionRequest | |
performSegmentPopulationActionResponse | |
SiteService | |
createSitesRequest | |
createSitesResponse | |
updateSitesRequest | |
updateSitesResponse | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
getSamSessionsByStatementRequest | |
getSamSessionsByStatementResponse | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringRequest | |
registerSessionsForMonitoringResponse | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | |
TargetingPresetService | |
createTargetingPresetsRequest | |
createTargetingPresetsResponse | |
updateTargetingPresetsRequest | |
updateTargetingPresetsResponse | |
TeamService | |
createTeamsRequest | |
createTeamsResponse | |
updateTeamsRequest | |
updateTeamsResponse | |
UserService | |
createUsersRequest | |
createUsersResponse | |
getAllRolesRequest | |
getAllRolesResponse | |
updateUsersRequest | |
updateUsersResponse | |
UserTeamAssociationService | |
createUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
createUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsRequest | |
updateUserTeamAssociationsResponse | |
YieldGroupService | |
createYieldGroupsRequest | |
createYieldGroupsResponse | |
getYieldPartnersRequest | |
getYieldPartnersResponse | |
updateYieldGroupsRequest | |
updateYieldGroupsResponse | |
ApiException | Exception class for holding a list of service errors. |
ApiError | The API error base class that provides details about an error that occurred while processing a service request |
FieldPathElement | A segment of a field path. Each dot in a field path defines a new segment. |
ApplicationException | Base class for exceptions. |
BaseAdRuleSlot | Simple object representing an ad slot within an AdRule. Ad rule slots contain information about the types/number of ads to display, as well as additional information on how the ad server will generate playlists. |
UnknownAdRuleSlot | The BaseAdRuleSlot subtype returned if the actual type is not exposed by the requested API version. |
StandardPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with standard podding. A standard pod is a series of video ads played back to back. Standard pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
OptimizedPoddingAdRuleSlot | Ad rule slot with optimized podding. Optimized pods are defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxPodDuration and a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxAdsInPod, and the ad server chooses the best ads for the alloted duration. |
NoPoddingAdRuleSlot | An ad rule slot with no podding. It is defined by a BaseAdRuleSlot::maxVideoAdDuration. |
Size | Represents the dimensions of an AdUnit, LineItem or Creative |
TargetedSize | A size that is targeted on a request. |
InventorySizeTargeting | Represents a collection of targeted and excluded inventory sizes. This is currently only available on YieldGroup and TrafficDataRequest. |
RequestPlatformTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target the platform that requests and renders the ad |
VerticalTargeting | Vertical targeting information. |
InventoryUrl | The representation of an inventory Url that is used in targeting. |
InventoryUrlTargeting | A collection of targeted inventory urls. |
BuyerUserListTargeting | The |
MobileApplicationTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users' mobile applications. |
VideoPositionWithinPod | Represents a targetable position within a pod within a video stream. A video ad can be targeted to any position in the pod (first, second, third ... last). If there is only 1 ad in a pod, either first or last will target that position. |
VideoPosition | Represents a targetable position within a video. A video ad can be targeted to a position (pre-roll, all mid-rolls, or post-roll), or to a specific mid-roll index. |
VideoPositionTarget | Represents the options for targetable positions within a video. |
VideoPositionTargeting | Represents positions within and around a video where ads can be targeted to |
ContentTargeting | Used to target LineItems to specific videos on a publisher's site. |
UserDomainTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target or exclude users visiting their websites from a list of domains or subdomains. |
CustomCriteriaNode | A CustomCriteriaNode is a node in the custom targeting tree. A custom criteria node can either be a CustomCriteriaSet (a non-leaf node) or a CustomCriteria (a leaf node). The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
CustomCriteriaLeaf | A CustomCriteriaLeaf object represents a generic leaf of CustomCriteria tree structure. |
AudienceSegmentCriteria | An AudienceSegmentCriteria object is used to target AudienceSegment objects. |
CmsMetadataCriteria | A |
CustomCriteria | A CustomCriteria object is used to perform custom criteria targeting on custom targeting keys of type CustomTargetingKey.Type::PREDEFINED or CustomTargetingKey.Type::FREEFORM. |
CustomCriteriaSet | A CustomCriteriaSet comprises of a set of CustomCriteriaNode objects combined by the CustomCriteriaSet.LogicalOperator::logicalOperator. The custom criteria targeting tree is subject to the rules defined on Targeting::customTargeting. |
OperatingSystemVersionTargeting | Represents operating system versions that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
Technology | Represents a technology entity that can be targeted. |
OperatingSystemVersion | Represents a specific version of an operating system. |
OperatingSystem | Represents an Operating System, such as Linux, Mac OS or Windows. |
MobileDeviceSubmodel | Represents a mobile device submodel. |
MobileDevice | Represents a Mobile Device. |
MobileCarrier | Represents a mobile carrier. Carrier targeting is only available to Ad Manager mobile publishers. For a list of current mobile carriers, you can use PublisherQueryLanguageService::mobile_carrier. |
DeviceManufacturer | Represents a mobile device's manufacturer. |
DeviceCategory | Represents the category of a device. |
DeviceCapability | Represents a capability of a physical device. |
BrowserLanguage | Represents a Browser's language. |
Browser | Represents an internet browser. |
BandwidthGroup | Represents a group of bandwidths that are logically organized by some well known generic names such as 'Cable' or 'DSL'. |
OperatingSystemTargeting | Represents operating systems that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceSubmodelTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileDeviceTargeting | Represents mobile devices that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
MobileCarrierTargeting | Represents mobile carriers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceManufacturerTargeting | Represents device manufacturer that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCategoryTargeting | Represents device categories that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
DeviceCapabilityTargeting | Represents device capabilities that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BrowserLanguageTargeting | Represents browser languages that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BrowserTargeting | Represents browsers that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
BandwidthGroupTargeting | Represents bandwidth groups that are being targeted or excluded by the LineItem. |
TechnologyTargeting | Provides LineItem objects the ability to target or exclude technologies. |
Date | Represents a date. |
DateTime | Represents a date combined with the time of day. |
DateTimeRange | Represents a range of dates (combined with time of day) that has an upper and/or lower bound. |
TimeOfDay | Represents a specific time in a day. |
DayPart | |
DayPartTargeting | Modify the delivery times of line items for particular days of the week. By default, line items are served at all days and times. |
AdUnitTargeting | Represents targeted or excluded ad units. |
InventoryTargeting | A collection of targeted and excluded ad units and placements. |
Location | A Location represents a geographical entity that can be targeted. If a location type is not available because of the API version you are using, the location will be represented as just the base class, otherwise it will be sub-classed correctly. |
GeoTargeting | Provides line items the ability to target geographical locations. By default, line items target all countries and their subdivisions. With geographical targeting, you can target line items to specific countries, regions, metro areas, and cities. You can also exclude the same |
Targeting | Contains targeting criteria for LineItem objects. See LineItem::targeting. |
AdRule | An AdRule contains data that the ad server will use to generate a playlist of video ads. |
UniqueError | An error for a field which must satisfy a uniqueness constraint |
StringLengthError | Errors for Strings which do not meet given length constraints. |
