Ads API .NET library
Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects. More...
Provides methods for creating, updating and retrieving LiveStreamEvent objects.
This feature is only available for Ad Manager 360 networks. Publishers will need to be activated through the Video > Live streams tab in the Ad Manager UI. For access, apply through your account manager.
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Creates a new instance of the LiveStreamEventService class.
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Creates a new instance of the LiveStreamEventService class.
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Creates a new instance of the LiveStreamEventService class.
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Creates a new instance of the LiveStreamEventService class.
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Creates a new instance of the LiveStreamEventService class.
inlinevirtual |
Creates new LiveStreamEvent objects.
The following fields are required:
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ILiveStreamEventService.
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inlinevirtual |
Create new slates.
A slate creative is served as backup content in a live stream event when no other creatives are eligible to be served.
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ILiveStreamEventService.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Gets a LiveStreamEventPage of LiveStreamEvent objects that satisfy the given Statement::query. The following fields are supported for filtering:
PQL Property | Object Property |
id | LiveStreamEvent::id |
slateCreativeId | LiveStreamEvent::slateCreativeId |
assetKey | LiveStreamEvent::assetKey |
streamCreateDaiAuthenticationKeyIds | LiveStreamEvent::streamCreateDaiAuthenticationKeyIds |
dynamicAdInsertionType | LiveStreamEvent::dynamicAdInsertionType |
streamingFormat | LiveStreamEvent::streamingFormat |
customAssetKey | LiveStreamEvent::customAssetKey |
daiEncodingProfileIds | LiveStreamEvent::daiEncodingProfileIds |
segmentUrlAuthenticationKeyIds | LiveStreamEvent::segmentUrlAuthenticationKeyIds |
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.LiveStreamEventServiceInterface.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Gets a SlatePage of Slate objects that satisfy the given Statement::query. The following fields are supported for filtering:
PQL Property | Object Property |
id | Slate::id |
name | Slate::name |
lastModifiedDateTime | Slate::lastModifiedDateTime |
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.LiveStreamEventServiceInterface.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Performs actions on LiveStreamEvent objects that match the given Statement::query.
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.LiveStreamEventServiceInterface.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Performs actions on slates that match the given Statement.
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.LiveStreamEventServiceInterface.
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inlinevirtual |
Updates the specified LiveStreamEvent objects.
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ILiveStreamEventService.
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inlinevirtual |
Update existing slates.
Only the slateName is editable.
Implements Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ILiveStreamEventService.
inlinevirtual |