Dimension[] | dimensions [get, set] |
| The list of break-down types being requested in the report. The generated report will contain the dimensions in the same order as requested. This field is required. More...
ReportQueryAdUnitView | adUnitView [get, set] |
| The ad unit view for the report. Defaults to AdUnitView::TOP_LEVEL. More...
bool | adUnitViewSpecified [get, set] |
Column[] | columns [get, set] |
| The list of trafficking statistics and revenue information being requested in the report. The generated report will contain the columns in the same order as requested. This field is required. More...
DimensionAttribute[] | dimensionAttributes [get, set] |
| The list of break-down attributes being requested in this report. Some DimensionAttribute values can only be used with certain Dimension values that must be included in the #dimensions attribute. The generated report will contain the attributes in the same order as requested. More...
long[] | customFieldIds [get, set] |
| The list of CustomField::id being requested in this report. To add a CustomField to the report, you must include its corresponding Dimension, determined by the CustomField::entityType, as a dimension. More...
long[] | cmsMetadataKeyIds [get, set] |
| The list of content CMS metadata key IDs being requested in this report. Each of these IDs must have been defined in the CMS metadata key. This will include dimensions in the form of More...
long[] | customDimensionKeyIds [get, set] |
| The list of custom dimension custom targeting key IDs being requested in this report. This will include dimensions in the form of More...
Date | startDate [get, set] |
| The start date from which the reporting information is gathered. The More...
Date | endDate [get, set] |
| The end date upto which the reporting information is gathered. The More...
DateRangeType | dateRangeType [get, set] |
| The period of time for which the reporting data is being generated. In order to define custom time periods, set this to DateRangeType::CUSTOM_DATE. If set to DateRangeType::CUSTOM_DATE, then ReportQuery::startDate and ReportQuery::endDate will be used. More...
bool | dateRangeTypeSpecified [get, set] |
Statement | statement [get, set] |
| Specifies a filter to use for reporting on data. This filter will be used in conjunction (joined with an AND statement) with the date range selected through #dateRangeType, #startDate, and #endDate. The syntax currently allowed for Statement::query is
string | reportCurrency [get, set] |
| The currency for revenue metrics. Defaults to the network currency if left More...
TimeZoneType | timeZoneType [get, set] |
bool | timeZoneTypeSpecified [get, set] |
object allows you to specify the selection criteria for generating a report. Only reports with at least one Column are supported.
long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ReportQuery.cmsMetadataKeyIds |
getset |
The list of content CMS metadata key IDs being requested in this report. Each of these IDs must have been defined in the CMS metadata key. This will include dimensions in the form of
where where ID
is the ID of the CMS metadata value and
is the name.
To add IDs, you must include Dimension::CMS_METADATA in #dimensions, and specify a non-empty list of content CMS metadata key IDs. The order of content CMS metadata columns in the report correspond to the place of Dimension::CMS_METADATA in #dimensions. For example, if #dimensions contains the following dimensions in the order: Dimension::ADVERTISER_NAME, Dimension::CMS_METADATA and Dimension::COUNTRY_NAME, and #cmsMetadataKeyIds contains the following IDs in the order: 1001 and 1002. The order of dimensions in the report will be: Dimension.ADVERTISER_NAME, Dimension.CMS_METADATA_KEY[1001]_VALUE, Dimension.CMS_METADATA_KEY[1002]_VALUE, Dimension.COUNTRY_NAME, Dimension.ADVERTISER_ID, Dimension.CMS_METADATA_KEY[1001]_ID, Dimension.CMS_METADATA_KEY[1002]_ID, Dimension.COUNTRY_CRITERIA_ID
long [] Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ReportQuery.customDimensionKeyIds |
getset |
The list of custom dimension custom targeting key IDs being requested in this report. This will include dimensions in the form of
where ID
is the ID of the custom targeting value and VALUE
is the name.
To add IDs, you must include Dimension::CUSTOM_DIMENSION in #dimensions, and specify a non-empty list of custom targeting key IDs. The order of cusotm dimension columns in the report correspond to the place of Dimension::CUSTOM_DIMENSION in #dimensions. For example, if #dimensions contains the following dimensions in the order: Dimension::ADVERTISER_NAME, Dimension::CUSTOM_DIMENSION and Dimension::COUNTRY_NAME, and #customCriteriaCustomTargetingKeyIds contains the following IDs in the order: 1001 and 1002. The order of dimensions in the report will be: Dimension.ADVERTISER_NAME, Dimension.TOP_LEVEL_DIMENSION_KEY[1001]_VALUE, Dimension.TOP_LEVEL_DIMENSION_KEY[1002]_VALUE, Dimension.COUNTRY_NAME, Dimension.ADVERTISER_ID, Dimension.TOP_LEVEL_DIMENSION_KEY[1001]_ID, Dimension.TOP_LEVEL_DIMENSION_KEY[1002]_ID, Dimension.COUNTRY_CRITERIA_ID.
Statement Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.v202402.ReportQuery.statement |
getset |
Specifies a filter to use for reporting on data. This filter will be used in conjunction (joined with an AND statement) with the date range selected through #dateRangeType, #startDate, and #endDate. The syntax currently allowed for Statement::query is
[WHERE <condition> {AND <condition> ...}]
#x160;#x160;#x160;#x160; := <property> = <value>
#x160;#x160;#x160;#x160; := <property> = <bind variable>
<condition> := <property> IN <list>
<bind variable> := :<name>
where property is the enumeration name of a Dimension that can be filtered.
For example, the statement "WHERE LINE_ITEM_ID IN
(34344, 23235)" can be used to generate a report for a specific set of line items
Filtering on IDs is highly recommended over filtering on names, especially for geographical entities. When filtering on names, matching is case sensitive.