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Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative Class Reference

A More...

Inheritance diagram for Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative:
Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Creative Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.RichMediaStudioCreative


long studioCreativeId [get, set]
 The creative ID as known by Rich Media Studio creative. This attribute is readonly. More...
bool studioCreativeIdSpecified [get, set]
RichMediaStudioCreativeFormat creativeFormat [get, set]
 The creative format of the Rich Media Studio creative. This attribute is readonly. More...
bool creativeFormatSpecified [get, set]
RichMediaStudioCreativeArtworkType artworkType [get, set]
 The type of artwork used in this creative. This attribute is readonly. More...
bool artworkTypeSpecified [get, set]
long totalFileSize [get, set]
 The total size of all assets in bytes. This attribute is readonly. More...
bool totalFileSizeSpecified [get, set]
string[] adTagKeys [get, set]
 Ad tag keys. This attribute is optional and updatable. More...
string[] customKeyValues [get, set]
 Custom key values. This attribute is optional and updatable. More...
string surveyUrl [get, set]
 The survey URL for this creative. This attribute is optional and updatable. More...
string allImpressionsUrl [get, set]
 The tracking URL to be triggered when an ad starts to play, whether Rich Media or backup content is displayed. Behaves like the More...
string richMediaImpressionsUrl [get, set]
 The tracking URL to be triggered when any rich media artwork is displayed in an ad. Behaves like the More...
string backupImageImpressionsUrl [get, set]
 The tracking URL to be triggered when the Rich Media backup image is served. This attribute is optional and updatable. More...
string overrideCss [get, set]
 The override CSS. You can put custom CSS code here to repair creative styling; e.g. More...
string requiredFlashPluginVersion [get, set]
 The Flash plugin version required to view this creative; e.g. More...
int duration [get, set]
 The duration of the creative in milliseconds. This attribute is optional and updatable. More...
bool durationSpecified [get, set]
RichMediaStudioCreativeBillingAttribute billingAttribute [get, set]
 The billing attribute associated with this creative. This attribute is read only. More...
bool billingAttributeSpecified [get, set]
RichMediaStudioChildAssetProperty[] richMediaStudioChildAssetProperties [get, set]
 The list of child assets associated with this creative. This attribute is read only. More...
SslScanResult sslScanResult [get, set]
 The SSL compatibility scan result of this creative. More...
bool sslScanResultSpecified [get, set]
SslManualOverride sslManualOverride [get, set]
 The manual override for the SSL compatibility of this creative. More...
bool sslManualOverrideSpecified [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Creative
long advertiserId [get, set]
 The ID of the advertiser that owns the creative. This attribute is required. More...
bool advertiserIdSpecified [get, set]
long id [get, set]
 Uniquely identifies the More...
bool idSpecified [get, set]
string name [get, set]
 The name of the creative. This attribute is required and has a maximum length of 255 characters. More...
Size size [get, set]
 The Size of the creative. This attribute is required for creation and then is read-only. More...
string previewUrl [get, set]
 The URL of the creative for previewing the media. This attribute is read-only and is assigned by Google when a creative is created. More...
CreativePolicyViolation[] policyLabels [get, set]
 Set of policy labels detected for this creative. This attribute is read-only. More...
AppliedLabel[] appliedLabels [get, set]
 The set of labels applied to this creative. More...
DateTime lastModifiedDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time this creative was last modified. More...
BaseCustomFieldValue[] customFieldValues [get, set]
 The values of the custom fields associated with this creative. More...
ThirdPartyDataDeclaration thirdPartyDataDeclaration [get, set]
 The third party companies associated with this creative. More...

Detailed Description


Creative that is created by a Rich Media Studio.

Property Documentation

string [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.adTagKeys

Ad tag keys. This attribute is optional and updatable.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.allImpressionsUrl

The tracking URL to be triggered when an ad starts to play, whether Rich Media or backup content is displayed. Behaves like the

URL that DART used to track impressions. This URL can't exceed 1024 characters and must start with http:// or https://. This attribute is optional and updatable.

RichMediaStudioCreativeArtworkType Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.artworkType

The type of artwork used in this creative. This attribute is readonly.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.artworkTypeSpecified

true, if a value is specified for artworkType, false otherwise.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.backupImageImpressionsUrl

The tracking URL to be triggered when the Rich Media backup image is served. This attribute is optional and updatable.

RichMediaStudioCreativeBillingAttribute Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.billingAttribute

The billing attribute associated with this creative. This attribute is read only.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.billingAttributeSpecified

true, if a value is specified for billingAttribute, false otherwise.

RichMediaStudioCreativeFormat Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.creativeFormat

The creative format of the Rich Media Studio creative. This attribute is readonly.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.creativeFormatSpecified

true, if a value is specified for creativeFormat, false otherwise.

string [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.customKeyValues

Custom key values. This attribute is optional and updatable.

int Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.duration

The duration of the creative in milliseconds. This attribute is optional and updatable.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.durationSpecified

true, if a value is specified for duration, false otherwise.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.overrideCss

The override CSS. You can put custom CSS code here to repair creative styling; e.g.

tr td { background-color:#FBB; }. This attribute is optional and updatable.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.requiredFlashPluginVersion

The Flash plugin version required to view this creative; e.g.

Flash 10.2/AS 3. This attribute is read only.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.richMediaImpressionsUrl

The tracking URL to be triggered when any rich media artwork is displayed in an ad. Behaves like the

/imp URL that DART used to track impressions. This URL can't exceed 1024 characters and must start with http:// or https://. This attribute is optional and updatable.

RichMediaStudioChildAssetProperty [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.richMediaStudioChildAssetProperties

The list of child assets associated with this creative. This attribute is read only.

SslManualOverride Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.sslManualOverride

The manual override for the SSL compatibility of this creative.

This attribute is optional and defaults to SslManualOverride::NO_OVERRIDE.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.sslManualOverrideSpecified

true, if a value is specified for sslManualOverride, false otherwise.

SslScanResult Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.sslScanResult

The SSL compatibility scan result of this creative.

This attribute is read-only and determined by Google.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.sslScanResultSpecified

true, if a value is specified for sslScanResult, false otherwise.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.studioCreativeId

The creative ID as known by Rich Media Studio creative. This attribute is readonly.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.studioCreativeIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for studioCreativeId, false otherwise.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.surveyUrl

The survey URL for this creative. This attribute is optional and updatable.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.totalFileSize

The total size of all assets in bytes. This attribute is readonly.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.BaseRichMediaStudioCreative.totalFileSizeSpecified

true, if a value is specified for totalFileSize, false otherwise.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: