Contains statistics such as impressions, clicks delivered and cost for LineItemCreativeAssociation objects.
Contains statistics such as impressions, clicks delivered and cost for LineItemCreativeAssociation objects.
Money Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.LineItemCreativeAssociationStats.costInOrderCurrency |
getset |
The revenue generated thus far by the creative from its association with the particular line item in the publisher's currency.
Long_StatsMapEntry [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.LineItemCreativeAssociationStats.creativeSetStats |
getset |
A map containing Stats objects for each creative belonging to a creative set,
for non creative set associations.
Stats Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202311.LineItemCreativeAssociationStats.stats |
getset |
A Stats object that holds delivered impressions and clicks statistics.
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