Contains the AdSense configuration for an AdUnit.
bool | adSenseEnabled [get, set] |
| Specifies whether or not the AdUnit is enabled for serving ads from the AdSense content network. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set More...
bool | adSenseEnabledSpecified [get, set] |
string | borderColor [get, set] |
| Specifies the Hexadecimal border color, from More...
string | titleColor [get, set] |
| Specifies the Hexadecimal title color of an ad, from More...
string | backgroundColor [get, set] |
| Specifies the Hexadecimal background color of an ad, from More...
string | textColor [get, set] |
| Specifies the Hexadecimal color of the text of an ad, from More...
string | urlColor [get, set] |
| Specifies the Hexadecimal color of the URL of an ad, from More...
AdSenseSettingsAdType | adType [get, set] |
| Specifies what kind of ad can be served by this AdUnit from the AdSense Content Network. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set More...
bool | adTypeSpecified [get, set] |
AdSenseSettingsBorderStyle | borderStyle [get, set] |
| Specifies the border-style of the AdUnit. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set More...
bool | borderStyleSpecified [get, set] |
AdSenseSettingsFontFamily | fontFamily [get, set] |
| Specifies the font family of the AdUnit. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set More...
bool | fontFamilySpecified [get, set] |
AdSenseSettingsFontSize | fontSize [get, set] |
| Specifies the font size of the AdUnit. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set More...
bool | fontSizeSpecified [get, set] |
Contains the AdSense configuration for an AdUnit.
bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.adSenseEnabled |
getset |
Specifies whether or not the AdUnit is enabled for serving ads from the AdSense content network. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set
, the attribute is defaulted to true
bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.adSenseEnabledSpecified |
getset |
Specifies what kind of ad can be served by this AdUnit from the AdSense Content Network. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set
, the attribute is defaulted to AdType::TEXT_AND_IMAGE.
bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.adTypeSpecified |
getset |
, if a value is specified for adType, false
string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.backgroundColor |
getset |
Specifies the Hexadecimal background color of an ad, from
. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set backgroundColor
, the attribute is defaulted to FFFFFF
string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.borderColor |
getset |
Specifies the Hexadecimal border color, from
. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set borderColor
, the attribute is defaulted to FFFFFF
Specifies the border-style of the AdUnit. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set
, the attribute is defaulted to BorderStyle::DEFAULT.
bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.borderStyleSpecified |
getset |
, if a value is specified for borderStyle, false
Specifies the font family of the AdUnit. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set
, the attribute is defaulted to FontFamily::DEFAULT.
bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.fontFamilySpecified |
getset |
, if a value is specified for fontFamily, false
Specifies the font size of the AdUnit. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set
, the attribute is defaulted to FontSize::DEFAULT.
bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.fontSizeSpecified |
getset |
, if a value is specified for fontSize, false
string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.textColor |
getset |
Specifies the Hexadecimal color of the text of an ad, from
. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set textColor
, the attribute is defaulted to 000000
string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.titleColor |
getset |
Specifies the Hexadecimal title color of an ad, from
. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set titleColor
, the attribute is defaulted to 0000FF
string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.AdSenseSettings.urlColor |
getset |
Specifies the Hexadecimal color of the URL of an ad, from
. This attribute is optional and defaults to the ad unit's parent or ancestor's setting if one has been set. If no ancestor of the ad unit has set urlColor
, the attribute is defaulted to 008000
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