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Package Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.Examples.CSharp.v202402


class  CreateActivityGroups
 This code example creates new activity groups. To determine which activity groups exist, run GetAllActivityGroups.cs. More...
class  GetActiveActivityGroups
 This example gets all active activity groups. More...
class  GetAllActivityGroups
 This example gets all activity groups. More...
class  UpdateActivityGroups
 This code example updates activity groups by adding a company. To determine which activity groups exist, run GetAllActivityGroups.cs. More...
class  CreateActivities
 This code example creates new activities. To determine which activities exist, run GetAllActivities.cs. More...
class  GetActiveActivities
 This example gets all active activities. More...
class  GetAllActivities
 This example gets all activities. More...
class  UpdateActivities
 This code example updates activity expected URLs. To determine which activities exist, run GetAllActivities.cs. More...
class  CreateTrafficAdjustments
 This example creates a new Forecast Adjustment of 110% for New Years Day Traffic. More...
class  CreateTrafficForecastSegments
 This example creates a traffic forecast segment for all ad units in the United States." More...
class  GetAllForecastAdjustments
 This example gets all forecast adjustments. More...
class  GetAllTrafficForecastSegments
 This example gets all traffic forecast segments. More...
class  GetForecastAdjustmentsForTrafficForecastSegment
 This example gets all forecast adjustments for a given traffic forecast segment. More...
class  UpdateForecastAdjustments
 This example updates a Forecast Adjustment's name. More...
class  CreateAudienceSegments
 This code example creates new rule based first party audience segments. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. More...
class  GetAllAudienceSegments
 This example gets all audience segments. More...
class  GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments
 This example gets all first party audience segments. More...
class  PopulateFirstPartyAudienceSegments
 This code example populates a specific rule base first party audience segment. To determine which audience segments exist, run GetAllAudienceSegments.cs. More...
class  UpdateAudienceSegments
 This code example updates a first party audience segment's member expiration days. To determine which first party audience segments exist, run GetFirstPartyAudienceSegments.cs. More...
class  CreateCdnConfigurations
 This code example creates new CDN configurations. More...
class  GetAllCdnConfigurations
 This example gets all CDN configurations. More...
class  ActivateCmsMetadataValues
 This example activates all CMS metadata values for the given key. More...
class  GetAllCmsMetadataKeys
 This example gets all CMS metadata keys. More...
class  GetAllCmsMetadataValues
 This example gets all CMS metadata values. More...
class  GetCmsMetadataValuesForKey
 This example gets all CMS metadata values. More...
class  CreateCompanies
 This code example creates new companies. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. More...
class  GetAdvertisers
 This example gets all companies that are advertisers. More...
class  GetAllCompanies
 This example gets all companies. More...
class  UpdateCompanies
 This code example updates company comments. To determine which companies exist, run GetAllCompanies.cs. More...
class  CreateContacts
 This code example creates new contacts. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. More...
class  GetAllContacts
 This example gets all contacts. More...
class  GetUninvitedContacts
 This example gets all contacts that aren't invited yet. More...
class  UpdateContacts
 This code example updates contact addresses. To determine which contacts exist, run GetAllContacts.cs. More...
class  GetAllContent
 This example gets all content. More...
class  GetRecentlyModifiedContent
 This example gets recently modified content. More...
class  CopyImageCreatives
 This code example creates a copy of an image creative. This would typically be done to reuse creatives in a small business network. To determine which creatives exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. More...
class  CreateCreativeFromTemplate
 This code example creates a new template creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. To determine which creative templates exist, run GetAllCreativeTemplates.cs. More...
class  CreateCreatives
 This code example creates new image creatives for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. More...
class  CreateCustomCreative
 This code example creates a custom creative for a given advertiser. To determine which companies are advertisers, run GetCompaniesByStatement.cs. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. More...
class  CreateNativeCreative
 This code example creates a new native creative. To determine which creatives already exist, run GetAllCreatives.cs. More...
class  CreateVideoCreative
 This code example creates a new video creative for a given advertiser. More...
class  GetAllCreatives
 This example gets all creatives. More...
class  GetImageCreatives
 This example gets all image creatives. More...
class  UpdateCreatives
 This code example updates image creatives. To create an image creative, run CreateCreatives.cs. More...