StringFormatError | A list of error code for reporting invalid content of input strings. |
StatementError | An error that occurs while parsing Statement objects. |
ServerError | Errors related to the server. |
RequiredNumberError | A list of all errors to be used in conjunction with required number validators. |
RequiredError | Errors due to missing required field. |
RequiredCollectionError | A list of all errors to be used for validating sizes of collections. |
QuotaError | Describes a client-side error on which a user is attempting to perform an action to which they have no quota remaining. |
PublisherQueryLanguageSyntaxError | An error that occurs while parsing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PublisherQueryLanguageContextError | An error that occurs while executing a PQL query contained in a Statement object. |
PoddingError | Errors related to podding fields in ad rule slots. |
PermissionError | Errors related to incorrect permission. |
ParseError | Lists errors related to parsing. |
NotNullError | Caused by supplying a null value for an attribute that cannot be null. |
InventoryTargetingError | Lists all inventory errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
InternalApiError | Indicates that a server-side error has occured |
GeoTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with geographical targeting for a LineItem. |
FeatureError | Errors related to feature management. If you attempt using a feature that is not available to the current network you'll receive a FeatureError with the missing feature as the trigger. |
CustomTargetingError | Lists all errors related to CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CommonError | A place for common errors that can be used across services. |
CollectionSizeError | Error for the size of the collection being too large |
AuthenticationError | An error for an exception that occurred when authenticating. |
ApiVersionError | Errors related to the usage of API versions. |
AdRuleTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule targeting. |
AdRuleSlotError | Errors related to ad rule slots. |
AdRulePriorityError | Errors associated with ad rule priorities. |
AdRuleFrequencyCapError | Errors related to ad rule frequency caps |
AdRuleError | Errors ad rule break template objects. |
AdRuleDateError | Lists all errors associated with ad rule start and end dates. |
AdSpot | A AdSpot is a targetable entity used in the creation of AdRule objects |
BreakTemplate | A BreakTemplate defines what kinds of ads show at which positions within a pod |
BreakTemplateBreakTemplateMember | A building block of a pod template. |
Statement | Captures the |
String_ValueMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type String and value of type Value. |
Value | |
TextValue | Contains a string value. |
SetValue | Contains a set of Values. May not contain duplicates. |
NumberValue | Contains a numeric value. |
DateValue | Contains a date value. |
DateTimeValue | Contains a date-time value. |
BooleanValue | Contains a boolean value. |
ObjectValue | Contains an object value |
AdRulePage | Captures a page of AdRule objects. |
AdSpotPage | Captures a page of AdSpot objects. |
BreakTemplatePage | Captures a page of BreakTemplate objects. |
AdRuleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdRule objects. |
DeleteAdRules | The action used for deleting AdRule objects. |
DeactivateAdRules | The action used for pausing AdRule objects. |
ActivateAdRules | The action used for resuming AdRule objects. |
UpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on objects. |
AdRuleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdRuleServiceInterface | |
AdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariableVariableChoice | Stores variable choices that users can select from |
CreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a variable defined in a creative template. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a url variable defined in a creative template |
StringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a string variable defined in a creative template |
ListStringCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a list variable defined in a creative template. This is similar to StringCreativeTemplateVariable, except that there are possible choices to choose from |
LongCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a long variable defined in a creative template. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariable | Represents a file asset variable defined in a creative template |
CreativeTemplate | A template upon which a creative can be created. |
CreativeTemplatePage | Captures a page of CreativeTemplate objects. |
RangeError | A list of all errors associated with the Range constraint. |
NullError | Caused by supplying a non-null value for an attribute that should be null. |
InvalidUrlError | Lists all errors associated with URLs. |
CreativeTemplateOperationError | An error that can occur while performing an operation on a creative template. |
CreativeTemplateError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with CreativeTemplate. |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterface | |
CreativeTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
ThirdPartyDataDeclaration | Represents a set of declarations about what (if any) third party companies are associated with a given creative |
ConversionEvent_TrackingUrlsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type ConversionEvent and value of type TrackingUrls. |
CreativeWrapper | A |
TypeError | An error for a field which is an invalid type. |
LabelError | Errors specific to labels. |
CreativeWrapperError | Errors specific to creative wrappers. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterface | |
CreativeWrapperPage | Captures a page of CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CreativeWrapper objects. |
DeactivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for deactivating CreativeWrapper objects. |
ActivateCreativeWrappers | The action used for activating CreativeWrapper objects. |
CreativeWrapperServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
CustomTargetingKey | |
EntityLimitReachedError | An error that occurs when creating an entity if the limit on the number of allowed entities for a network has already been reached. |
EntityChildrenLimitReachedError | Lists errors relating to having too many children on an entity. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterface | |
CustomTargetingValue | |
CustomTargetingKeyPage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValuePage | Captures a page of CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingKeys | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingKey objects. Deleting a key will not delete the CustomTargetingValue objects associated with it. Also, if a custom targeting key that has been deleted is recreated, any previous custom targeting values associated with it that were not deleted will continue to exist. |
ActivateCustomTargetingKeys | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingKey objects. |
CustomTargetingValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
DeleteCustomTargetingValues | Represents the delete action that can be performed on CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ActivateCustomTargetingValues | The action used for activating inactive (i.e. deleted) CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomTargetingServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
CustomFieldOption | An option represents a permitted value for a custom field that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
CustomFieldError | Errors specific to editing custom fields |
CustomFieldServiceInterface | |
CustomField | An additional, user-created field on an entity. |
DropDownCustomField | A custom field that has the drop-down data type. |
CustomFieldPage | Captures a page of CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CustomField objects. |
DeactivateCustomFields | The action used for deactivating CustomField objects. |
ActivateCustomFields | The action used for activating CustomField objects. |
CustomFieldServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
AlternativeUnitTypeForecast | A view of the forecast in terms of an alternative unit type |
ContendingLineItem | Describes contending line items for a Forecast. |
TargetingCriteriaBreakdown | A single targeting criteria breakdown result. |
BreakdownForecast | Represents a single delivery data point, with both available and forecast number. |
ForecastBreakdownEntry | A single forecast breakdown entry. |
ForecastBreakdown | Represents the breakdown entries for a list of targetings and/or creatives. |
AvailabilityForecast | Describes predicted inventory availability for a ProspectiveLineItem |
ForecastBreakdownTarget | Specifies inventory targeted by a breakdown entry. |
CreativePlaceholder | A |
AppliedLabel | Represents a Label that can be applied to an entity. To negate an inherited label, create an |
ForecastBreakdownOptions | Configuration of forecast breakdown. |
AvailabilityForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item availability forecasts. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodInfo | Makegood info for a ProposalLineItemDto. |
ProposalLineItem | A |
Goal | Defines the criteria a LineItem needs to satisfy to meet its delivery goal. |
FrequencyCap | Represents a limit on the number of times a single viewer can be exposed to the same LineItem in a specified time period. |
BaseCustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField for a particular entity. |
DropDownCustomFieldValue | A CustomFieldValue for a CustomField that has a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN |
CustomFieldValue | The value of a CustomField that does not have a CustomField::dataType of CustomFieldDataType::DROP_DOWN. |
Money | Represents a money amount. |
DeliveryIndicator | Indicates the delivery performance of the LineItem. |
GrpSettings | |
ThirdPartyMeasurementSettings | Contains third party auto-pixeling settings for cross-sell Partners. |
CreativeTargeting | Represents the creative targeting criteria for a LineItem. |
LineItemDealInfoDto | Data transfer object for the exchange deal info of a line item. |
Stats | |
LineItemActivityAssociation | A |
CustomPacingGoal | An interval of a CustomPacingCurve. A custom pacing goal contains a start time and an amount. The goal will apply until either the next custom pacing goal's |
CustomPacingCurve | A curve consisting of CustomPacingGoal objects that is used to pace line item delivery. |
LineItemSummary | The |
LineItem | LineItem is an advertiser's commitment to purchase a specific number of ad impressions, clicks, or time. |
ProspectiveLineItem | Represents a prospective line item to be forecasted. |
VideoPositionTargetingError | Lists all errors related to VideoPositionTargeting. |
UserDomainTargetingError | Lists all errors related to user domain targeting for a line item. |
TranscodingError | Errors associated with the video and audio transcoding flow. |
TimeZoneError | Errors related to timezones. |
TechnologyTargetingError | Technology targeting validation errors. |
TeamError | Errors related to a Team. |
SetTopBoxLineItemError | Errors associated with set-top box line items. |
AudienceSegmentError | Errors that could occur on audience segment related requests. |
ReservationDetailsError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem's reservation details. |
RequiredSizeError | A list of all errors to be used for validating Size. |
RequestPlatformTargetingError | Errors related to request platform targeting. |
RegExError | Caused by supplying a value for an object attribute that does not conform to a documented valid regular expression. |
ProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic line items. |
PrecisionError | List all errors associated with number precisions. |
OrderError | Lists all errors associated with orders. |
OrderActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Order objects. |
MobileApplicationTargetingError | Lists all errors related to mobile application targeting for a line item. |
LineItemOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line items |
LineItemFlightDateError | Lists all errors associated with LineItem start and end dates. |
LineItemError | A catch-all error that lists all generic errors associated with LineItem. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationError | Lists all errors associated with line item-to-creative association dates. |
LineItemActivityAssociationError | Errors specific to associating activities to line items. |
LabelEntityAssociationError | Errors specific to creating label entity associations. |
InventoryUnitError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit objects. |
ImageError | Lists all errors associated with images. |
GrpSettingsError | Errors associated with line items with GRP settings. |
GenericTargetingError | Targeting validation errors that can be used by different targeting types. |
FrequencyCapError | Lists all errors associated with frequency caps. |
ForecastError | Errors that can result from a forecast request. |
DayPartTargetingError | Lists all errors associated with day-part targeting for a line item. |
DateTimeRangeTargetingError | Lists all date time range errors caused by associating a line item with a targeting expression. |
DateError | A list of all errors associated with the dates. |
CustomFieldValueError | Errors specific to editing custom field values |
CurrencyCodeError | Errors related to currency codes. |
CrossSellError | Lists all errors associated with cross selling. |
CreativeError | Lists all errors associated with creatives. |
CompanyCreditStatusError | Lists all errors due to Company::creditStatus. |
ClickTrackingLineItemError | Click tracking is a special line item type with a number of unique errors as described below. |
AudienceExtensionError | Errors associated with audience extension enabled line items |
AssetError | Lists all errors associated with assets. |
AdUnitCodeError | Lists the generic errors associated with AdUnit::adUnitCode. |
ForecastServiceInterface | |
DeliveryForecastOptions | Forecasting options for line item delivery forecasts. |
DeliveryForecast | The forecast of delivery for a list of ProspectiveLineItem objects to be reserved at the same time. |
LineItemDeliveryForecast | The forecasted delivery of a ProspectiveLineItem. |
TrafficDataRequest | Defines a segment of traffic for which traffic data should be returned. |
DateRange | Represents a range of dates that has an upper and a lower bound |
TrafficDataResponse | Contains forecasted and historical traffic volume data describing a segment of traffic. |
TimeSeries | Represents a chronological sequence of daily values. |
ForecastServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
LabelFrequencyCap | A |
AdSenseSettings | Contains the AdSense configuration for an AdUnit. |
AdUnitSize | An |
AdUnitParent | The summary of a parent AdUnit. |
AdUnit | An |
InventoryUnitSizesError | An error specifically for InventoryUnitSizes. |
InventoryUnitRefreshRateError | Lists errors relating to AdUnit::refreshRate. |
InvalidColorError | A list of all errors associated with a color attribute. |
CompanyError | A list of all errors associated with companies. |
AdUnitHierarchyError | Caused by creating an AdUnit object with an invalid hierarchy. |
AdSenseAccountError | Error for AdSense related API calls. |
InventoryServiceInterface | |
AdUnitPage | Captures a page of AdUnit objects. |
AdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on AdUnit objects. |
DeactivateAdUnits | The action used for deactivating AdUnit objects. |
ArchiveAdUnits | The action used for archiving AdUnit objects. |
ActivateAdUnits | The action used for activating AdUnit objects. |
InventoryServiceInterfaceChannel | |
InventoryService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AdUnit objects |
AdCategoryDto | A canonical ad category. |
Label | A |
LabelServiceInterface | |
LabelPage | Captures a page of Label objects. |
LabelAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Label objects. |
DeactivateLabels | The action used for deactivating Label objects. |
ActivateLabels | The action used for activating Label objects. |
LabelServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
Long_StatsMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type Long and value of type Stats. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationStats | Contains statistics such as impressions, clicks delivered and cost for LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
LineItemCreativeAssociation | A |
TemplateInstantiatedCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with template instantiated creatives. |
SwiffyConversionError | Error for converting flash to swiffy asset. |
SetTopBoxCreativeError | Errors associated with set-top box creatives. |
RichMediaStudioCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with Studio creatives. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationOperationError | Lists all errors for executing operations on line item-to-creative associations |
InvalidPhoneNumberError | Lists all errors associated with phone numbers. |
HtmlBundleProcessorError | Lists all errors associated with html5 file processing. |
FileError | A list of all errors to be used for problems related to files. |
CustomCreativeError | Lists all errors associated with custom creatives. |
CreativeSetError | Errors relating to creative sets & subclasses. |
CreativePreviewError | Errors associated with generation of creative preview URIs. |
CreativeAssetMacroError | Lists all errors associated with creative asset macros. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterface | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationPage | Captures a page of LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativeNativeStylePreview | Represents the NativeStyle of a Creative and its corresponding preview URL. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeleteLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deleting LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
DeactivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for deactivating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
ActivateLineItemCreativeAssociations | The action used for activating LineItemCreativeAssociation objects. |
CreativePushOptions | Data needed to push a creative to a mobile device. |
LineItemCreativeAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
LineItemServiceInterface | |
LineItemPage | Captures a page of LineItem objects. |
LineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LineItem objects. |
UnarchiveLineItems | The action used for unarchiving LineItem objects. |
ResumeLineItems | The action used for resuming LineItem objects. |
ResumeAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for resuming and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReserveLineItems | The action used for reserving LineItem objects. |
ReserveAndOverbookLineItems | The action used for reserving and overbooking LineItem objects. |
ReleaseLineItems | The action used for releasing LineItem objects. |
PauseLineItems | The action used for pausing LineItem objects. |
DeleteLineItems | The action used for deleting LineItem objects. A line item can be deleted if it has never been eligible to serve. Note: deleted line items will still count against your network limits. For more information, see the Help Center. |
ArchiveLineItems | The action used for archiving LineItem objects. |
ActivateLineItems | The action used for activating LineItem objects. |
LineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
LineItemTemplate | Represents the template that populates the fields of a new line item being created. |
LineItemTemplatePage | Captures a page of LineItemTemplate objects. |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterface | |
LineItemTemplateServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
BaseContact | Base class for a Contact. |
Contact | A |
InvalidEmailError | Caused by supplying a value for an email attribute that is not a valid email address. |
ContactError | Errors associated with |
ContactServiceInterface | |
ContactPage | Captures a page of Contact objects. |
ContactServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
DashBridge | A |
LiveStreamConditioning | Settings to specify all types of conditioning to apply to the associated LiveStreamEvent. |
PrefetchSettings | The information needed to prefetch ad requests for an ad break. |
MasterPlaylistSettings | Settings for the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) master playlist. |
HlsSettings | LiveStream settings that are specific to the HTTP live streaming (HLS) protocol. |
PrerollSettings | Settings for ad breaks on LiveStreamEvent that are specific to preroll. |
LiveStreamEvent | A |
VideoAdTagError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event ad tags. |
LiveStreamEventSlateError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent slate creative id. |
LiveStreamEventPrerollSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with preroll settings applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventDvrWindowError | Lists the errors associated with setting the LiveStreamEvent DVR window duration. |
LiveStreamEventDateTimeError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event start and end date times. |
LiveStreamEventCustomAssetKeyError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event custom asset keys. |
LiveStreamEventConditioningError | Lists all errors associated with conditioning applied to a LiveStreamEvent. |
LiveStreamEventCdnSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with LiveStreamEvent CDN configurations. |
LiveStreamEventActionError | Lists all errors associated with live stream event action. |
AdBreakMarkupError | An error for publisher provided ad break markups in a LiveStreamEvent which are invalid for the given StreamingFormat. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterface | |
Slate | A |
LiveStreamEventPage | Captures a page of LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlatePage | Captures a page of Slate objects. |
LiveStreamEventAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on LiveStreamEvent objects. |
RefreshLiveStreamEventMasterPlaylists | The action used for refreshing the master playlists of LiveStreamEvent objects |
PauseLiveStreamEvents | The action used for pausing LiveStreamEvent objects. |
PauseLiveStreamEventAds | The action used for pausing ads for LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ArchiveLiveStreamEvents | The action used for archiving LiveStreamEvent objects. |
ActivateLiveStreamEvents | The action used for activating LiveStreamEvent objects. |
SlateAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on slates. |
UnarchiveSlates | The action used for unarchiving slates. |
ArchiveSlates | The action used for archiving slates. |
LiveStreamEventServiceInterfaceChannel | |
LiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
MobileApplication | A mobile application that has been added to or "claimed" by the network to be used for targeting purposes. These mobile apps can come from various app stores. |
MobileApplicationError | Lists all errors associated with MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationActionError | Lists all error reasons associated with performing actions on MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterface | |
MobileApplicationPage | Captures a page of mobile applications. |
MobileApplicationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on mobile applications. |
ArchiveMobileApplications | The action used to deactivate MobileApplication objects. |
UnarchiveMobileApplications | The action used to activate MobileApplication objects. |
MobileApplicationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
MobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
Network | |
UrlError | Common errors for URLs. |
RequestError | Encapsulates the generic errors thrown when there's an error with user request. |
NetworkError | An error for a network. |
McmError | An error for multiple customer management. |
InventoryClientApiError | ApiError for common exceptions thrown when accessing AdSense InventoryClient. |
ExchangeSignupApiError | ApiError for exceptions thrown by ExchangeSignupService. |
NetworkServiceInterface | |
NetworkServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
Order | An |
OrderServiceInterface | |
OrderPage | Captures a page of Order objects. |
OrderAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Order objects. |
UnarchiveOrders | The action used for unarchiving Order objects. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
SubmitOrdersForApproval | The action used for submitting Order objects for approval. |
SubmitOrdersForApprovalAndOverbook | The action used for submitting and overbooking Order objects for approval. |
RetractOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for retracting Order objects. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
RetractOrders | The action used for retracting Order objects. |
ResumeOrders | The action used for resuming Order objects. LineItem objects within the order that are eligble to resume will resume as well. |
ResumeAndOverbookOrders | The action used for resuming and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will resume as well. |
PauseOrders | The action used for pausing all LineItem objects within an order. |
DisapproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. |
DisapproveOrders | The action used for disapproving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be disapproved as well. |
DeleteOrders | The action used for deleting Order objects. All line items within that order are also deleted. Orders can only be deleted if none of its line items have been eligible to serve. This action can be used to delete proposed orders and line items if they are no longer valid. |
ArchiveOrders | The action used for archiving Order objects. |
ApproveOrdersWithoutReservationChanges | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. This action does not make any changes to the LineItem::reservationStatus of the line items within the order. If there are reservable line items that have not been reserved the operation will not succeed. |
ApproveOrders | The action used for approving Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved, see the Ad Manager Help Center.
