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Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order Class Reference

An More...


long id [get, set]
 The unique ID of the More...
bool idSpecified [get, set]
string name [get, set]
 The name of the More...
DateTime startDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time at which the More...
DateTime endDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time at which the More...
bool unlimitedEndDateTime [get, set]
 Specifies whether or not the More...
bool unlimitedEndDateTimeSpecified [get, set]
OrderStatus status [get, set]
 The status of the More...
bool statusSpecified [get, set]
bool isArchived [get, set]
 The archival status of the More...
bool isArchivedSpecified [get, set]
string notes [get, set]
 Provides any additional notes that may annotate the More...
int externalOrderId [get, set]
 An arbitrary ID to associate to the More...
bool externalOrderIdSpecified [get, set]
string poNumber [get, set]
 The purchase order number for the More...
string currencyCode [get, set]
 The ISO currency code for the currency used by the More...
long advertiserId [get, set]
 The unique ID of the Company, which is of type Company.Type::ADVERTISER, to which this order belongs. This attribute is required. More...
bool advertiserIdSpecified [get, set]
long[] advertiserContactIds [get, set]
 List of IDs for advertiser contacts of the order. More...
long agencyId [get, set]
 The unique ID of the Company, which is of type Company.Type::AGENCY, with which this order is associated. This attribute is optional. More...
bool agencyIdSpecified [get, set]
long[] agencyContactIds [get, set]
 List of IDs for agency contacts of the order. More...
long creatorId [get, set]
 The unique ID of the User who created the More...
bool creatorIdSpecified [get, set]
long traffickerId [get, set]
 The unique ID of the User responsible for trafficking the More...
bool traffickerIdSpecified [get, set]
long[] secondaryTraffickerIds [get, set]
 The IDs of the secondary traffickers associated with the order. This value is optional. More...
long salespersonId [get, set]
 The unique ID of the User responsible for the sales of the More...
bool salespersonIdSpecified [get, set]
long[] secondarySalespersonIds [get, set]
 The IDs of the secondary salespeople associated with the order. This value is optional. More...
long totalImpressionsDelivered [get, set]
 Total impressions delivered for all line items of this More...
bool totalImpressionsDeliveredSpecified [get, set]
long totalClicksDelivered [get, set]
 Total clicks delivered for all line items of this More...
bool totalClicksDeliveredSpecified [get, set]
long totalViewableImpressionsDelivered [get, set]
 Total viewable impressions delivered for all line items of this More...
bool totalViewableImpressionsDeliveredSpecified [get, set]
Money totalBudget [get, set]
 Total budget for all line items of this More...
AppliedLabel[] appliedLabels [get, set]
 The set of labels applied directly to this order. More...
AppliedLabel[] effectiveAppliedLabels [get, set]
 Contains the set of labels applied directly to the order as well as those inherited from the company that owns the order. If a label has been negated, only the negated label is returned. This field is readonly and is assigned by Google. More...
string lastModifiedByApp [get, set]
 The application which modified this order. This attribute is read only and is assigned by Google. More...
bool isProgrammatic [get, set]
 Specifies whether or not the More...
bool isProgrammaticSpecified [get, set]
long[] appliedTeamIds [get, set]
 The IDs of all teams that this order is on directly. More...
DateTime lastModifiedDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time this order was last modified. More...
BaseCustomFieldValue[] customFieldValues [get, set]
 The values of the custom fields associated with this order. More...

Detailed Description


Order represents a grouping of individual LineItem objects, each of which fulfill an ad request from a particular advertiser.

Property Documentation

long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.advertiserContactIds

List of IDs for advertiser contacts of the order.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.advertiserId

The unique ID of the Company, which is of type Company.Type::ADVERTISER, to which this order belongs. This attribute is required.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.advertiserIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for advertiserId, false otherwise.

long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.agencyContactIds

List of IDs for agency contacts of the order.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.agencyId

The unique ID of the Company, which is of type Company.Type::AGENCY, with which this order is associated. This attribute is optional.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.agencyIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for agencyId, false otherwise.