class  GetAllCreativeSets
 This example gets all creative sets. More...
class  GetCreativeSetsForMasterCreative
 This example gets all creative sets for a master creative. More...
class  GetAllCreativeTemplates
 This example gets all creative templates. More...
class  GetSystemDefinedCreativeTemplates
 This example gets all system defined creative templates. More...
class  CreateCreativeWrappers
 This code example creates a new creative wrapper. Creative wrappers must be associated with a LabelType.CREATIVE_WRAPPER label and applied to ad units by AdUnit.appliedLabels. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. More...
class  DeActivateCreativeWrappers
 This code example deactivates all creative wrappers belonging to a label. More...
class  GetActiveCreativeWrappers
 This example gets all active creative wrappers. More...
class  GetAllCreativeWrappers
 This example gets all creative wrappers. More...
class  UpdateCreativeWrappers
 This code example updates a creative wrapper to the 'OUTER' wrapping order. To determine which creative wrappers exist, run GetAllCreativeWrappers.cs. More...
class  CreateCustomFieldOptions
 This code example creates custom field options for a drop-down custom field. Once created, custom field options can be found under the options fields of the drop-down custom field and they cannot be deleted. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. More...
class  CreateCustomFields
 This code example creates custom fields. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. More...
class  DeactivateCustomFields
 This code example deactivates a custom field. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. More...
class  GetAllCustomFields
 This example gets all custom fields. More...
class  GetCustomFieldsForLineItems
 This example gets all custom fields that can be applied to line items. More...
class  SetLineItemCustomFieldValue
 This code example sets custom field values on a line item. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. To create custom field options, run CreateCustomFieldOptions.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. More...
class  UpdateCustomFields
 This code example updates custom field descriptions. To determine which custom fields exist, run GetAllCustomFields.cs. More...
class  CreateCustomTargetingKeysAndValues
 This code example creates new custom targeting keys and values. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. To target these custom targeting keys and values, run TargetCustomCriteria.cs. More...
class  GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues
 This example gets all custom targeting values. More...
class  GetPredefinedCustomTargetingKeysAndValues
 This example gets predefined custom targeting keys and values. More...
class  UpdateCustomTargetingKeys
 This code example updates the display name of each custom targeting key up to the first 500. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. More...
class  UpdateCustomTargetingValues
 This code example updates the display name of custom targeting values. To determine which custom targeting keys exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. More...
class  GetAvailabilityForecast
 This code example gets a forecast for a prospective line item. More...
class  GetAvailabilityForecastById
 This code example gets a forecast for an existing line item. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. More...
class  GetDeliveryForecastByIds
 This code example gets a delivery forecast for existing line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. More...
class  GetTrafficData
 This example gets run-of-network traffic for the previous and next 7 days. More...
class  CreateAdUnits
 This code example creates new ad units under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAdUnitTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. More...
class  CreateVideoAdUnit
 This code example creates a new video ad unit under the effective root ad unit. To determine which ad units exist, run GetInventoryTree.cs or GetAllAdUnits.cs. More...
class  DeActivateAdUnits
 This code example deactivates all active ad units. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs or GetInventoryTree.cs. More...
class  GetAdUnitsByStatement
 This code example gets all child ad units of the effective root ad unit. To create an ad unit, run CreateAdUnits.cs. More...
class  GetAllAdUnits
 This example gets all ad units. More...
class  GetAllAdUnitSizes
 This example gets all ad unit sizes. More...
class  GetInventoryTree
 This code example retrieves a previously created ad units and creates a tree. More...
class  UpdateAdUnits
 This code example updates an ad unit's sizes by adding a banner ad size. More...
class  CreateLabels
 This code example creates new labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. More...
class  DeactivateActiveLabels
 This code example deactivates all active labels. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. More...
class  GetActiveLabels
 This example gets all active labels. More...
class  GetAllLabels
 This example gets all labels. More...
class  UpdateLabels
 This code example updates a label's description. To determine which labels exist, run GetAllLabels.cs. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. More...
class  ActivateLicas
 This code example activates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. More...
class  CreateLicas
 This code example creates new line item creative associations (LICAs) for an existing line item and a set of creative ids. For small business networks, the creative ids must represent new or copied creatives as creatives cannot be used for more than one line item. For premium solution networks, the creative ids can represent any creative. To copy creatives, run CopyImageCreatives.cs. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicasExample.cs. More...
class  DeactivateLicas
 This code example deactivates all LICAs for a given line item. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. More...
class  GetAllLicas
 This example gets all line item creative associations. More...
class  GetLicasForLineItem
 This example gets all line item creative associations for a given line item. More...
class  PushCreativeToDevices
 This code example pushes a LICA to a linked device for preview. To determine which linked devices exist, use the PublisherQueryLanguageService linked_device table. More...
class  UpdateLicas
 This code example updates the destination URL of a LICA. To determine which LICAs exist, run GetAllLicas.cs. More...
class  ActivateLineItem
 This code example activates all line items for the given order. To be activated, line items need to be in the approved (needs creatives) state and have at least one creative associated with them. To approve line items, approve the order to which they belong by running ApproveOrders.cs. To create LICAs, run CreateLicas.cs. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItem.cs. More...
class  CreateLineItems
 This code example creates new line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. To determine the IDs for locations, run GetGeoTargets.cs More...
class  CreateVideoLineItem
 This code example creates a new line item to serve to video content. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. To create a video ad unit, run CreateVideoAdUnit.cs. To determine which content metadata key hierarchies exist, run GetAllContentMetadataKeyHierarchies.cs. More...
class  GetAllLineItems
 This example gets all line items. More...
class  GetLineItemsThatNeedCreatives
 This example gets all line items that are missing creatives. More...
class  GetRecentlyUpdatedLineItems
 This example gets only recently updated line items. More...
class  TargetCustomCriteria
 This code example updates a line item to add custom criteria targeting. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. To determine which custom targeting keys and values exist, run GetAllCustomTargetingKeysAndValues.cs. More...
class  UpdateLineItems
 This code example updates the delivery rate of a line items. To determine which line items exist, run GetAllLineItems.cs. More...
class  CreateNativeStyles
 This code example creates a new native style. More...
class  GetAllNativeStyles
 This example gets all native styles. More...
class  GetAllNetworks
 This example gets all networks. More...
class  GetCurrentNetwork
 This code example gets the current network that you can make requests against. More...
class  GetDefaultThirdPartyDataDeclaration
 This code example gets the current network's default third party data declaration. More...
class  MakeTestNetwork
 This code example creates a test network. You do not need to have an Ad Manager account to run this example, but you do need to have a new Google account (created at that is not associated with any other Ad Manager networks (including old sandbox networks). Once this network is created, you can supply the network code in your settings to make calls to other services. More...
class  ApproveOrder
 This code example approves an order and all line items belonging to that order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. More...
class  CreateOrders
 This code example creates new orders. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. More...
class  GetAllOrders
 This example gets all orders. More...
class  GetOrdersStartingSoon
 This example gets all orders that are starting soon. More...
class  UpdateOrders
 This code example updates the note of an order. To determine which orders exist, run GetAllOrders.cs. More...
class  CreatePlacements
 This code example creates new placements for various ad unit sizes. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. More...
class  DeactivatePlacement
 This code example deactivates a placement. To determine which placements exist, run GetAllPlacements.cs. More...
class  GetActivePlacements
 This example gets all active placements. More...
class  GetAllPlacements
 This example gets all placements. More...
class  UpdatePlacements
 This code example updates the description of a placement. More...
class  ArchiveProposalLineItem
 This code example archives a proposal line item. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItem.cs. More...
class  CreateProposalLineItems
 This example creates a new proposal line item. More...
class  GetAllProposalLineItems
 This example gets all proposal line items. More...
class  GetProposalLineItemsForProposal
 This example gets all proposal line items belonging to a specific proposal. More...
class  UpdateProposalLineItems
 This code example updates a proposal line item's notes. To determine which proposal line items exist, run GetAllProposalLineItems.cs. More...
class  CreateProposals
 This example creates a proposal. More...
class  GetAllProposals
 This example gets all proposals. More...
class  GetMarketplaceComments
 This example gets the Marketplace comments for a programmatic proposal. More...
class  GetProposalsAwaitingSellerReivew
 This example gets all proposals awaiting seller review. More...
class  RequestBuyerAcceptance
 This example sends programmatic proposals to Marketplace to request buyer acceptance. More...
class  UpdateProposals
 This code example updates the note of an proposal. To determine which proposals exist, run GetAllProposals.cs. More...
class  FetchMatchTables
 This code example fetches and creates match table files from the Line_Item and Ad_Unit tables. This example may take a while to run. More...
class  GetAllLineItemsUsingPql
 This code example gets all line items in your network using the Line_Item table. This code example may take a while to run. The Line_Item PQL table schema can be found here: More...
class  GetAllProgrammaticBuyers
 This example gets all programmatic buyers in your network using the Programmatic_Buyer table. More...
class  GetGeoTargets
 This code example gets geographic criteria from the Geo_Target table, such as all cities available to target. Other types include 'Country', 'Region', 'State', 'Postal_Code', and 'DMA_Region' (i.e. Metro). A full list of available geo target types can be found at More...
class  GetLineItemsNamedLike
 This code example gets all line items which have a name beginning with "line item". This code example may take a while to run. More...
class  GetMcmEarnings
 This example gets Multiple Customer Management earning information for the prior month. More...
class  GetRecentChanges
 This example gets recent changes in your network using the Change_History table. More...
class  RunDeliveryReport
 This code example runs a report similar to the "Orders report" in the Ad Manager UI with additional attributes and can filter to include just one order. The report is saved to the specified file path. More...
class  RunInventoryReport
 This code example runs a report equal to the "Whole network report" in the Ad Manager UI. The report is saved to the specified file path. More...
class  RunReachReport
 This code example runs a reach report. The report is saved to the specified file path. More...
class  RunReachReportWithAdUnitDimensions
 This code example runs a reach report with ad unit dimensions. The report is saved to the specified file path. More...
class  RunReportWithCustomFields
 This code example runs a report that includes custom fields found in the line items of an order. To download the report see DownloadReport.cs. More...
class  RunSavedQuery
 This code example runs a report from a saved query. More...
class  CreateSites
 This code example creates new sites. More...
class  GetAllSites
 This example gets all sites. More...
class  GetSitesRequiringApproval
 This example gets sites under Multiple Customer Management requiring review. More...
class  SubmitSiteForApproval
 This example submits a site for approval. More...
class  ApproveSuggestedAdUnits
 This code example approves all suggested ad units with 50 or more requests. This feature is only available to Ad Manager 360 networks. More...
class  GetAllSuggestedAdUnits
 This example gets all suggested ad units. More...
class  GetHighlyRequestedSuggestedAdUnits
 This example gets all highly requested suggested ad units. More...
class  GetAllTargetingPresets
 This example gets all targeting presets. More...
class  CreateTeams
 This code example creates new teams. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. More...
class  GetAllTeams
 This example gets all teams. More...
class  UpdateTeams
 This code example updates a team by adding an ad unit to it. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which ad units exist, run GetAllAdUnits.cs. More...
class  CreateUsers
 This code example creates new users. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. More...
class  DeactivateUser
 This code example deactivates a user. Deactivated users can no longer make requests to the API. The user making the request cannot deactivate itself. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. More...
class  GetAllRoles
 This example gets all roles. More...
class  GetAllUsers
 This example gets all users. More...
class  GetCurrentUser
 This code example gets current user. To create users, run CreateUsers.cs. More...
class  GetUserByEmailAddress
 This example gets users by email. More...
class  UpdateUsers
 This code example updates a user by adding "Sr." to the end of its name. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. More...
class  CreateUserTeamAssociations
 This code example adds a user to a team by creating an association between the two. To determine which teams exist, run GetAllTeams.cs. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. More...
class  DeleteUserTeamAssociation
 This code example removes the user from all its teams. To determine which users exist, run GetAllUsers.cs. More...
class  GetAllUserTeamAssociations
 This example gets all user team associations. More...
class  GetUserTeamAssociationsForUser
 This example gets all user team associations (i.e. teams) for a given user. More...
class  UpdateUserTeamAssociations
 This code example updates user team associations by setting the overridden access type to read only for all teams that the user belongs to. To determine which users exists, run GetAllUsers.cs. More...