ApproveAndOverbookOrders | The action used for approving and overbooking Order objects. All LineItem objects within the order will be approved as well. For more information on what happens to an order and its line items when it is approved and overbooked, see the Ad Manager Help Center. |
OrderServiceInterfaceChannel | |
OrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
SiteTargetingInfo | Deprecated container for information required for AdWords advertisers to place their ads. |
Placement | A |
PlacementError | Class defining all validation errors for a placement. |
PlacementServiceInterface | |
PlacementPage | Captures a page of Placement objects. |
PlacementAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Placement objects. |
DeactivatePlacements | The action used for deactivating Placement objects. |
ArchivePlacements | The action used for archiving Placement objects. |
ActivatePlacements | The action used for activating Placement objects. |
PlacementServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
BuyerRfp | Represents the buyer RFP information associated with a Proposal describing the requirements from the buyer. |
ProposalMarketplaceInfo | Marketplace info for a proposal with a corresponding order in Marketplace. |
SalespersonSplit | A |
ProposalCompanyAssociation | A |
Proposal | A |
ProposalLineItemProgrammaticError | Errors associated with programmatic proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemMakegoodError | Lists all errors for makegood proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemError | Lists all errors associated with proposal line items. |
ProposalError | Lists all errors associated with proposals. |
ProposalActionError | Lists all errors associated with performing actions on Proposal objects. |
ExchangeRateError | Lists all errors associated with ExchangeRate objects. |
DealError | Errors associated with creating or updating programmatic proposals. |
BillingError | Lists all errors associated with the billing settings of a proposal or proposal line item. |
ProposalServiceInterface | |
MarketplaceCommentPage | Captures a page of MarketplaceComment objects. |
MarketplaceComment | A comment associated with a programmatic Proposal that has been sent to Marketplace. |
ProposalPage | Captures a page of Proposal objects. |
ProposalAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Proposal objects. |
UpdateOrderWithSellerData | The action to update a finalized Marketplace Order with the seller's data. |
UnarchiveProposals | The action used for unarchiving Proposal objects. |
TerminateNegotiations | The action for marking all negotiations on the Proposal as terminated in Marketplace. |
ResumeProposals | The action used for resuming programmatic Proposal objects. |
ReserveProposals | The action to reserve inventory for Proposal objects. It does not allow overbooking unless #allowOverbook is set to |
RequestBuyerReview | The action used to request buyer review for the Proposal. |
RequestBuyerAcceptance | The action used to request acceptance from the buyer for the Proposal through Marketplace. This action does check forecasting unless #allowOverbook is set to |
PauseProposals | The action used for pausing programmatic Proposal objects. |
EditProposalsForNegotiation | Opens the fields of a Proposal for edit |
DiscardLocalVersionEdits | The action for reverting the local Proposal modifications to reflect the latest terms and private data in Marketplace. |
ArchiveProposals | The action used for archiving Proposal objects. |
ProposalServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
ProposalLineItemActionError | Lists all errors for executing operations on proposal line items. |
PreferredDealError | Errors associated with preferred deal proposal line items. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterface | |
ProposalLineItemPage | Captures a page of ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ProposalLineItem objects. |
UnarchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for unarchiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ResumeProposalLineItems | The action used for resuming ProposalLineItem objects. |
ReserveProposalLineItems | The action to reserve inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. It does not overbook inventory unless #allowOverbook is set to |
ReleaseProposalLineItems | The action used for releasing inventory for ProposalLineItem objects. |
PauseProposalLineItems | The action used for pausing ProposalLineItem objects. |
ArchiveProposalLineItems | The action used for archiving ProposalLineItem objects. |
ProposalLineItemServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
Row | Each Row object represents data about one entity in a ResultSet. |
TargetingValue | Contains a Targeting value |
ChangeHistoryValue | This class is unused. It exists only to provide reference documentation of the possible values for type and ChangeHistoryOperation. |
ColumnType | Contains information about a column in a ResultSet. |
ResultSet | The |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterface | |
PublisherQueryLanguageServiceInterfaceChannel | |
PublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
ReportError | An error for an exception that occurred while running the report. |
ReportServiceInterface | |
ReportDownloadOptions | Represents the options for an API report download request. See ReportService::getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions. |
SavedQueryPage | A page of SavedQuery objects. |
SavedQuery | A saved ReportQuery representing the selection criteria for running a report. |
ReportQuery | A |
ReportJob | Represents a report job that will be run to retrieve performance and statistics information about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales. |
ReportServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
SuggestedAdUnit | A |
SuggestedAdUnitPage | Contains a page of SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterface | |
SuggestedAdUnitAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
ApproveSuggestedAdUnits | Action to approve SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitUpdateResult | Represents the result of performing an action on SuggestedAdUnit objects. |
SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
DaiAuthenticationKey | A |
DaiAuthenticationKeyActionError | Lists all errors associated with DAI authentication key actions. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterface | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyPage | Captures a page of DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DeactivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for deactivating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
ActivateDaiAuthenticationKeys | The action used for activating DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
DaiAuthenticationKeyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
Team | A |
TeamServiceInterface | |
TeamPage | Captures a page of Team objects. |
TeamAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Team objects. |
DeactivateTeams | The action used for deactivating Team objects. |
ActivateTeams | The action used for activating Team objects. |
TeamServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
UserRecord | The |
User | Represents a user of the system |
TokenError | An error for an exception that occurred when using a token. |
UserServiceInterface | |
Role | Each |
UserPage | Captures a page of User objects |
UserAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on User objects. |
DeactivateUsers | The action used for deactivating User objects. |
ActivateUsers | The action used for activating User objects. |
UserServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
UserRecordTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociation | |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterface | |
UserTeamAssociationPage | Captures a page of UserTeamAssociation objects. |
UserTeamAssociationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on UserTeamAssociation objects. |
DeleteUserTeamAssociations | Action to delete the association between a User and a Team. |
UserTeamAssociationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
UserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
NativeStyle | Used to define the look and feel of native ads, for both web and apps. Native styles determine how native creatives look for a segment of inventory. |
NativeStyleError | Errors for native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterface | |
NativeStylePage | Captures a page of NativeStyle objects. |
NativeStyleAction | Represents an action that can be performed on native styles. |
DeactivateNativeStyles | Action to deactivate native styles. |
ArchiveNativeStyles | Action to archive native styles. |
ActivateNativeStyles | Action to activate native styles. |
NativeStyleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
NativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
HistoricalBasisVolumeSettings | Settings to specify the volume of ad opportunities per day over the ForecastAdjustment date range based on the traffic volume of a historical reference period |
TotalVolumeSettings | Settings to specify a single total traffic volume that will be used as the expected total future volume for a forecast adjustment |
ForecastAdjustment | Provides information about the expected volume and composition of traffic over a date range for a traffic forecast segment. |
TrafficForecastSegmentError | Lists all errors associated with traffic forecast segments. |
ForecastAdjustmentError | Lists all errors associated with forecast adjustments. |
AdjustmentServiceInterface | |
TrafficForecastSegment | An entity that defines a segment of traffic that will be adjusted or explored. |
ForecastAdjustmentPage | A page of ForecastAdjustmentDto objects. |
TrafficForecastSegmentPage | A page of TrafficForecastSegmentDto objects. |
ForecastAdjustmentAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on objects. |
DeactivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for deactivating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
ActivateForecastAdjustments | The action used for activating ForecastAdjustment objects. |
AdjustmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
CmsMetadataKey | Key associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyPage | Captures a page of CMS metadata key objects. |
MetadataMergeSpecError | Errors associated with metadata merge specs. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterface | |
CmsMetadataValuePage | Captures a page of CMS metadata value objects. |
CmsMetadataValue | Key value pair associated with a piece of content from a publisher's CMS. |
CmsMetadataKeyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataKey objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataKeys | The action used for activating CmsMetadataKey objects. |
CmsMetadataValueAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CmsMetadataValue objects. |
DeactivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for deactivating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
ActivateCmsMetadataValues | The action used for activating CmsMetadataValue objects. |
CmsMetadataServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
TargetingPreset | User-defined preset targeting criteria. |
TargetingPresetServiceInterface | |
TargetingPresetPage | Captures a paged query of TargetingPresetDto objects. |
TargetingPresetAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on TargetingPresetDto objects. |
DeleteTargetingPresetAction | Action to delete saved targeting expressions. |
TargetingPresetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
TargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
TrackingEventPing | |
CreativeTranscode | |
AdDecisionCreative | |
SamError | |
AdResponse | |
AdBreak | |
StreamCreateRequest | |
VodStreamCreateRequest | |
LinearStreamCreateRequest | |
SamSession | |
SamSessionError | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterface | |
StreamActivityMonitorServiceInterfaceChannel | |
StreamActivityMonitorService | |
AudioSettings | Information about the audio settings of an encoding profile. |
VideoSettings | Information about the video settings of an encoding profile. |
DaiEncodingProfile | A DaiEncodingProfile contains data about a publisher's encoding profiles. Ad Manager Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) uses the profile information about the content to select an appropriate ad transcode to play for the particular video. |
DaiEncodingProfileVariantSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile variant settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileUpdateError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile updates. |
DaiEncodingProfileNameError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile names. |
DaiEncodingProfileContainerSettingsError | Lists all errors associated with encoding profile container settings. |
DaiEncodingProfileAdMatchingError | Lists all warnings associated with validating encoding profiles. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterface | |
DaiEncodingProfilePage | Captures a page of DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ArchiveDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for archiving DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
ActivateDaiEncodingProfiles | The action used for activating DaiEncodingProfile objects. |
DaiEncodingProfileServiceInterfaceChannel | |
DaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
DisapprovalReason | |
Site | |
SiteError | Errors associated with the |
SiteServiceInterface | |
SitePage | |
SiteAction | |
SubmitSiteForApproval | |
DeactivateSite | |
SiteServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SiteService | |
FirstPartyAudienceSegmentRule | Rule of a FirstPartyAudienceSegment that defines user's eligibility criteria to be part of a segment. |
AudienceSegmentDataProvider | Data provider that owns this segment. For a FirstPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the publisher network. For a SharedAudienceSegment or a ThirdPartyAudienceSegment, it would be the entity that provides that AudienceSegment. |
AudienceSegment | An AudienceSegment represents audience segment object. |
SharedAudienceSegment | A SharedAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by another entity and shared with the publisher network. |
ThirdPartyAudienceSegment | A ThirdPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by a data provider and licensed to the Ad Manager publisher. |
FirstPartyAudienceSegment | A FirstPartyAudienceSegment is an AudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegmentSummary is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. |
RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A RuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It contains a rule. |
NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment | A NonRuleBasedFirstPartyAudienceSegment is a FirstPartyAudienceSegment owned by the publisher network. It doesn't contain a rule. Cookies are usually added to this segment via cookie upload. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterface | |
AudienceSegmentPage | Represents a page of AudienceSegment objects. |
AudienceSegmentAction | Action that can be performed on AudienceSegment objects. |
RejectAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to reject them. |
PopulateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to populate them based on last 30 days of traffic. |
DeactivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to deactivate them. |
ApproveAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on ThirdPartyAudienceSegment objects to approve them. |
ActivateAudienceSegments | Action that can be performed on FirstPartyAudienceSegment objects to activate them. |
AudienceSegmentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
YieldParameter | |
YieldParameter_StringMapEntry | This represents an entry in a map with a key of type YieldParameter and value of type String. |
AbstractDisplaySettings | |
SdkMediationSettings | |
OpenBiddingSetting | |
YieldAdSource | |
YieldGroup | |
YieldError | |
IdError | |
DistinctError | |
YieldGroupServiceInterface | |
YieldGroupPage | |
YieldPartner | |
YieldPartnerSettings | |
YieldGroupServiceInterfaceChannel | |
YieldGroupService | |
SegmentPopulationResults | |
SegmentPopulationError | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterface | |
SegmentPopulationAction | |
ProcessAction | |
SegmentPopulationRequest | |
SegmentPopulationResponse | |
SegmentPopulationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
SegmentPopulationService | |
AdsTxtServiceInterface | |
AdsTxtServiceInterfaceChannel | |
AdsTxtService | |
SecurityPolicySettings | A set of security requirements to authenticate against in order to access video content. Different locations (e.g. different CDNs) can have different security policies. |
MediaLocationSettings | Configuration that associates a media location with a security policy and the authentication credentials needed to access the content. |
SourceContentConfiguration | Parameters about this CDN configuration as a source of content. This facilitates fetching the original content for conditioning and delivering the original content as part of a modified stream. |
CdnConfiguration | A CdnConfiguration encapsulates information about where and how to ingest and deliver content enabled for DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion). |
CdnConfigurationError | Errors associated with CdnConfigurations. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterface | |
CdnConfigurationPage | Captures a page of CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on CdnConfiguration objects. |
ArchiveCdnConfigurations | The action used for archiving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ActivateCdnConfigurations | The action used for activating CdnConfiguration objects. |
CdnConfigurationServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ViewabilityProvider | Information required for Company of Type VIEWABILITY_PROVIDER. It contains all of the data needed to capture viewability metrics. |
ChildPublisher | A |
Company | A |
CompanyServiceInterface | |
CompanyPage | Captures a page of Company objects. |
CompanyAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on |
ResendInvitationAction | The action used by the parent network to resend an invitation email with the same proposal to an expired child publisher. |
EndAgreementAction | The action used by the parent network to withdraw from being the MCM parent for a child. |
ReInviteAction | The action used by the parent network to send a new invitation with a potentially updated proposal to a rejected or withdrawn child publisher. |
CompanyServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
ContentBundle | A |
ContentFilterError | Errors associated with the incorrect creation of a Condition. |
ContentBundleServiceInterface | |
ContentBundlePage | Captures a page of ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on ContentBundle objects. |
DeactivateContentBundles | The action used for deactivating ContentBundle objects. |
ActivateContentBundles | The action used for activating ContentBundle objects. |
ContentBundleServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
CmsContent | Contains information about Content from the CMS it was ingested from. |
DaiIngestError | Represents an error associated with a DAI content's status. |
Content | A |
ContentPage | Captures a page of |
ContentServiceInterface | |
ContentServiceInterfaceChannel | |
ContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
BaseCreativeTemplateVariableValue | A base class for storing values of the CreativeTemplateVariable. |
UrlCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::URL. |
StringCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::STRING and VariableType::LIST. |
LongCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::LONG. |
AssetCreativeTemplateVariableValue | Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable of VariableType::ASSET. |
CreativeAsset | A |
ClickTag | Click tags define click-through URLs for each exit on an HTML5 creative. An exit is any area that can be clicked that directs the browser to a landing page. Each click tag defines the click-through URL for a different exit. In Ad Manager, tracking pixels are attached to the click tags if URLs are valid. |
CustomCreativeAsset | A |
VideoMetadata | Metadata for a video asset. |
Asset | Base asset properties. |
RedirectAsset | An externally hosted asset. |
VideoRedirectAsset | An externally-hosted video asset. |
RichMediaStudioChildAssetProperty | Represents a child asset in |
Creative | A |
VastRedirectCreative | A |
UnsupportedCreative | A |
ThirdPartyCreative | A |
TemplateCreative | A |
ProgrammaticCreative | A |
LegacyDfpCreative | A |
InternalRedirectCreative | A |
Html5Creative | A |
HasDestinationUrlCreative | A |
CustomCreative | A |
BaseVideoCreative | A base type for video creatives. |
VideoRedirectCreative | A |
VideoCreative | A |
SetTopBoxCreative | A |
BaseImageRedirectCreative | The base type for creatives that load an image asset from a specified URL. |
ImageRedirectOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageRedirectCreative | A |
BaseImageCreative | The base type for creatives that display an image. |
ImageOverlayCreative | An overlay |
ImageCreative | A |
BaseAudioCreative | A base type for audio creatives. |
AudioRedirectCreative | A |
AudioCreative | A |
AspectRatioImageCreative | A |
ClickTrackingCreative | A creative that is used for tracking clicks on ads that are served directly from the customers' web servers or media servers. NOTE: The size attribute is not used for click tracking creative and it will not be persisted upon save. |
BaseRichMediaStudioCreative | A |
RichMediaStudioCreative | A |
BaseDynamicAllocationCreative | A base class for dynamic allocation creatives. |
HasHtmlSnippetDynamicAllocationCreative | Dynamic allocation creative with a backfill code snippet. |
AdSenseCreative | An AdSense dynamic allocation creative. |
AdExchangeCreative | An Ad Exchange dynamic allocation creative. |
CreativeServiceInterface | |
CreativePage | Captures a page of Creative objects. |
CreativeAction | Represents the actions that can be performed on Creative objects. |
DeactivateCreatives | The action used for deactivating Creative objects. |
ActivateCreatives | The action used for activating Creative objects. |
CreativeServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
CreativeSet | A creative set is comprised of a master creative and its companion creatives. |
CreativeSetServiceInterface | |
CreativeSetPage | Captures a page of CreativeSet objects. |
CreativeSetServiceInterfaceChannel | |
CreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
IAdRuleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving AdRule objects |
ICreativeTemplateService | Provides methods for retrieving CreativeTemplate objects. |
ICreativeWrapperService | Provides methods for the creation and management of creative wrappers. CreativeWrappers allow HTML snippets to be served along with creatives |
ICustomTargetingService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving CustomTargetingKey and CustomTargetingValue objects. |
ICustomFieldService | Provides methods for the creation and management of CustomField objects. |
IForecastService | Provides methods for estimating traffic (clicks/impressions) for line items. Forecasts can be provided for LineItem objects that exist in the system or which have not had an ID set yet |
IInventoryService | |
ILabelService | Provides methods for the creation and management of Labels. |
ILineItemCreativeAssociationService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemCreativeAssociation objects |
ILineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItem objects |
ILineItemTemplateService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LineItemTemplate objects. |
IContactService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Contact objects. |
ILiveStreamEventService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects |
IMobileApplicationService | Provides methods for retrieving MobileApplication objects. |
INetworkService | Provides operations for retrieving information related to the publisher's networks. This service can be used to obtain the list of all networks that the current login has access to, or to obtain information about a specific network. |
IOrderService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Order objects |
IPlacementService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving Placement objects |
IProposalService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Proposal objects. |
IProposalLineItemService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ProposalLineItem objects. |
IPublisherQueryLanguageService | Provides methods for executing a PQL Statement to retrieve information from the system. In order to support the selection of columns of interest from various tables, Statement objects support a "select" clause |
IReportService | Provides methods for executing a ReportJob and retrieving performance and statistics about ad campaigns, networks, inventory and sales |
ISuggestedAdUnitService | This service provides operations for retrieving and approving SuggestedAdUnit objects |
IDaiAuthenticationKeyService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiAuthenticationKey objects. |
ITeamService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving Team objects |
IUserService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving User objects |
IUserTeamAssociationService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving UserTeamAssociation objects |
INativeStyleService | Provides methods for creating and retrieving NativeStyle objects. |
IAdjustmentService | Provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ForecastAdjustments and TrafficForecastSegments |
ICmsMetadataService | Provides methods for querying CMS metadata keys and values |
ITargetingPresetService | Service for interacting with Targeting Presets. |
IStreamActivityMonitorService | |
IDaiEncodingProfileService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving DaiEncodingProfile objects |
ISiteService | |
IAudienceSegmentService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving AudienceSegment objects. |
IYieldGroupService | |
ISegmentPopulationService | |
IAdsTxtService | |
ICdnConfigurationService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving CdnConfiguration objects. |
ICompanyService | Provides operations for creating, updating and retrieving Company objects. |
IContentBundleService | Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving ContentBundle objects |
IContentService | Service for retrieving Content |
ICreativeService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving Creative objects |
ICreativeSetService | Provides methods for adding, updating and retrieving CreativeSet objects. |
Common | |
Config | |
ConfigSetting | A config setting, to be used with AppConfigBase and derived classes. |
ConfigSetting< T > | A config setting of a specified type, to be used with AppConfigBase and derived classes. |
Lib | |
AdsClient | This interface defines a client protocol (SOAP, WSE, REST, etc.) supported by the library. |
AdsException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the library related to an Ads API call. |
AdsService | Lists all the services available through this library. |
AdsServiceInspectorBehavior | Adds inspectors for authentication, SOAP headers, and logging to Ads API services. |
AdsSoapClient< TChannel > | Base class for all SOAP services supported by this library. |
AdsUser | Represents an Ads API user. |
AppConfig | Interface for common configuration properties. |
AppConfigBase | This class reads the configuration keys from App.config. |
Configurable | Marks a class as configurable. |
ErrorHandler | Handles errors for an Ads API. |
GzipHeaderInspector | OAuth2 client message inspector that adds encoding HTTP headers. |
ServiceFactory | Interface to a factory which can create a particular group of services. For every new service supported, you need an implementation of this interface. |
ServiceSignature | Defines an API signature object. This class is used as a support class to assist AdsUser in creating a service object. |
SoapFaultInspector< TException > | Inspector that deserializes SOAP faults into AdsExceptions and rethrows them. |
AdsOAuthException | Exception thrown when OAuth authentication with Ads server fails. |
AdsOAuthProvider | Provides OAuth authorization mechanism for Ads services. |
AdsOAuthProviderForApplications | Provides OAuth authorization mechanism for Ads services when using Web and Installed application flows. |
AdsOAuthProviderForServiceAccounts | Provides OAuth authorization mechanism for Ads services when using service account flow. |
OAuth2ProviderBase | Legacy base class for OAuth provider. Maintained for backward compatibility purposes. |
OAuth2ProviderForApplications | Legacy base class for OAuth provider. Maintained for backward compatibility purposes. |
OAuth2ProviderForServiceAccounts | Legacy base class for OAuth provider. Maintained for backward compatibility purposes. |
Logging | |
AdsFeatureUsageRegistry | A utility class for tracking the usage of various features in the client library. |
DefaultBodyFormatter | Default instance of TraceFormatter. This class doesn't do any formatting transformation. |
DefaultTraceWriter | Default instance of TraceWriter, which just delegates to TraceUtilities. |
ITraceWriter | Interface for SOAP trace log writers. |
JsonBodyFormatter | Formats a JSON trace message by masking out sensitive fields. |
KeyValueMessageFormatter | Formats a Key-value collection message by masking out sensitive fields. |
LogEntry | Helper class for logging. |
RequestInfo | Stores the details of an HTTP request being logged. |
ResponseInfo | Stores the details of an HTTP response being logged. |
SoapListener | Listens to SOAP messages sent and received by this library. |
SoapListenerInspector | Define a SOAP Extension that traces the SOAP request and SOAP response for the XML Web service method the SOAP extension is applied to. |
SoapTraceFormatter | Formats a SOAP message. |
TraceFormatter | Formats a Trace message. |
TraceListener | Listens to SOAP messages sent and received by this library. |
UrlEncodedBodyFormatter | Formats a URL encoded HTTP trace message by masking out sensitive fields. |
OAuth | |
AdsOAuthProviderImpl | Default implementation of OAuth2 provider. |
OAuthClientMessageInspector | OAuth2 client message inspector that adds authorization HTTP headers. |
Util | |
Reports | |
AdsReportUtilities | The base class for all Ads API report download utilities. |
ReportResponse | Represents a report response from the server. |
AdsReportsException | Custom exception class for handling reporting errors. |
CsvException | Custom exception class for handling csv errors. |
CsvFile | Wraps the functionalities to read and write from a CSV file. |
DateTimeProvider | Provides the current date and time, without depending directly on System.DateTime. This makes testing code that depends on timestamps easier. |
DefaultDateTimeProvider | Default implementation of DateTimeProvider. |
DeprecationUtilities | Utility class to display deprecation message at runtime. |
HttpUtilities | Utility class for various HTTP tasks. |
PreconditionUtilities | Provides utility methods for checking preconditions. |
SerializationUtilities | This class provides utility methods in serializing and deserializing an object as xml. |
TemporaryIdGenerator | Generates a sequence of temporary negative IDs. |
TraceUtilities | Provides utility methods to write to Trace stream. |
XmlUtilities | Utilities for working with XML. |