AppliedLabel [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.appliedLabels

The set of labels applied directly to this order.

long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.appliedTeamIds

The IDs of all teams that this order is on directly.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.creatorId

The unique ID of the User who created the

on behalf of the advertiser. This value is readonly and is assigned by Google.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.creatorIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for creatorId, false otherwise.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.currencyCode

The ISO currency code for the currency used by the

Order. This value is read-only and is the network's currency code.

BaseCustomFieldValue [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.customFieldValues

The values of the custom fields associated with this order.

AppliedLabel [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.effectiveAppliedLabels

Contains the set of labels applied directly to the order as well as those inherited from the company that owns the order. If a label has been negated, only the negated label is returned. This field is readonly and is assigned by Google.

DateTime Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.endDateTime

The date and time at which the

Order and its associated line items stop being served. This attribute is readonly and is derived from the line item of the order which has the latest LineItem::endDateTime.

int Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.externalOrderId

An arbitrary ID to associate to the

Order, which can be used as a key to an external system. This value is optional.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.externalOrderIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for externalOrderId, false otherwise.


The unique ID of the

Order. This value is readonly and is assigned by Google.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.idSpecified

true, if a value is specified for id, false otherwise.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.isArchived

The archival status of the

Order. This attribute is readonly.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.isArchivedSpecified

true, if a value is specified for isArchived, false otherwise.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.isProgrammatic

Specifies whether or not the

Order is a programmatic order. This value is optional and defaults to false.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.isProgrammaticSpecified

true, if a value is specified for isProgrammatic, false otherwise.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.lastModifiedByApp

The application which modified this order. This attribute is read only and is assigned by Google.

DateTime Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.lastModifiedDateTime

The date and time this order was last modified.


The name of the

Order. This value is required to create an order and has a maximum length of 255 characters.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.notes

Provides any additional notes that may annotate the

Order. This attribute is optional and has a maximum length of 65,535 characters.

string Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.poNumber

The purchase order number for the

Order. This value is optional and has a maximum length of 63 characters.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.salespersonId

The unique ID of the User responsible for the sales of the

Order. This value is optional.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.salespersonIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for salespersonId, false otherwise.

long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.secondarySalespersonIds

The IDs of the secondary salespeople associated with the order. This value is optional.

long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.secondaryTraffickerIds

The IDs of the secondary traffickers associated with the order. This value is optional.

DateTime Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.startDateTime

The date and time at which the

Order and its associated line items are eligible to begin serving. This attribute is readonly and is derived from the line item of the order which has the earliest LineItem::startDateTime.

OrderStatus Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.status

The status of the

Order. This attribute is read-only.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.statusSpecified

true, if a value is specified for status, false otherwise.

Money Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalBudget

Total budget for all line items of this

Order. This value is a readonly field assigned by Google and is calculated from the associated LineItem::costPerUnit values.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalClicksDelivered

Total clicks delivered for all line items of this

Order. This value is read-only and is assigned by Google.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalClicksDeliveredSpecified

true, if a value is specified for totalClicksDelivered, false otherwise.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalImpressionsDelivered

Total impressions delivered for all line items of this

. This value is read-only and is assigned by Google.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalImpressionsDeliveredSpecified

true, if a value is specified for totalImpressionsDelivered, false otherwise.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalViewableImpressionsDelivered

Total viewable impressions delivered for all line items of this

Order. This value is read-only and is assigned by Google. Starting in v201705, this will be null when the order does not have line items trafficked against a viewable impressions goal.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.totalViewableImpressionsDeliveredSpecified

true, if a value is specified for totalViewableImpressionsDelivered, false otherwise.

long Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.traffickerId

The unique ID of the User responsible for trafficking the

Order. This value is required for creating an order.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.traffickerIdSpecified

true, if a value is specified for traffickerId, false otherwise.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.unlimitedEndDateTime

Specifies whether or not the

Order has an unlimited end date. This attribute is readonly and is true if any of the order's line items has LineItem::unlimitedEndDateTime set to true.

bool Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.Order.unlimitedEndDateTimeSpecified

true, if a value is specified for unlimitedEndDateTime, false otherwise.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: