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Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202408.TargetingValue Class Reference

Contains a Targeting value. More...

Inheritance diagram for Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202408.TargetingValue:
Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202408.ObjectValue Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202408.Value


Targeting value [get, set]
 The More...

Detailed Description

Contains a Targeting value.

This object is experimental! TargetingValue is an experimental, innovative, and rapidly changing new feature for Ad Manager. Unfortunately, being on the bleeding edge means that we may make backwards-incompatible changes to TargetingValue. We will inform the community when this feature is no longer experimental.

Property Documentation

Targeting Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202408.TargetingValue.value


Targeting value.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: